��1 5�6��4
<br /> re�e�ve�er�ain.�fsc�os�re�,to req�es�and�b�a.in�an�el�atinn af the Mo�tg�.ge Insu�-�nce,to have the 1V][ur�gage
<br /> Yn.suraace term�nat�d a.u�omat�cally,and.�ag to receive a r�fund of any Mm�g�ge�nsuran�e p�em�ums that tivere
<br /> unearned at�he time af su�h ca��ellation ar�ermin�t�an.
<br /> 11..A►.ss�gnffiemt of Miscellanevus Proeeeds;l�arfe���re.All l�I�s�ellaneaus�roceeds are hereby ass�gned to and
<br /> shall.�be paid�a lLend�r
<br /> �f�:he Properiy is damaged,such Miscellaneous�'roceeds shaTl��appli.ed to restora.t�an ar repair af the Praperty,if
<br /> the res�oratian a�-repair�s ecanom�ra.�ly feas�bi�and Lender's 5ecuri�y is not lessened..During such repair and res�ora�ian
<br /> period,Lender shall have the ri�ht ta hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds unt�I Lender has had an oppartuni.ty to insp��t
<br /> such Proper�y ta ensure the�vork has been camp�eted to Lender'S sa�isfac���n,provided�hat such inspection sha�1 be
<br /> undertaken pra�p�ly.Lender may pay for the repairs and restoratian�n a si.ngle disbursement or in a s�ries of pragress
<br /> paymen�s as the�vork is completed.Unless an agreernent is rnade�n�itYng or A.pp�icable La�,v requ�res interest to be
<br /> paid�n�uch M�scellaneous Prace�ds,Lender sha11 nat be requir�d to pa�Borraurer any�n�erest or eamings an such
<br /> Miscellaneaus Pr�ceeds.If�he restora�on ar repa�r i�no�t ecanomica�ly feasib�e ar Lender�s secunit�would be lessened;
<br /> the Mrscellaneo�s Proceeds sha�1 be appli�d to the su�ns secured by this 5ecur�ty�nstrument,whe�her or not then due,
<br /> w��h�e excess,if any,pard to Borrower. Such Misce�Ianeous�roceed�sha11 be applied in�he order provided far in
<br /> Sectian 2.
<br /> �n the even�af a�otal taking, desixuction, or Iass in valu�of the Proper�V,the Miscella�eous Proceeds shall be
<br /> a:pplied ta�he su�ns secured by th:is Sec�.uit�Ins�en�, vvhether or no��en due, with#.�ie e�cess; �f any, paid to
<br /> Borr�wer
<br /> In the even�af a par�ial�aking,d��truction,ar I�ss in value af the Properiy in which�.he faxr maxket value of the
<br /> Properry immed�.a�el�hefare the�artrai�-ng,destructian,ar Ioss in value is e�ual to or greater�han the axnount of the
<br /> sums secured��r�his Security Lnstrument�mmedia�eX�before the partza��akxng,destruct�on, ar loss in value,unless
<br /> Borrower and L�nder otherwxse agree i�.a vvri.ting,the sums secured by this Security rnstrum.en�sha�I be reduced b��he
<br /> axnount af the Miscell.aneous Proceeds multiplied by�ie failo�ving frac��an: �a��h.�total amoun�of�he�ums secured
<br /> im�n�d.ia���y befor�the par�ia�ta�.n�;,destruc��on,gr loss ui va�ue d�.vided by�b}the fa�r ma�rke�Va.�u�of the Praperty
<br /> immedia���y befare the parkia�ta�.n.g,destru�ti:�n,ar l�ss in va�ue.Any balanc�sha��be paid to Barrower.
<br /> �n�he e�ent of a par�ial taki:rzg,destruc�xon,or lass in value af�he Praperty in which the fa�r mari�et value of th�
<br /> Property immediatel�befare th�partia�tal�ig,destruc�ion,or lass uz value is�ess than�he amaunt of the sum�secured
<br /> immed.ia�ely before�ie partia.l�ak�g, des�ruc�ion, ��loss �n va.�.u.e,u:nless �axro�ver and Lender otherwise a�ree in
<br /> writing,t�ie Mxs�ellaneous P�-aceeds shall be applied�o the sums secured by t�s Secur���nstru�aent v�hether or nat the
<br /> s�a.nms are�en due.
<br /> �f the Pr�per�y rs abandoned by�orrawer,ar if,after notice by Lender to Barrawer that tb:e�pposing Pax�y�as
<br /> d�fxned in th�ne�t�entence}offers to make an a�vard�o settle a claim�or darnages,B�rrower fails to respand to Lender
<br /> within 3�days after the date�he notiice is gi�en,Lender��auth�ri�ed to co��ect and app�y the 1Vrisce�lanea�.s Fro�eeds
<br /> either�o restorat�on:�r repair of the Prapexfiy ar�a th�surris secured by th�s Security Instrumen�,whet�ier ar no�then due.
<br /> "Qpposxng Par�"means the�h�.rd par�v that owes Boxrov�er Miscella.rieou�Proceed�or�he party against whorn�arrower
<br /> has a righ�of actian i�a regard ta Misce�laneous Proc�eds.
<br /> �arrower shal.�.�e in default�f any act�on or proceeding, whether c�.vi1 or crimixaal, is begun that, in Lender's
<br /> judgrn.ent,could resul#in forfeiture af�he Prvper�y or vther material impairrn.ent of Lender's interest in the Pr�perty or
<br /> rights under thi.s Security Zn.strument.B orrou�er ca�cure such a defaul.�an�;if acceleration has occurred,reins�ate as
<br /> pravzded in 5ec�r�n 19,by�ausing the action or proceedang to be dismzss�d wi�h a ruling that,in Lender's Judgrnen�,.
<br /> prec�udes forfeiture❑f the Proper�-y or oth:er matieria��mpai�ment of Lender s�nt�rest i.n the Praperty flr rights und�r�s
<br /> Security Ins�rument.The praceeds of any a�ard or cla�:m for damages that are at�r��u�abie ta the impa�.rmen�of Lender's
<br /> i��eres�in the Proper�y are hereby a.ss�.gned and sh.all be paxd ta Lender.
<br /> .A��M�scellaneou�Prac�eds�hat are na�applied to res�aration or repair of the Proper�y sha11 b�applied in the arder
<br /> provided far Yn Sectivn 2.
<br /> 12. Borro�er Nv#Released; Farhearance By Lender I�ot a Wai��r. Ex�ension o:C�.ie�ui�e f�r paymen� ar
<br /> modification af amorti2a�i4n of the sums secured by�s Security rns�rument granted�y Le�nder to Barrower ar any
<br /> Successar in Ixx.�erest of Borrower sba:l�not operate ta re�.ease the l�a�ility❑f B�rrower or any 5uccessars�n�nterest of
<br /> �EBRAS�A-Sir�gle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac llNIF�R�!�NSTRU�IENT Form 3028 �10��
<br /> Page 8 a��3
<br /> �os,in�. Barrower�s}Ini�iais
<br /> .
<br />