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. <br /> ��1 5�6�1 1 <br /> w IES, Gra:x�tor; far rtself, its heirs, persana�. repres�ntarives, successors, and assigns, represents, <br /> warrants,ca�renants a�zd agrees�i�h Lender,�ts successors and assign.s,a�foxl.o�s: <br /> Pexforman�e of Ub�Ygat�an�. �ran.tor prom�ses �o perfarm a�� terms, conditYo�s, ar�d covenants af tbus <br /> Securi�y Instrument and l�eiated Documen�s�ord.ance v�ith the t�rms cQn�ained therein. <br /> Defense an�T�t�e ta Pr�perty.At the time�f exe�ution and deiivery af�his instx-ument,�-rantflr is la�vfull� <br /> s e�s ed of t�ie esta�e hereby c onv�ye d and has the e�c�us�ve right to mor�gage, grant, c onvey and as sign the <br /> � Property.Graa�tor c�venants tha�the Property Ys unencumbered and free of all,�iens,excep�for encumbrances <br /> af record ac�epta.ble to Lend�r. Further, Grantor�ovenan�s�ha� Grantor w��I waxrant and defend genera�iy <br /> the txt�e �o the Property agalnst any and all claims and d�mands vvhatso�v�r, subj��t to the eas�men�s, <br /> restriGtions, or fl�her en�umbrances of record acceptable to Lender, as may be listed in the schedul� of <br /> ���eptions �o coverage irz an� abstra:c� of t��le or title i�.surance palicy i�surin.g Lender's interest in �he <br /> Property. <br /> �on dit�o n of Pro p ex�y. Gran�ar prom7.s e.s at all tirne s t�pre�er�re and to rn�.in�a.xn the Prop erty and every <br /> part thereaf�n good repair, �vork�ng order, and condi�ion and v�r���frtim time�o time, make a�.I needfu�and <br /> proper repa�rs so�hat the va�ue o��the Property sha�l no��n.any wa�be impaired. <br /> Remoyal vf any Part of th�Prvperty. Grantor prom�ses not to remo�e any par�of the Proper�y from i�s <br /> present Iocati�n,e�cept far rep�ac�ment,maintenance and reXaca�xon�n the ord�nary course af bus�ness. <br /> Aiteration� �o tlhe Property. Gran�or prom�ses �o absta�n from t�ie comm�ssion of any u�aste on or rn <br /> cozua.�c��on vv�th the Proper�y.Further,C'rrantor sha�I ma,k�n�material altera�.oris,add�t�ans or vnpr�vements <br /> af any type whatsoever ta th.e Property, regaxdless of whe�her such al�tera.�ions, ad�itions or impro�vements <br /> v�ould increase�he va�ue of the Prop er�y, nor p erm.rt anyvne to do s o except for�enant_7mprovernents and <br /> camplet�on of�tems pursuant ta approv�d plans and specifications, ���hou�Lender's prior written consent, <br /> �h�ch con_sent �ay be vsr��ihe�d by Lender 7n its sol� d�scre�.on. Grantar �ill � w�th a�� �avvs and <br /> regu�atzon.s of alI public authori�es hav�ng jur�sdiction over�e Property rncluding,v�ithou�limi�ation,thase <br /> relating to the use, occupancy and niaintenanc�thereof a:nd shal�upan reques�prompt�y submit ta Lender <br /> e�r�denc�of such compiiance. <br /> Due on Saie�Lend�r's�fln5ent.Grant�r shail not sel�,further encumber or o�h��-�rise dxspose of, e�c�pt as <br /> h�rein provided, a�i� or all. of�ts interest in. any par� of or aIl �f the Prop�r��vithou� first obta�ning �.he <br /> wr�tten consent of Lender. If an� encumbrance, la.en, �ransfer or sale or agreement far �hese zs crea�ed, <br /> Lender may declare unmed�.ate�y due and payable,the en��re balanc�af the�ndebt�dn�ss. <br /> Insurance.�`rrantor ta keep the Property ir�sured agai.ns�such risks and in sueh farm as may vvit.hin <br /> �he so�e d�scret�on of Lender be accep�able, caus�ng Lender �o be named as loss pay�e or �f r�quested by <br /> Lender, as mor�.gagee. The �a.surance c�mpany sha1� be chosen by �raa�.�ax subj ec� to L�nder's approval, <br /> v�h�ch sh�.11 no� be u�reasona�Iy vvr�hheld, A�� xnsu�ance poli�ies must pr�v�d� �hat Lender wili ge� a <br /> mi-n�mum of 14 days notice pr�ar to cancel�at�or�.At Lender's d�scretion,�rantor may be required to produ�e <br /> rece�pts of pard prerruums a.nd renewai polic�es.�f Gran.�or fails�a ob��:n the requi�red coverage,Lender may <br /> do so a�Grantor's exp ens�.G-ran�or hereby dire cts each arid every insurer o��h�Prop erty to ma:�e p a�ment af <br /> Ioss t�Lender with�he pro�eeds to he appl.�ed, only at Lend�r's opt�an,�o�the repair and replacement of the <br /> damage or�o s s or to b e a.pp�i.ed ta the Indebtednes s with�he surp 1us,if any,�o�a e p aid by Lende.r to Grantor_ <br /> Payment o� Taxe� and �ther ApplicabXe Charges. �`rrantor pror��.ses �o pay and to discharge liens, <br /> en�urnbrax�ces,ta�es,as�essments,�ease payments and an}�oth�r charges rexating ta the Proper�y wh.en le�ied <br /> ar�ssessed against C'xrantor or the Proper�y. <br /> Env�ronm�mtai I1aws and Hazardous or To�c Materiais. Grantor and every tenant have been, are <br /> present�y and shall con�.aue to be in stri�� compliance wit�i any appl�cab�e lacaX? state and f�dera� <br /> env�.r�nmen�a.i lavvs a.nd regula�ions.Further,neither�-rantar nor an�r�enant sha��manufactuare,store,handle, <br /> dis char�e or clisp o s e of ha.zardvus or toxic mater�a�s as may b e def�n�d b�any state or federal Iaw on�he <br /> Prap�z-ty, except ta �h� �xt�nt the e�ist�nce of such materxa�s has b�en presen��y dis�lased in wrx�t�ng to <br /> Lender. Grantar�1 imrnediate�.y n�tify Lender in v�rit�ng af an�assertion or��aim made by�ny party as t� <br /> the possible vi��at�on. of app�icab].e s�tate and federa� en�iranmental �a�ws inc� the 1.o�atY�n o�an� <br /> hazardous or t�xic materlals on or a�out the Pr�p�rty.�ran�or�ndemnifi�s and ho�.ds Lender hannl.ess frflm, <br /> v��:�hout�imi�a:tion, any liability�r expense of whatsoev�r nature i�curred d�rect�y or�ndirectl.y out o�or in <br /> �annection with:�a}any environmenta:��aws affectin�aII or any part af�he Property ar Gran�or,(�b}the past, <br /> present or future ��istence of any ha2ardous materia�s in, on, under, abaut, ar emana�zng fram ar passing <br /> thrau�h the Proper�y or ax�y part thereof or any prap�r�y adj acen��here�o; �c] a:ny past, pres�nt or futur� <br /> ha.zardous ac�ivity at ar xn. connect�on with th�Proper�r or any part thereof; and �d} the noncomplian�e by <br /> �rantor�r Grantor's fa�lure to comply fully and tame�y wxth environrnental�avvs. <br /> Finaacial Information.Grantor agrees ta supp�y Lender such f�nanciai and other�.n.f�rmat�on conc�rning xts <br /> affaxrs and�h� status of any of xts assets as Lender, from t�me to �inie, may reasonab�y request. Grantor <br /> fuarrther agre�s ta perm�� L�nder to ve�ify a�eoun�s as �z�� as t� �nspe�f, copy and�� exam�ne the baaks, <br /> records and of Gran�or. <br /> LenderTs Right to Enter.Lend�r or Lend�rfs agents sha�1 have the r�ght and access to inspect�h.e Properry at <br /> a1I reasonab�e ti�a.�s u�: or��r to attend to Lender's interests and ensure compliance v�ith the terms of this <br /> 5 e�urxty Instrument. rf the Prop ex�y, or any p a�-� t.�ereof, sha.�I require insp ection, repa�r or rnaintenanc e <br /> whxch Gran�or has failed ta pro�ride, Lender, after reasana�Ie no�ic�,may en�er upon�he Property ta effect <br /> �2004-2�I5 CompIiance Systems,Inc.iA7D�A98-20�53.5.984 <br /> Camrnercial ReaF Estate Security Instr�xr�erit-1�L4047 Pa�e 2 of 5 wr�� <br />