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��1 5�6�1 1 <br /> paym�n�of jun�vr tr�xst deeds, mortga.ges, or other lienh�lders and the ba�ance, �f a.�y, to the persan or persons <br /> Iegally ent���ed thereto. The recitals in �he Trus��e{s deed sha.i� be prima facie e�idence af �h� �ruth of the <br /> s�a�ements made ixi rt.If Lend�r chooses ta�n�o�e the pflv�er of sale,Lender or Trustee urill prov�de no�x�e of sale <br /> pursuant to applicable�aw. Any such sa�e or a sale made pursuant to a jud�ment�r a decree for the fareclosure <br /> hereof may, at the optzon af Lender, be made en mass�. The conamencement of proceedings to forecl�se �hxs <br /> S e cux ity�nstrument in a;ny manner authar�.ze d by la�r shall be deemed as e�erc-�.s e of�he ab ove option. <br /> ITpon the o�currer�ce af an Ev�nt of Default, Lender shall immedia�ely be �n�i��ed tn make app�icatian for and <br /> ��tain.�he appnin�rnen��f a receiv�r for the Proper�y and of the earnings, �n.Gom�, �sue and prafits of xt, u�xth th� <br /> pov�rers as �he c�ur�making the appo�ntments c�nfers. Grantor h�reb� irrevocab�y consen�s ta su�h appoYntrnent <br /> and waives notice of any appli�ation therefar. <br /> NQ WAIVEI�. No delay�r fai�ure af Lend�r to e�ercis� any r�gh�, remedy, po�ver or privi�ege hereund�r shal� <br /> affect�ha�righ�,remedy,pawer or privil��e nor shal�any sua.g�e�r pa�ial e�ercise thereof preclude the exerc�se of <br /> any r�ght,rem�dy,po�ver or priV�l�ge.No Lender de�ay ar faiYure to demand stri:ct adh�rence to the terms of�ais <br /> Security Instrument shaI.X be d�emed to constitute a co�rse of conduct in.cons�sten�w��h Lender's ribh�at any�im�, <br /> �efore ar after an event of defau.It, to dernand strict adherence �o the terrns of this Securit� Instrument and�he <br /> �ela�ed Documents. . <br /> SUI3STITUTE TRUSTEE.L�nder,at its opt�on,may fram time�o�me r�move Trustee an:d appoint a successor <br /> trustee �o any Trustee appo�n�ec� hereunder by an i�.sixumen� recarded in the county �n whi�h this ���urrty <br /> Instrurnent �s re corded. W�th�u� �anveyanc e of the Prap erty, the suc ces s or truste e shal� su��eed to aI��he �xtle, <br /> pa�er and duties c�nferred upon Trustee here�n and by applicable law.. <br /> JaII�T AI�ID SE�RAL LIABILITY.�f thxs Secur�ty�stru:men�should be si�x�.ed by more than one persan,all <br /> p ersans e�ecuting th�s S��uri�y Znstrum�nt agr�e that�h�y sha111�e j�intly and severally b ound,where p�r�m�tted by <br /> la�v. <br /> SURVIVAL.Lender's r�ghts in.this Se�urity Instrument v�r�l�on�t�nue in��s successors and assxgn.s. This 5ecur�ity <br /> Inst�u�ent is bu�.dinb on a��heixs,exe�u�ors,administrators,ass�gns and successors of�'rrant�r. <br /> N4TI��S ANI3 �AIVER aF N�TICE. Unless ather�vvise requ7red�y applrcable Iaw, any notice or deman.d <br /> given by L�nder ta an�par�y is cans�dered effec�ive: �i� v�hen r� is deposited in the Un�ted Sta.tes Ma�l v�Tith-the <br /> appropriate postage; �ii} v�rhen it �s sen� v�a e�ectronic mail; �rir� when �t �s sent vza facsxxnx�e; �iv� when i� is <br /> deposi�ed vv�th a na�ionally recagni.zed��r�r�n��i�cour�.er serv�ce; ��� Qn the day of p�rs�nai d�livery; ar�v�� any <br /> other commercxally reasonable mea�.s. A copy of any notice shal�be s�nt t�each party at the addre�s of the par�y <br /> biven at th� be�nn�ng Qf th�� Security �ns#rument unles� an a1��rnatrve address has b�en provided to Lender in <br /> writixa.g.Tfl the e�tent perm�tted by Iaw, Grantor waives nat�ce af Lender's acceptan�e�f�his Se�uri.�y Ins�rum�n�, <br /> defenses ba�ed on suretyship,any defense ar�sing fram any e�ectian by Lender under the Un�:t�d Sta:tes Bankrup�cy <br /> Code, Uniform Cornmer�xal Cade, as ena��ed in the s�ate �here Lend�r�s �o�ated or o�her appl�cab�e Ia��v or �.n <br /> equ�ty, demand; not�ce of acceleratian, notice ❑f nanpayment, presen�men�, pro�est, nat�ce of d�shanar and any <br /> other nat�ce. <br /> REQUEST��R NQTYCES; C�rra�t�r reques�s tha�cop�es of the n�t�ce af defauJ.t and no�.ce o_f sale be sen�to th� <br /> address of each party gxv�n at the beginning af the Sec�rit�y���xuament. <br /> T� TI�E E�TE1�T PEI�MIT7C�D BY LAW, GRANT�R '�AIVES .A1�IY RI�HT Ta �QTICE, aTHER <br /> THAN THE N�TICE PR�VIDED AB�VE, AN�]] �A�ES AN"� RIGHT T4 A.I�T'Y� HE�AI�IN�, <br /> JUDI�IAL �R �TI��R�1SE, PRI�R T� I..FEN�3E�t E�RCISING ITS I�iG-l�TS UNUEl� TI�:IS <br /> S�CURITY INS TRUMEN�. <br /> �VAIVER �F AP�RAISEMENT RIGHTS. Gra.ntor waives aii appraisement rig�its re�ating to the Proper�y�o <br /> the extent permrtted by Ia�. <br /> L�I�rDER'S E�PENSE�. Grantor agrees to pay a��e�penses incur�-ed by Lender xn cox�r�.ectxan vvi.�h enfarcement <br /> of�ts rights under�e Indebtedness,th.�s Secur�ty�ist�u_men�or ir��h�event Lender�s ma.d�party to an�li�igat�on <br /> because�f�he e�is�enc��f the�ndel�tedness�r this Security Insta�ument, as we11 as court cos�s, coJ.�ect�on charges <br /> and reasonable at�orne�si fees aand dxsbursements. <br /> ASSIGNABILITY. Lender may assx�n or otherv�se transfer this Secur�ty Ins�xument ar any of L�nder's rights <br /> under tbus S ecurit�Inst�rumerit v�ithouf natice to Grantar. Grantor may na�assign this Security Zns�rument or any <br /> part of�he Securi�y Ins�rument�vi�:hou��he express wr�tten con�ent of L�nder. <br /> ��VERNI�G LA�. Th�s Securi�Instr�ent wil�be governed by the lavvs of the State af Nebraska includ7ng <br /> all proceedings arising from�h.�.s Securi.ty Ins�e�at. <br /> SEV�RABILITY. If a eourt vf �ompe�t�nt jur�sd�ction detezzxz�n�s an.y term or provisran af t.�us Security <br /> Instrumerit is �nvalid or proh�bxted by applxcable 1:a�, that term or prov�sion �i.�I be �n�ffec��ve to the extent <br /> required.Ari�ten�or provision tha�has b�en det�rirli.n�d�o be irivalid or proh-�b�ted�i1I�e severed from the rest <br /> af the Security Instrurrient wrthout invalidating the rema.inder of either the affected provisxon or �his Security <br /> In.struxnen.t. <br /> 'VV'AT�E� ��' JURY TRIAL. .All par�ies to fhis Security Instrunien� hereby knawingly and valuntarily <br /> waive,to�h�fnll�st extent perm�tted�y Ia}w,an�righ�to�ri.a�by,�ury�f any di�p�te,�hether in c�ntra�t, <br /> tort,or o�h�rw�se,ar�sr�g ou��f,yn c�nnection w�th,re�ated to, �r u�cidenta�to the re�a�xansh�p estabiished <br /> betw�en them in this S�curity Instrument or any other i:nstrume�t, �ocument or agreement e�ecu�ed or <br /> d�livered in connectYon with this S�curity Instrument ar the Reiated Docume�.ts. <br /> ��4fl4-Z415 Compliance Syste�zis,Inc.�A�7�A9�-2�IS.�.5.984 " <br /> Commercial Aeai Esta.te Securi'ty Instrumen#-DL4[3D'I Page 4 af S � <br />