��1 5�6��4
<br /> 4.C�arges, I�xens.Borrower sha��pay a�i ta.xes,asses�ments,charges,fines,and�mposi��.ons at�r�.bu�able ta the
<br /> Praperfy�vhir,�ean at�a.�n priari�r aver th�s S�cwri.�y Instru.ment,Ieasehoid payment�or ground re�its on the Property;if
<br /> any,and Con�munity A.ssoGiation Dues,Fees,and Assessments,if�:ny.To the e�tent that these r�errts are Escraw��ems,
<br /> B orrower shall p ay them in the manner prav�ded in S ec�xan 3.
<br /> Borrower shail prornp��y dzscharge any l�en�vhich has pr�or��.y aver�his Securz�y�nstrument un�ess Borrawer:
<br /> �a}agr�es in�vr�itin.g to�he pa.ym�n�of�he ob��gation s�cured by the 1�ien xn a manm.�r acceptable t�Lender,bu�anly�o
<br /> long as Borrower�.s performin.g such agreem�nt;�b}contes�s the lien in goad fa�ith by,nr defends against enforcement af
<br /> the l�en in, legal proceediri�s V�hi.ch in Lender's apinion operate to prevent�he enforcemenf of t�ie lien while those
<br /> proceedings are pending,but�nly un�i�such proceed.�ngs are cvncluded;ar�c��ecures from�he hald�z�of�he lien an
<br /> agreement sat�sfactory�o Lender subordina��ng the lien to this Security�nstrurn�nt.Zf Lender det�rm�nes that any pax�of
<br /> �i�Proper�y rs sub���t to a lien�vvh�ch can a.ttain priority aver t}us Secur��y Ins�ru�ment,Lender may gi�e Borror�rer a
<br /> notice iden�fyi.ng the lien.��th�n�0 days af�h�date on.tuhich that no�ice��g�ven,Borrawer shall satisfy the lien or�ake
<br /> one or rnore of the act�ons set far�h above�n�his Section 4.
<br /> Lender may r�qui.re Borrovver ta pa�a one-�ime charge for a real es�ate tax verifica�ion andlor repori:ing�er�i�e
<br /> used by Lender rn�onne��xon w��h thzs Loa.n.
<br /> 5.JPropert-�Insura�ce�B orrower shall keep�he i.mprovem�nts naw existing or hereafter erected on the Property
<br /> insured against Ioss by f�re,hazards in��ud.ed withi.n the�erm"�xtended covera.ge,''and anv oth.er ha2ards including,but
<br /> not limited to,earthaual�es and floods,for which Lender requires insurance.�'hi.s insurance shall be main�ained in�he
<br /> amoun�s�inc�uding deduc�xbTe le`rels}and f4r�he perivds tha�Lender r�quires.V�hat L�nder requires pursuan��o�khe
<br /> pr�ced�ng��ate�ces�ax�.change during the term of�he L.oan.The rnsurance ca:rri�r praviding the in�uran�e sha.11 be
<br /> chasen by Sarrovtier subject to Lender's �gh#to d�sapprove Sorrower's cho�ce, which right shall na�be�xerGised
<br /> unreasona�ly:L�nder may requi.re Boz�-ow�r�o pay,rn cannection witli thi:s Laan,either:�a}a one-tune charge far fl:aod
<br /> zane de�ermination, cer�f cation and tra�kzng ser�ices; or�b)a one-�tirne chaerge fvr flood zone deterrn�nat�on and
<br /> cert�fication ser�rices and subseque���harges each time rernappings�r similar�hanges occu.r which reasona�ly rn��ht
<br /> affect such determ�natian ar cert�.ficat�on.Bar�ower s�a�i also be responsible for the payment�f any fe�s imposed by the
<br /> Federal Emerge��y Management Agency in connection vvitih�h,e revi�tiv af any flood zone determinatian resulting firorn
<br /> an obj ec�.on by B orrower.
<br /> If�orrower fai.]s to ma�ntazn any of th.e�avera.ges de�cribed abav�, Lender may obtain in.surance coverag�, a�
<br /> L�nder's ap��on arid Borrvwe�'s expense.L�nder is under na oblxga�ion ta pureh�:se any par�i��ular type ar amoun:�of
<br /> �overag�.Therefore,such caverage�hal:�cover Lender,bu�mig�a.t or might not pr�#ect Borrow�r,Borro�ver's equity in
<br /> �he P�-operty,or the con�ents o�th:e Praperty,agains�any r�sk,hazard ar lxabrlity and might pr4�ide grea�er or lesser
<br /> cnverage�han wa�prev�ously�n efFec�.B�rrovver acknov��edg�s that the cost ofthe insurance coverage sa ob�ained migh�
<br /> s�gn�:��antly�xceed the�ast of insuran�e�hat Borravver�ou�d have ohtained.Any amounts disbursed by Lenc�er�der
<br /> thrs S�ct�Qn�shall become addi�tiona.l.deb��f Borrawer secured by this Security�nstrum�n�.These amaunts shall bear
<br /> interest a�the N�te ra�e fromthe date of d�sbursem�nt and shall be payable,vvith such interes�,upar�notiee from Lend�r
<br /> to$arrower requ est�ng p aym ent.
<br /> .A�� insurance policies requir�d hy Lender an:d r�newa�s of su�h policxes shai�be subj e�t�o L�nder's r�ght to
<br /> d.isapp�rove suc�po�zc�es,sha���xic�ude a staridard mortgag�clause,and shall narne Lend�r a�mor�gagee a.nc�lor as an
<br /> add��ional lo�s �ayee. Lender sha11 haue th.e right to hold the pali�ies and r�newa�cer�ificates. Zf Lender requ�.res,
<br /> Borrawer shall pramp��.y�ive ta Lender ail receip�s of paid prerniums and rene�ia:l n��iee�.If Borrower ab�a�s axiy for�n
<br /> of insurance coverag�,not oth.�rwise reqLured by Lencier,for damage to,ar destruc�xon of,�he Praper�y,such policy shali
<br /> include a standard marfgage cI:au�e and shall name Lender as mortgagee andlor as a�additiana�lvss pa�ree.
<br /> In�he ev�nt of�oss;Borrovsrer shall gi.ve pranmpt not�ce to�he in�uran�e ca�nrier and L�nder.Lender may make praof
<br /> of�oss if no�made promptly by B�r�rovver. Un�ess Lender and�orrourer otherwise agree in writ�ng, any insuranc�
<br /> proceeds,whe�her ar nat�he unde�r�.�ing insuranee was requ�r�d by Lender,shall be applied to res�oration or repair�f the
<br /> Praperty,if fhe�storation or repair i�econorimicall�feas�ble and Lender's securit�y is not lessened.Durin.g such repa�.r and
<br /> res�orat�on periad,Lender sha11 have�he right ta hold such�nsurance praceeds until i.ender has had an vppax-h�:riity to
<br /> inspect such Pr�perty to ensure�he wnrl�has been�ornpleted to Lender's sati.sfaction,provxded�hat such insp�ction shall
<br /> be under�aken promptly Lender may disburse proceeds f�r th�repairs and restoratio�in a single payrne�t or in a sez-i.es of
<br /> NEBRASKA-SingIe FamiIy-Fanni�MaelFred��e Mac UNIFDf�1NSTRUMENT �arm 30�8 �1�1
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<br /> �o�,��. Bor��wer�s}I r�iti
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