��1 5�6�61
<br /> DEE� �F Tf�LJ�T
<br /> ���nt��7u�d� 1Pa e �
<br /> 9
<br /> Pr�per�y. Howe�er, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if such
<br /> Ne�raska law. exQr�ise is prah�b�ted by federa� �aw or by
<br /> T►47CE5 �ND LlE�VS. The follawing pro�isions r��ating to the taxcs and liens on the Pra erfi are
<br /> Trust: P Y part of this Deed �f
<br /> Pay�aent. Trustor shall pay when due 4and in all�vents prior t❑delinquency} ait taxes, s ecia(taxe
<br /> charges �incfud�ng water and sevsrer], fines and impvsitians �e�ied against ar on accoun Po�F the Pro� assessrnen�s,
<br /> pay when due all �laims for work dane on or far serW�ces rendered ar materiaf furnished to the Pro �rt� a�� sha!!
<br /> sha!! maintain the Property free of afl fiens ha��ng priori-�y o�er or e ual to the ' � Y� Trustor
<br /> Trust, �xcept for the lien a�f taxes and assessments not due. exGcept for the�Ex stin�L�d�� under this Deed af
<br /> befow, and except as otherwise provided�n th�s ❑eed af Trust. g tedness referred to
<br /> PFiQPERTY DAIVIA�E 1NSURANCE. The follawing pro�isinns re�ating to insuring the Pro ert are
<br /> Trust. p Y a part o-�this Deed of
<br /> Mainten�nce o� ��suran�e. Trus�vr shaff procure and maintain palicies of �ire insurance with
<br /> caWerage endarsemen�s an a rep#a�ement basis �for the full insurabie �alue �avering a�! frnprovemen�s on th��d��
<br /> Proper-�y in an amount sufficienfi to a�oid appfication af any coinsurance �lause, and vUith � e Real
<br /> cfaus� in fa�or��Lender, tog�ther with such ather hazard and �iabi�ity insurance as Lender ma s�andard mvrtgagee
<br /> Po�icies shal� b� ►rvri�ten in form, y easonahly require.
<br /> amoun�s, coverages and bas�s r�asonah�y acceptah�e to Lend�r and issu�d �y a
<br /> company or companies reasonak��y acceptable �� Lender. Trus�ar, upan request of Lender, wi!! defi�er to L
<br /> firom t�me to time the policies or certifi�ates o�insurance in form sa�isf��tory to Lender, inc�udin ender
<br /> ���erages vvill no� be cancelled or diminished tirv�thout a� least �en {��� days prior wri-t�en notice to�1Pendevns that
<br /> insurance pof icy afso shalf includ� an endorsemen� pro�iding that co�erage in fa�or of Lender vuil Each
<br /> in any way by any ac�, omission or defauf�af Trust�r or any❑th�r person. Shoufd the Rea� Pro � ��t be impaired
<br /> an area designated by the Adminis�rator of the Federal Emergency Managernent Agency as a sPe�a��� �Dcated in
<br /> area, Trustor agr�es �a ob�ain and maintain Federal Fi�od Insurance, �� a�a�lab�e, for th� f p� u� �od hazard
<br /> bafance❑f the�o a n a n d a n y p r i a r l i�n s o n t h e p r a p er-�y secur�ng t he laan, up to the maximum ��Ec P a i d p r i n c i p a�
<br /> the Natianal Fload �nsuran�e Program, ar as ❑�herwise required �y Lender, and to maintain sP ch I��imits set under
<br /> �erm of�he laan. surance for the
<br /> LENDER'S F�[PEIlIpITURES. !f Trustvr fai�s {A� �a �eep the Property fre� �f aff tax�s
<br /> en�umbrances, and other claims, �B} t� pro��de any requ�red�insurance on the Proper�y, ��y�fe�o`rn��urity in�erests,
<br /> Property or to cvmply with any oh�Ega�ion to main�ain Existing lndebtedness in aod standin ake repa�rs to �he
<br /> Lender may da so. !f any action or praceeding is commenced that would ma eria�� affec� as ���u�red befaw, then
<br /> Property, then Lender an Trus���-'s behalf may, but is not required to, take any act�on th te LeerTs interests in the
<br /> apprapria-�e tv prote�t Lender's interests. Alf expenses incurred vr paid by Lender fior such ur �e5�e���v�s tv #�e
<br /> interest at the rate charged under �he Note �rorn th� date incurred or paid by Lend�r -�� -�h p P �iff then bear
<br /> Trus�or. AIl such expenses wi!! be�ome a part afi the lndebtedness and, at Lender's o tion ��date vf repayment by
<br /> demand; {g] !�e added to �he halance o� the iUote and be a p ' �p'� be payable an
<br /> paymen�s �fl become due durin� either �1� the terrn of any app�able e�nsu ancg and he payab�e virith any insta�tment
<br /> th� Nvte;or tC� �e trea�ted as a ba!lofln payment which wii�be due and payaEafe a p he Nv e'S{m} �h� remaining �erm of
<br /> aturi�y.
<br /> VIlAFiRANTY;DEFEIIfSE�F T�TLE. The�o��o►nr�ng provisions relating to o�nrnership af the Pro ert
<br /> of Trust: p y are a part of this ❑eed
<br /> Title. Trustar warrants �hat: {a� Trustor holds goad and rnarketabfe tifile o� r�ecord �o the Pro er
<br /> �r�e and clear af all fiens and encumbrances ❑-�her than those set forth in the Rea! Pro �rt des�y �n �es simple,
<br /> Existing fndebtedness section below or in any title insurance policy, tit�e report, or�Fina! tple v ! • crip�ion ar �n the
<br /> of, and a�cep��d by, Lend�r in conn�ctivn vv�th this Deed ❑f Trust, and �b} Trus�ar has �h� ����°n lssued in favor
<br /> au-�hority-to execute and deli�er this Deed of Trus-t to Lender. � ��9h�. power, and
<br /> Qefense of Title. Suhject�o the exception in the paragraph above, Trustar war�ants and w��
<br /> �i�le to the Praperty against the law�uf ciaims of af[ persons. � ����v��' defend the
<br /> E�I5TING INDEBTEDNES�, The fiollowing pro�isions cancerning Existing Indebtedness at'e a art❑
<br /> P f th�s D��d a�Trust:
<br /> Existing Lien. The �ien of this ❑e�d of Trust securing �he lndebtedness may be se�ondar an
<br /> existing fien. Trustor expr�ssfy cv�enants and agree� to pay, or see to �he paym�nt of, the Exis�i� in�erior to an
<br /> and to pre�ent any default on such indeb�tedness, any default under the ins-�ruments evidenGin such �lndeh�edness
<br /> or any de�Fault under any security do�uments-�or such indebtedness. g indebtedness,
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. A� Lender's option, Trustor vvil! be in default under this beed �f Trust if
<br /> happ�n: a�y o�the follvwing
<br /> Payment❑efau�t. Trustor fai�s to make any payment when due under the�ndeb-�edness.
<br /> �reak �ther Pramises. Trustor breaks an� promise rnade �❑ Lender or �Fai#s tv perform rom
<br /> stri�tly in the manner pro�ided in this ❑eed of Trust o��n any agre�men�refated to this Deed nf Trus� �he time ar�d
<br /> t.
<br /> Camp[iance ❑efault, Faifure to camply w�th any other term, ot�ligation, ca�renant or condi i
<br /> Deed o-F Trust,the Nv-�e ar in any❑f the Related Dacuments. t on contained in this
<br /> ❑efaul�on D�her Paym�nts. Faifure 4f Trustor within the time required by this Deed�f Trus�ta ma
<br /> for taxes or�nsuranCe, ar any other payment n�Gessary to prevent f��ing�-f ar to effie��C dischar �e any paymen�
<br /> ge af any f ren.
<br /> Death vr Insvl�en�y. Th�death t�f Trustor, the insof�ency o�Trustvr,�the appointment o�a recei�
<br /> Trustor's property, any assignrnent for th� �enefit of credi-tors an t e��or any part of
<br /> �ammencement of any proceeding under any bankrup�cy ar insal�ency�laws by o�a a n ��TI'uS p�`W���Du�, �� �he
<br /> �
<br /> Even�s�4ffecting Guar�ntor. Any o�the pre�eding evenfs ❑Gcurs witih �espect�o an uaran�vr
<br /> or accornmodation party o# any of the lndebtedness or an uarantor, y g . endorser, surety,
<br /> dies �r hecomes in�ompetent, vr re�okes or disputes t egvalidity ofe o�fiabili�ur��� °r accflmmodatian party
<br /> lndebfedness. y der, any Guaranty of th�
<br /> insecurity. Lender in good faifih belie�es itself insecu�e.
<br /> Exis��ng Indebtedness. The payrnent of any instai[ment o�principaf ar an interest on
<br /> not rnade ►r►rithin the t�me r�quired by the prornissa�y nate evidencing such �ndebtednessh oE a de�au� d���edness is
<br /> the instrum�nt se�uring such indebtedness and is not cured during any appficable ra�e er�od � t°C�urs under
<br /> or any su�t or other a�tion is commenced to fioreclose �ny ex�s��ng lien❑n the Property. p �su�h instrumen�,
<br /> Right ta�ure. ��F any defauf�, ❑ther�han a defau�t in payment, is�urahle and if Trust�r has no�be
<br /> of a breach afi the same pro�ision of this Deed of Trust within the pre�eding twelve ���� rnonths it n 9��en a natice
<br /> Trustor, after Lender sends w�-�tten natice t❑Trustn�'d�rnanding cure vf such default: �� Gu� ' may be cured if
<br /> ' twen�y ��Q� days; �r {�y if the cure requires mnre than twen-ty ��p} days, immediatel �n fi���e defaul-�wtthin
<br /> Lender deems �n Lender's svfe discretivn �v be su��ic�ent to cure the default and therea eS ���Rs which
<br /> completes al!reasonable and n�cessary steps sufficienfi to produce comp�iance as so�n as reasonabi continues and
<br /> Fi�GHTS AN� RE�IIEDIES �N DEFI�ULT. Upon the occurrenc� o�F an E�ent Y prac�t�caf.
<br /> Y of Defiauft under any indeb�edness, or
<br />