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- rn <br /> � � � � � <br /> 1�7 � rn� � � � <br /> o = �� � c� Q m I�] rn <br /> cr � . �o � � C p Q o <br /> � � ��, � C �� C3� � <br /> w � �� �l '� �I'�T1 � � <br /> °° - �� D � D Ca � Cn <br /> �� rn �� � <br /> � rn� � � =c�n o�a � <br /> �� � � � <br /> - � <br /> N a Q �`. ff1 <br /> � Qm � � � <br /> v� � Uy <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> INHEN #�ECURDED MA1L T�: <br /> Exchange Bank <br /> GI-Allen Dri�e Branch <br /> 'I 2�]4 Allen Dr <br /> Pfl Box 5793 <br /> �rand island, NE 688fl� FOR REC�RDER'S tlSE�NLY <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> THlS DEED �F TRUST is dated August 3'!, ���5, among Troy Huff and Tamie Huff; Husband <br /> and W�fe �"T�rustnr"�: Exchange Bank, whose address is �I - A�len drirre Branch. 12fl4 Allen Dr. <br /> P� Box 5793, Grand Island, NE 688�� �referred to be�vw svmetimes as "Lender" and <br /> sametimes as "��neficiary"�; and Exchange Bank, whos� address i� �'�B 7��, Gibban. NE <br /> 6884❑ �referred to below as "Trustee"}. <br /> C�NVEYANCE AND GRANT. Far valuahle�onsidera�ian, Trus�or can►►eys ta Trust�e in trust, UIJITH PQINER OF SALE, <br /> far the b�ne�it o# L�nder as Beneficiary, all flf Trustar's right, title, and interest in and ta the fallowing described rea� <br /> prop�rty, together with all existing ar subsequently erected ❑r affiixed bui[dings, improvements and fixtures; ai] <br /> easements, rights of way, and appur�enances; all wa�er, wa�er rights and di�ch rEghts tin�luding stock in u�ili�ies with <br /> di�ch ar irrigati�n rights}; and all o�her rights, rayalties, and prafits reiating tv the r�ak property, including without <br /> limitatian a!I minerals, oil� gas� geathermal and simitar matters, tthe "Rea! Prnperty"� I���ted �n HALL <br /> Caunty, State vf Nebraska: <br /> The Svuth Thirty �3�� feet vf Lot One {1�. Blo�k Twv �2�. Pleasant V iew Third Additivn and <br /> the Nortn Th�rty �3(�� feet af Lot �ne �'I}, Black Tw� �2�. Pl�asant V�errv Fnu�th Additian to <br /> the City of Grand I�fand, Hall County, Nehraska <br /> The R�al Prvp�rty vr its address is commanly known as 9�3 5UN VALLEY DR, �RAND <br /> 15LAND, NE �884'1. The Rea� Pr�perty tax id�ntificativn numbe�r is 4U��7941 Q. <br /> CR�SS-CC�LLATE�ALIZATI�N. In addition tv the Note, this Deed o�Trust secures a!I abfigations, debts and liabilities, <br /> plus in�eres�therean, ��Trustar to Lender, or any ane �r mor�of them, as weil a� ali c�aims hy Len�er against Trustar <br /> or any one or more ❑�th�m, whe�ther n�w existin� a� hereatt�r ar�s�ng, whether related ar unrelated ta the purpvse vf <br /> the N�#e, whether �aluntary ar otherwFs�, whether due vr nat due, direcfi vr indire�t, determined ar unde�errnined, <br /> absvlute ar cvntingent, liquidated or unliquidated, whether Trustvr may �e [iak�le indi�idually or jointly with others, <br /> whether abligat�d as guarantvr, surety, accommodation party ❑r vtherwise, and whether re�avery upon su�h amaunts <br /> may�e or hereafter may become�arred by any statute of limita�ions, and whether the obligatian to repay such amounts <br /> may be ar hereafter may become otherwise unenforceable. <br /> FUTURE A�VANCES. [n addition tv the Note,�his❑eed af Trust s�Cures all future ad�ances made by Lender ta Trustar <br /> wh�the� ❑r nat the ad�ances are made pursuan� t❑ a c�mmitment. Specificaf�y, without limi�a�ion, this Deed o�Trust <br /> . secures, in addition to the amounts spe�ified in the Na�e, all future arnounts L�nder in its discretian may ioan to <br /> Trustor,tagether with all interest�hereon. <br /> Trustvr presentiy assigns to Lender �als❑ knvwn as Beneficiary in this ❑eed o� Trust} all ❑f Trustor`s righ�, ti�le, and <br /> interest in and tv a!� pres�nt and future leases of the Property and aii Rents #rom the Prvp�rty. In additivn, Trus�or <br /> grants ta Lender a Uni�arm G�mmercial Code securi�y in�erest in the Psrsonal Prvperty and Rents. <br /> THIS DEED�F TRUST, INGLU�ING THE ASSIGNMENT❑F RENTS AND THE SECURlTY iNTEREST IN THE RENTS AN❑ <br /> PERSONAL PR�PERTY, IS G1VEN T� SECURE tA} PAYMENT DF THE IN�EBTEI]NE55 AND {B� PERF�RMANCE❑F <br /> ANY AN❑ ALL �6LlGAT1QNS �JNDER THE NOTE, THE RELATED D�CIJMENTS, AN❑ THlS DEE� OF TRUST. THfS <br /> ❑EED�F TRUST IS GlVEN AND ACCEPTE❑ON THE F�LL�1N[NG TERMS: <br /> PAYIVIENT ANI7 PERFflRMANCE. Except as atherwise prv�ided �n this ❑eed of Trus�, Trustar sha�f pay to Lender all <br /> amvun�s secured by this Deed of Trust as they b�come due, and shall strictly and in a timely manner p�r�arm all of <br /> Trustvr's ol�li�ations under the Na�e, �his Deed of Trust, and the Related Documents, <br /> POSSESSI�N AND IIIiAINTENANCE OF THE PR�PERTY. Trustor agrees that Trustvr's possession and use o� the <br /> Proper�y shall be go�erned by the fallowing prv�isions: <br /> Possessian and Use. Until the occurrence af an Event o� Defauit, Trustor may t 1} remain in poss�ssivn and <br /> cantrol ofi the Property; ��] use, aperate ar rnanage the Property; and �3� coll�ct fihe Rents firam�he Property. <br /> Duty to i11laintain. TrustQr shafl maintain the Prape�ty in tenantable condi�ian and pr�mptly perfarm alf repairs, <br /> replacemen�ts, and maintenanc�n�c�ssary ta prese��e its�alue. <br /> Compfiance Vlfith En�ironrnental Laws. Trustor represen�s and vuarrants �o Lender that: t 1} During the period af <br /> Trustnr's awnership of the Praperty, there has been n�use, �eneration, manufacture, s�orage, tr�a�ment, disposal, <br /> release or threaten�d release o# any Hazardaus Substance by any person on, under, ahaut a� �rvrn the Prvp�rty; <br /> {2} Trustor has no knawledge vf, or reason tv belie�e that there has been, �xcept as pre�iously discfosed tQ and <br /> a��nowiedged by Lender in writing, �ay any breach or violation af any En�ironmen�al Laws, �b� any use, <br /> genera�i�n, manu�ac#ure, starage, treatmen�, dispasal, release ar threatened release of any Haza�dous 5ubstan�e <br /> ❑n, under, abQut or fr�rn �the Property by any prior owners or o�cupants of the Property, ❑r {c� any actual ar <br /> threa�ened Ii�Ciga�ion or claims of any kind by any persvn rela�Cing to such matters; and �3� Except as pre�iaus�y <br /> �� <br /> ^� <br />