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<br /> �EEC3 �F TF��]�T �
<br /> ��onti�u�d� Page 3
<br /> shau�d Trustar�a;�fio �omply v�rith any of Trusfinr's vbligations under th�s Deed af Trust, Trustee v�Lender may exer�ise
<br /> any one�r more af�he fa[Ivwing righ�s and r�medies:
<br /> ►4ccelsra�ian Upon De�Fa�ul�;►4dditiona! Remedies, if any E�ent of�efault accurs as per the terms of the Note
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare al[ �ndebtedn�ss se�ured by this lJeed of Trust�o be due and payab[e and
<br /> the same sha��thereupan become due and payahle w�thout any p�esentm�nt, dernand, prvtes�or nofiice af any
<br /> kind, Therea-Fter, Lender may:
<br /> ta} Either in person or by agent, with a� v�rithaut bringing any action or proceed'€ng, or by a recei�er
<br /> appaEnted by a caurt and wi�hout regard to the adequacy of its security, enter upon and take possession
<br /> of the Praperty, or any part thereof, in its awn nam�flr in th�name�f Trustee, and da any acts which it
<br /> deems necessary or desirable�o preser��the value, markefabili�y ar r�ntahili�y vf the Praper�y, or parf�f
<br /> the Property or �nterest in th� Property; increase the �ncome frvm the Property or prvtect the security v�
<br /> the Property; and, w�th or without �a�ing possession of the Property, sue for or otherwise cvllect the
<br /> rents, issues and profiEts of the Prvperty, �nc�uding th�se past due and unpaid, and apply�he sarne, less
<br /> costs and ex�enses of ope�ation and collection att�rneys' fees,ta any indebtedness s�cured by this Deed
<br /> of Trust, all in such order as Lender may dertermine. The entering upon and rtaking pvss�ssion of the
<br /> Praperty. the collectian af such rents, issues and pro�its, and the application �hereof shall no't cure ❑r
<br /> waive any default v� notice o�defaul� under this Deed af Trust vr in�a[idate any a�t d�ne in response ta
<br /> su�h defau[�or pursuan'��o su�h nofiice of default; and, notwithstanding th�cantinuance in pvss�ssion of
<br /> the Property ❑r the collection, rec�ipt and application of ren�s, issues ❑r profits, Trustee or Lender shall
<br /> be enti�l�d to exercise every right pro�ided �For in the Note �r the Related Documents vr by law upon�he
<br /> occurrence of any e�ent❑f default, inc�uding�he right ta exercise the power Qf sale�
<br /> �b] Cornmence an action to foreGl�se this ❑eed ❑f Trus�as a mortgage, appvint a receiver ar specificafly
<br /> en#orce any of�he ca�enan�s hereof; and
<br /> ��} �eli�e�to Trus�ee a written dec[aration af default and dernand fvr sale and a written notice of de�au[t
<br /> and eiection t❑ cause Trustar's interest in the Property to be sold, which no��ce Trustee shall cause tv be
<br /> duly filed f�r rec�rd in the appropriate offices of the County in which the Praperty is iocated; and
<br /> �d} W�th respect t� all ar any part ofi the Pe�sonal Property, L�nder shall ha�e all the rights and remedies
<br /> of a secured party under th�Nebraska LJni�orm Cornmercia!�ode.
<br /> Fare�losure by Pvwe�nf Sale. I�Lend�r elects to fi�reclose by�xerc�se of�he Pawer of Sale here�n con�ained.
<br /> Lender shall noti�y Trustee and shall dep�sit with Trus�ee�his Deed of Trust and the Note and such receip�ts
<br /> and e�idence of expendi�ures ma�e and secured by th�s ❑eed�f Trust a�Trustee may require.
<br /> ta} [Jpon receipt of such na-�ice from Lender, Trust�e shall cause to be recorded, published and deli�ered
<br /> to Trustvr su�h Nat�ce of De�au�t and Notice of Sale as then requ€r�d by [aw and by�his Deed �f Trust.
<br /> Trus�ee shall, without demand on Trustor, after such time as may then b� required by �aw and af�er
<br /> recardation o#such Notice a�Defaul� and after Notic� of Sal� havin� been gi�en as required by law, sell
<br /> �he P�-operty at the �ime and place of sa�e fixed by it in su�h Notice of 5ale, either as a whole, or in
<br /> separa�e l�ts or parce[s or items as Trustee shall deem exped�ent, and in such vrder as it may determine,
<br /> at puhlic auction t❑the high�st bidder for cash in law#ui man�y of the United Sfiartes payable at the time
<br /> o� sale. Trustee shall de�i�er tQ such purchaser or purchasers therevf its good and suff��ient d�ed o�
<br /> de�ds con�eying the proper�y so sald, but without any �a�enant or v+�arran�y, express or implied. The
<br /> r�citais in su�h deed ❑f any matters o�' #acts shafl be conclusi�e praa�af the truthfulness thereaf. �4ny
<br /> persan, incfuding wi#haut lirnitation Trustor,Trustee, or Lender, may pur�hase at such sale.
<br /> ��� As may be permitted by law, a�ter deduct�ng all C�5#5, fees and expenses vf Trust�e and ❑f �his
<br /> Trust, including costs of e�iden�e afi ti�le in cannection with sale,Trustee shall apply the proceeds❑f sale
<br /> to payrnent�� �i} all sums expended under the�erms af this Deed o�Trus�ar under the terms of the Note
<br /> no� �hen repaid, including but nat �imited ta accrued interest and late charges, �ii� all ather surns then
<br /> secured hereby, and �i��} the remainder, if any,to the persvn ar persans legafly entitled there�v.
<br /> ��� Trustee may in the manner pra�ided by law postpone sale of af!ar any portion ofi the Property.
<br /> Remedlies Nofi Excfusi�e. Trustee and Lender, and each af them, shall be entitl�d to en�orce payment and
<br /> per�ormance vf any indeb�edness or ahligatians secured by this Deed of Trus�and t�exercise a�� r�ghts and powers
<br /> under �his Deed vf Trust, under the Nate, under any of�khe Re[ated Documen�s, or under any o�her agreement or
<br /> any laws now or hereafter in#arc�; natwithstand�ng, some or a[[ a�such �ndebtedness and ❑bligations se�ured by
<br /> �his Deed of Trus� may now or h�reafiter be otherwise s�cured, whe�her by m�rtgage, deed ❑fi�rust, pledge, lien,
<br /> assignm�nt or otherwise. Ne�ther the acceptance vf this Deed o� T�ust nar Ets enforcement, whether by c�urt
<br /> action ❑r pursuant to �he power vf sale or o�her powers contained '€n -�his ❑eed of Trus�, shall prejudi�e or in any
<br /> manner a�f�c� Trustee's or Lender's right to realize upon or en�orce any ❑ther security novU or herea�ter held hy
<br /> Trustee or Lender, it being agreed�hat Trustee and Lende�, and �ach v��hem,shall l�e en-titled to enfarcE this Deed
<br /> of Trust and any ❑ther security naw ar hereafter held by Lende� or Trus#ee in such vrder and manner as they or
<br /> either of �hem rnay in their absolute discretion determine. No rernedy �on�erred upvn or reser�ed to Trustee or
<br /> Lender, is intended to be ex��usive af any other remedy�n this Deed o�Trust ar by law prauided ar perm�tted, but
<br /> each shall be cumu�ati�e and shall be in addition to e�ery a-ther r�medy g�ven in this Deed o# Trust or nvw or
<br /> hereafter exis�ing at law❑r in equity❑r by statu�e. E��ry power or remedy gi�en by the No�e vr any vf the Related
<br /> Docurnents to Trustee or Lender or t❑ which ei�her af �hem may be otherwise �ntit�ed, may be exercised,
<br /> con�urren�Cly or �n�iependently, from time to �ime and as oft�n as may be deemed expedient by Trustee vr Lender,
<br /> and either of thern may pursue inc�nsis�ent r�medies. Nothing in this Deed of Trust shal! be construed as
<br /> prahibiting Lender fram seeking a de�ficiency judgmen# agains#the Trustor to the extent such aGti�n is perm�tted by
<br /> law.
<br /> Ete�tion of l�emedies. All af Lender's rights and remedies will be cumulati�� and may be exerc�sed alone or
<br /> �ogether. If Lender de�ides �o spend money or t❑ perf�rm any of Trustar's obligations under thi� Deed of Trust.
<br /> a�ter Trustor's failur� �o do sa, that decisian by Lend�r will not a�fect Lender's right to declare Trusfior En default
<br /> and to exercise Lender's remedies.
<br /> Request far Noti�e. Trus�ar, on behaif of Trustor and Lender, hereby reques�s that a copy of any No�ice of Default
<br /> and a copy of any Natice of Sale under this aeed of Trust be rna;led to thern at th� addresses set for�h in the first
<br /> paragraph�f this ❑eed v�Trust.
<br /> A�ttorneys' Fees; Expens�s. I� Lender institutes any suit ar actian t❑ enfarce any ofi the t�rms of th�s Deed of
<br /> Trust, Lender sha�� be entitled ta recoWer such sum as the court may adjudge reasonab�e as attorneys" fe�s at trial
<br /> and upan any appeal. Whether or not any cou�'t action is invv��ed, and to the extent not prohibited hy law, all
<br /> reasanable expenses Lender in�urs �hat in Lender`s opini�n are necessary at any time far the protection af its
<br /> interest or the enfarcem�nt af its rights shall become a part of�he Indebtedness payable an demand and shall bear
<br /> interest at the Note rate fram�he date of�he expendi�ure until repaid. Expenses cover�d �y this paragraph Enciude,
<br /> withou�iimitation, howeWer subject�o any lirn��s under applicable law, Lender's att�rneys' �ees and Lender's l�gaf
<br /> expenses, whether or not there is a lawsuit, inciuding at�rarneys' fees and expenses for �ankrupt�y proceedings
<br /> �includ�ng efforts fo modify or vacat� any automat�c s�ay�r injunctivny, appeals, and any anticipated past-judgment
<br /> collectivn ser�ices, the cos�o�F searching re�ords, ❑htaining �itle repa�ts [including #oreclosure reports�, sur�eyors'
<br />