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��1 5�5934 <br /> Transfer of the Pr�per�y�r a Benef�c�al Int�res��n Barrawer.If ail ar any part af�he Praperty or an�r int�res� <br /> in �� is sold ar �ransf�rred ��r if a be�ef ciai interes� �n Barrower �s s�1d or �ransferred and B�rrov�er i� no� a <br /> na�urai pers�n} vvi�h�ut Lender's pr�or written consen�, Lender rnay, a� its aption, requ�re imm�diate payment xn <br /> fuli of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Hav�e�er, this opt�on shall not be exercised �y Lender �f <br /> exercise�s pr�hib��ed by federal law as of the date of�h�s Security�ns�rument. <br /> �f L�nder exer�ises �his ap�ian, Lender sha11 gi�e Borrov�rer nat�ce of accelera�ion. rI'he natice shall pr�vide a <br /> peri�d of no� less than the minimum numb�r of days established b�App�icable Lavv frflm the da�e the natice �s <br /> del��ered ar mailed v�r�thin which Barr��rer must pay all sums secured Uy th�s Secur�ty �nstrument. If Borr�v��er <br /> fails �o pay �hese sums prior to the expxra�ion�of�his per�od, Lender may in�oke any remedies permi�ted�y �his <br /> Se�urity�ns�.rumen�without furt�ier nat�ce�r demand an BarrQvver. <br /> Sarr�wer's R�ght ta Re��sta�ee �f Borrawer meets �erta�n c�nd��ions, Bon�wer sha�l have t��e right ta have <br /> enfarc�ment of�his Sec��ri�� �ns�rumen�discontinued at any��me prior to the earlier of: (a} 5 days �ar su�h other <br /> per�o�i as A�pli�abie Law may spec�fy f�r reins�a�ement}b�fore sale af the Property pursuant�o any p�wer of sale <br /> cantained �n this SeCurity Instrument; or ��a) entry af a �udgm�n� enf�rcing th�s-SeGur�ty �nstrurnen�. Thos� <br /> conditiflns are tha� Bor�•avver: �a} pays Lender aIl sums whi�h then w�u�d be due under this Securifiy Insixumen� <br /> and the Contract as if no a�ce�e�ati�n had occurred;�b�cures any default of any�t�er co�enants ar agreemen�ts;��� <br /> pays a�1 e�penses i�curred ir�enforcing th�s Securi�ty Instrurnen�,�n�luding,but no��zmited ta;reasonabte at��rneys' <br /> fees�o the ��ten�permitted by Ia�; and�d�takes such action as Lender�nay reas�nably r�quire to assure tha�the <br /> lien af this Security Ins�rum�nt, Lender's rights in the Praperty and Borro��r's 4btigatian�o pay the sums secured <br /> by�his S�curi�y Ins�rumen� shal� c�n�inue unchanged. Upan re�nstatement by B�rra�ver, �his Secur�ty Instrument <br /> and the vbligatians secured�ereby sha�l rema�n ful�y effec�ive as �f no acceleratian had �ccurred. Hovveuer, �his <br /> r�ght�o reins�a�e sha�l nat apply in�he ca�e�f acceleration und�r the sec��on titled Tra�sfer af the Praperty ar a <br /> Bene�ic�al Interes�in�arrawer. <br /> Hazard�us Subs�ances.Borrower shall not cause or permit�he presenc�, use,��spasal,s�arage,�r release o�'any <br /> Haza�•d�us Subs�an�e5�n ar�n the Prnpe�-ty.B�rrow�r sha1�not do,nor allow anyone�ise to do,any�h�ng affectinb <br /> the Proper�y tha� is �n violat�an of any En��iranm�nta� Law. The prec�ding tv�o sen�en�es shal� not app�y ta �he <br /> presence,use,�r storage an�he Prop�rty of small quanti�ies of Hazardous Substances�hat are genera�ly recogni2ed <br /> �o be ap�ropr�a�e to narmal res�dent�a�uses and t�ma�ntenance�f the Property. <br /> Borr�wer sha��promptly g�ue Lender w�ri�ten no��c��f any invest�garian,claim,demand,1aw�ui�or o�h�r action by <br /> any govern�nental or re�ulatary agency or pri�ate par� �nvolv�ng the Pr�perty and any I3a�ardaus Substance or <br /> Env�ronmental Law of which Lorrovver has a��ual knav��edge. �f B�rrower learr�s, �r �s notif�ed by any <br /> g�vernmen�a��r regulatary authar��y;tha�any removal or other remediatian af any Hazardous Subs�ance affec�ing <br /> the Praper�y is necessary, Barrawer sha�l prornptly �ake a�i necessar� remedial actions in accordance with <br /> Environmen�ta�Law. <br /> As used in�his paragraph, "�fa�ard�us SuUstances" aY-e�hase subs�ances defned as��xic or hazardous subs�ances <br /> hy En�ir�nmen�al Law and �he following substances: gasa��ne, kerosene, ather f�arnmable ar tox�c petra�eum <br /> products, toxic pes�icid�s and herhicides, vola��le soluents, ma�eria�s cantaining asbesto� nr f�rmaldehyde, and <br /> radioa��i�re materials.A5 u��d in�his paragraph, "En��ronmen�al Lav�v"means federal Iav�s and�a�vs af the s�ate�f <br /> Nebrasl�a�hat relate�o heal�h,�safe�y or env�ronmen�al protecti�n. <br /> A�celeration; Remed�es. I�ender shall gi�e na�ice t� Bvrrower pr�or to acceleratiQrn fol�ow�ng Bvrrower's <br /> breach�f any cavenant or agreemen�i�th�s Se�uri�y Instru�xaent or�he�ontract under wh�ch accel�ration <br /> is permitted �but �ot privr to acce�eration und�r the section titled Transfer❑f the Pr�perty or a Bene�cial <br /> Interest �n Borra�ver, unless A�plicable .1Law pro�ides o�h�rw�s�}. The notice shalt sp�cif�: �a} the defau�t; <br /> �b} �he acti�n required ta cure �he defaul�t; ��} a date, not �ess than the m�nimum number of days <br /> establi�hed by Appl�cab�e Law from the date the notice is gi�en t�B�rrovver, by vvhich the default must be <br /> cured; and �d� �hat fai�ur� �o cure the default on or before the da�e specif�ed �n the no�ice may re�u�t in <br /> acce�eration af the sums s�cur�d hy �h�5 Security Instru�en� and sale of the Property. To the ex�ent <br /> permitt�d by�aw, the notic� sha�� fur�her inform Borro►w�r�f�h� r�ght to re�nsta��af�er accelerat�an and <br /> the right to br�ng a caurt��t�on�o assert the non-existence of a de�ault or a�y other defense of BorrovW�r ta <br /> a�ceiera�ion and sale. Tf the def�u��is n�t curec� vn or beFore the da��specified in the n�ti��, Lender at i�s <br /> opt�on rriay rec�uire imrnediate paymen� in fu�� of ail sums secured b� this Securi�y Instrum�nt wi�hout <br /> further d�mand and may i��voke the pow�r of sale and an��ther remedie� permitted by Applicable Law. <br /> To the �x��nt �ermitt�d by law, i.lender shal� be entitled ta cvilec� alI expenses incurred in pursuing th� <br /> rerned�e�provided in thi���ction, including,�u� nvt limited�v, reas�nab�e attflrneys' f�e�and costs af title <br /> e��dence. <br /> If the��wer of sale is in�ok�d, Trustee shall record a n�tice af default in each county in which any part of <br /> the Property i�located and sh�l�mai� cnpies of s�uch no�ice i�the manner prescrib�d �y Applicable I1aw�o <br /> Borrawer and �o the other persons prQscribed by Appl�cab�� Law. After the ��m� required by Appl�cabl� <br /> Law, Trustee s�al� gi�ve pu�l�c no�ice a�sa�e l:v �he persons and in the manner pres�ribed by Applicable <br /> Lav+v. Trus�ee, w�thout demand on Borru►�ver,shali se11�h�Prvperty at public auct�on ta�he high�s�bidd�r <br /> at the time and place�nd under the ter�ns designated in�he notice of sale in ane�r more parc��s and in any <br /> nrder Trustee determines. Trus�ee may postpnne sa�e vf a�� or any� parc�l of the Property by public <br /> annauncement a�the time and place of any pr���ous��scheduled sale.Lend�r or i#�designee may purcha5e <br /> the Prop�rty a�any sale. <br /> Upan re�e�pt of pa�men�of the pr��e bid, Trustee shail deli�er to the �ur�ha�er Trustee's d�ed cvnveying <br /> the Prop�rty.'I'he reci�als�n the Trustee'� deed sl�all be prir�r�a fa�ie e�idenc��f�h�tru#h af the stat�rnQn�s <br /> C�3 24b�-24]5 Coanpiianc�Systems,lnc.A6BG73A7-��] d5� <br /> Cans�rner Real Estate-Secucity Ir�strumer�t DL2�3d 1'a�e 4 vF 5 www.compfia� <br />