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��1 5�6��4 <br /> progress payments as�the wark�s comple�ed.�Jnles�an agreement is made in�vriti�:g or App�icab�e Law requires interes� <br /> to be paid on such insurance proceed�,Lender shal.l not b�requir�d to pay�3orrawer any interes�ar earni� an such <br /> proceeds.Fees for publi�c adjust�r�,ar a�her third parties,re�aYned by�orrower shall n� paid out of the�surance <br /> proc�eds and shal�be�h�sQ1e��l�gat�on of B�rrvwer.�f�he�estararion or repa:�r is not e�an�mical�y fea:sible or L,ender's <br /> security wvuld be lessened,the insurance praceeds sha11 be applied to the sums seeured by thi�s Security Instrument, <br /> whe�her ar x�o�then due,with�he excess,ifany,pa�dto�arrou�er.5uch irisurance praceed�sha11 he a�plied in tl�e order <br /> pravid�d for in 5ec��. <br /> �f Bnr�rower abandons�he Property,L�nder may f��e,ne�ot�ate and settTe any ava�iabl.e�.nsurance claim and rela�ed <br /> matters.If B arro�rer do�s not re�pand w�.�hxn 3�day�ta a noti�e from Lender that the�nsuran.ce carrier has ofFered ta <br /> settle a c�aun,�hen Lender may ne�otiate and settle th.e claYrn,The 30-day periad wi�T begin when the notice is given.In <br /> ei�her e��nt, or if T.ender a�quires the Praper�y under Sec�ion 22 or�therwise, Borrawer hereby assigns�o Lender <br /> �a}B orrourer's rights to an�insurance proceeds in an amount not to ex�eed�he amaunts unpa�d un:der�he No�e ar this <br /> Securi�Ins�rument,and(b}any ather of Borrawer's rights�ather than the right to an�refund of unearned premiums paxd <br /> b�Borrowe�}under al1 insuran�e p��ic�es cnvering the Property,7nsofar as such rights are appli�able�a the caverage vf <br /> the Property.L�nder may use�he�nsurance proceeds ei�her�a rep�ir ar restore�he Property or ta pay a.maun�s unpaid <br /> under the N�te or�.hi.s Securi�y Instrument,whether or nat then due. <br /> �,�ccupa��y.Barrovver shall�ccupy,establi�h,and u�e the Propex�y as B�r�avaer'�principa�re��.c�ence�rithin 6a <br /> days after the e��cution of this Securi�y Znstrurnen�and shall contanue to occup�th.e Proper�y as Barra�xr�r's principal <br /> residence for at�east ane ycar after�ie date�f oc�upancy;unless Lender oth.erwxse�grees in writing,which caxzsen�shall <br /> no�be unreasonably withhe�d,or unless extenua�.ng circumstanc�s exis��hich are bey�nd Borrower's contra�. <br /> '1.Preserv�t�on,NI�.i.nt�nance and Prvtecti�n vf th�Praperty;�ns�secti�ns.�orrawer shall not de��roy,damage <br /> or I mp ai�the Pr�perty,a��ow the Prop erty to cieteriarate or comr�u�was�e on th.�Prop erL�.�hether or not B orro�rer i s <br /> residing i.n�he Propexfiy,B�rro�rer�hall maintain the Proper�y in order ta prevent�he Property fr�m de�eriara.ting or <br /> decreasing in value due ta its cor��s xt i.s de�errx�in�d pursuant�a Secti��5�h.a:t repair ar restoration is not <br /> �c�nvmically fea�i�le,Boxrflwer shall promptly repai:r fihe Prv�erty xf damaged to avoid further deterioratian or damage. <br /> �f znsurance or condernnation pro�eeds are paid�n eonnection�vi:th damage ta,or the taking of,�he P.roper�y,Baxro�v�r <br /> sha�1 be respansi��e for repairing or restoringthe Proper�y anly if Lend�r has released praceeds for such pui�pa�es.Lender <br /> may di��urse proceeds far�.e repairs and restoration�n a sir�g�e paymen�or in a series of pragress paymen�s as�he w�r� <br /> i�comp�e�ed.�f the insura.nce or conclemnatzan pra�eeds axe no�su�c��nt t4 r�pair or res�ore fhe Pr�p�r�,�orra�vc�er is <br /> not re��evad�f Borrower'�obligation for the completifln of such r�pair or restoratio�. <br /> Lender or xts agent may ma.l�e rea�anable entries upon and inspections of the Properky.If i�has reas�nable cause, <br /> Lender may inspec��he in�erior of�ie imprnvements on the Proper�y.Lend�r shall giv�Bflrrav�rer notxce at the tirne of or <br /> prior to�uch an interior inspe�tzon specifying such reasonab�e cause. <br /> S.B�rraw�r's L�an App��catian.Borrower shall be�n defau���f,auring t�i�Laan application process,Boxrower or <br /> any p�rsons or ent�ties a�tin�at the direction af Sorrower or�v�tli Borrow�r's kna�vledge ar con�ent ga�e materially <br /> false, mislead��.g, dr inaccurate inforrn.atian or statements to Lender ��r failed to provide Lender With mat�rial <br /> infonna�ion) in connec�.on u�i�h the Loan. 11�atexial representatYons inc�ude, but are na�Iimited to,r�presen�a�i ons <br /> cancerning Borrow�r's occupan�y of fhe Proper�y as Bvrra�rer's prinC�pal r�sid�n�e. <br /> 9,]Protect��n�f Lender'�In�e�es�in the P��perty a.nd Rights i�nder thi�Security Instru�nent.�f�a}Borrower <br /> fa.ils�o perfariri the c�venants and agreements contained in thxs Secur�ty Instru�z�nt,�b3 there rs a legal proceec�ig�a� <br /> rn�ght szg�if-lcaxitl.y affect Lender's inter�st xn t�ic Property andlor rights under this Secu.�i�y Znstru:ment ( a <br /> pr�ceed�ng in ba7.�ruptcy,p.rabate,far condem�a�ion or farfeiture,far enfar�ement of a�ien which may aitain priari�y <br /> over this Securi�.y�nstrument or to eriforce�aws or regu�ations�,or�c}�3onrower ha�abandoned�he Proper�y,�h.en Lznder <br /> may do a�xd pa�for whatever is reasanable or appropriate to pratect Lender's interest in�tihe Proper�y and righ��und�r�his <br /> Se�urity Instrument,includ.�ng protecting andl�r a�sessing�he value of�he Property,and securing and�ar repaxring the <br /> Pr�pertv.Lender's ac�ions�an include,but are nat lixnz�ed to:�a}paying any sum�se�ured Y�y a lien whxch ha�priari�y <br /> over thrs Security�nst�um�nt;�la)appearing in�our�;and(c}paying rea�onable att�rneys'fees�o pra�ect its int�rest in the <br /> NEBRA��-Single FamiIy--Fannie M�elFreddie�aG uNfF�RIIII INSTRUMENT Fo�m 028„ l�� <br /> Page fi of�3 <br /> Eos,i�c. Bo rrawer�s}1�i�� s <br />