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. �� 1 5�� 1 � 1 <br /> Any application of payrnents,insu�ance prviceeds,or Miscellaneaus Praceeds to principa�due under#he Note shall <br /> no�extend or postpone the due date,ar change�he arnaun�,�f�he Periodic Paymen�s. � <br /> 3.Funds For Escrow Items.Bflrrovver shall pay to Lend�r fln�he day Pe�iodi�Payments are due under the Note, � <br /> unt�l the Note is paid in fuil,a surn�the"Funds"�to provide for paymen�of aanaunts due far:�a}�axes and assessments , <br /> and o�he� i�ems which can attain prior�ty ove�r this Security �nstrument as a lien ar encumbrance on the Pr�per�; <br /> �b�Ieaseho�d payrnents�r�round rents on.the Property,�f any;�c}prem�ums for an�and al�insurance required by Lende� <br /> unde�r Section 5:and�d}Mortgage�nsurance premiurns,if any,or any sums payable by S4r�awer to Lender in lieu of�h� <br /> paymen��f Mor�gage�nsurance prem�um�in accordance with the pro�isions❑f�ectian �.�.These items are cal�ed <br /> "Escrow Items."At originati�n a� at a.ny time dur�ng �h� �errn of�he Loan, L�nder rna� �equ��e that Community <br /> �ls�ociatron Dues,Fees,and Assessments,if any,be escr4�ed by Barrower,and such du�s,fees and ass�ssments shail be <br /> an Escr�v�r �terrl. Borr��nrer shall prvrnpt�y furnish to Lender a�.� no��ces of am�unts �o be paid und�r this Secti�n. <br /> Borrov�er shaJ.�pay Lender the Funds for Escr�w It�ms unless Lender waives Bo�rrower's obliga�ian to pay�h�Funds for <br /> any or all Escro�nr�tems,L�nder may wai�e Borrower's obligation�o pa�t�Lender Funds for any ar a�1 Es�ro�r�terns at � <br /> ariy time.Any such v�ai�er may on�y be in wri�ing.In�he��en�of such wa�ver,Borrower sha�I pa�direc�iy,when ar�d <br /> wh�re pa�abie,�he amaunts du�for any�scr�w I�ems fa�r wh�ch payment of Funds has been wai�ed�y Lender and,if � <br /> Lend�r re�uir�s, sha�l furnish�o Lender receipts evidencing such payment wi�hin �uch time peri�d as Lender may <br /> require.Barrower's obligation�o rnake such payments and�o pravide receipts shall for all purposes be deerned ta be a <br /> cavena.n�and agreement contained in this Security Ins�rument,as the phrase"�ovenant and agreement"is used in Sec�ion <br /> �.If�nr�rower zs obligated�o pay Escrovv��ems direcf�y,pursuan�to a vvaiwer,and Borrovver fails to pay the arnaunt du� <br /> f�r an Escrow�tem,Lender may exercise its ri�hts under Sec�ion 9 and pay su�h amount and Borrawer shali then be <br /> ob�iga��d under Section 9�o repay ta Lender any su�h amount.Lender may re�flk��he tivai�er as to any�r a��Es�row <br /> rtems a�any#i�ne by a notice g�ven in accordan�e�nrith S�ction I5 and,upon such re�oca�i�n,Borr�v�rer shali pay to <br /> Lender a�l Funds,and in such a�.naunts,�hat ar�then required under�his 5��tion 3. <br /> Lender may,a�any tirne,collect and hold Funds in an amount�a�suff cien�to pe�mit Len�er to apply the Funds a� <br /> the time specified under RESPA,and�b}not�o�xceed the maximurn arnaun�a l�nder can require under RESPA.Lender <br /> shall est�mate the amount of Funds du�on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures af future <br /> Escrow�tems�r�th�r�vise in ac�ardance w��h Applicable Law. <br /> The Funds shall b�held in an insti�ut��n wh�se deposits are insured by a federa�agericy,�n.stru.mentality,or entity <br /> �inciuding Lend�r,i�Lender is an institutian vvhose d�posits ar�sn insured�or in any Federal Harne Laan Bank.Lender <br /> shal�apply the Funds�o pay the Escrow Items na later than�he time specifed under RESPA.Lender sha.11 not charge . <br /> Borr�wer far holding an�.appiying th�Funds,annual�y�yzin�the escraw account,or v�rifying�he Escraw I�ems, <br /> unless Lender pays Borro�ve�interest�n the Funds and App�icable Law pe�mits Lender to make such a charge.Unless an <br /> agreement is mad�in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on the Funds,Lender shal�not be required to <br /> pay Borxowe�an��interes�ar earn�ngs on�he Funds,Barrower and L�ender can agree in w���ing,howe�er,�hat�n#erest <br /> shall be paid on the Funds.Lender sha��g�ve to Borrower,wi�thout charge,a.n annual accoun�ing af the Funds as required <br /> by RESPA, <br /> If�here is a surplus of Funds held in es�raw,as defned under RESPA,Lender shall accaunt�v Bvrr4�ver far�h� <br /> exc�ss funds in ac�ardance with RESPA.�f�here is a sh�rtage of Funds he�d in es�ro�r,as defined und�r RESPA,Lender <br /> shall notify Bo�rawer as�equired b�RESPA,and Barrower shall pay t�Lender t�ie am4un�necessary�o rnak�up th� <br /> shor�age in accardance tirr�th RESPA,but in no more than��monthly payments.�f�here�s a deficiency ofFu.nds h�Id in <br /> escraw,as defined und�r RESPA,Lender shall n�tify B�rr�wer as required by RESPA,and Borr4wer shall pay t�Lender <br /> the am�unt neces�ary to make up�he deficiency zn accardance wi�h RESPA,but in no mare tha.n I�month�y payments. <br /> Upon payment in full of aI�sums s�cured by th�s Security Instrument,Lender shall promp�Zy refund to B�rrovsrer any j <br /> Funds heid by�ender. <br /> 4.�harge�;L�ens.Borrovrre�r shaii pay all�a.xes,assessments,charg�s,fines,and zmp��i�ians a�tributabie t�th� <br /> Property which can at�ain p�riority��er�his Se�uri�y Instarument,leas�h���payments or graund rents on�he Prapert�y,if <br /> any,and�omn�.unity�,ssociation Dues,Fees,and Assessmen�s,if any.Ta the ex�en��hat thes�items ase Escrovrr Items, ' <br /> B�rrawer shall pay them�n the manner pr��ided in Section 3. <br /> NEBRAS�A-Single Farnily-Fannie MaelFreddie NCac LlNIF�RM!hlSTRUMENT F r Q28 '�14'! <br /> Page 4 of 13 <br /> ios,cnc. 6�rrawer s lni�ials- .- � <br /> � } � <br /> .� <br /> � <br />