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��1 5�5934 <br /> in�eres� from the date of d�sbursem�n� a� �h� same ra#e asse�sed �n ad�ances u��der t��e C�ntrac� and shal� be <br /> payable,v�ith�n�erest,upan n��ice frvm Lender�o Soxrower reques�ing payrnent. <br /> �nspec�ion. Lender ar i�s agent may make �easonable eniries up�n and inspections af the Prap�r�y. Lender sha�I <br /> give Barrower nntice at�he time of vr prior to an inspect�an specifying�eas�nable cau�e for fihe inspect�on. <br /> �ondemna�i�n.The proceeds of a.ny award ar�laim far damages, dir�ct��r consequential, �n Gonnectian wz�h any <br /> c�nd�mnatian �r at��er tak�ng of any part of�he Proper�y, nr for Gonveyance in lieu of Gondernna�ion, ar���er�by <br /> assxgned and shail be paid�o Lender. <br /> In�he event af�.total �ak�ng of th� Proper�y, �h� proceeds sha�� be applied �a th� sums secured by�his Securi�� <br /> Instrument, whether ar no� �hen due, w�th any e�ce�s pa�d tc� Snrrower. In the e�ent of a par�ial �ak�ng �f the <br /> Property in �Thich the fair market �alue af�he Property immedia�ely before the taking is eaual tn or�rea�er���an <br /> tl�� amaun� �f the sums secured by this Security Ins�rurnen� irnmedia�e�y before�he �aking, un�ess Borrawer and <br /> Lender��her�ise a�ree in writing,�he sums se�ured by this SeGur��y Ins�rument sha�l,be reduced b��he amoun�af <br /> the pxoceeds mu���p�ied by the follav�ing fract�an: �a}�lae�a�a� amou��t flf tl�e sums s�cured irnmediate�y before�he <br /> tak�ng, d�vided by �b) �he fa�r maxke��ralue af�h� Praper� irnmed�a�ely before the �aking. Any balance sha�1 b� <br /> paid to Bot-rawer. �n the e�ent of a par�ia� fiaking of�he Praper� �n.�vhich t�e fair marke�Wa�ue �f the Prope�-ty <br /> imrnedia�ely�efare �he Caking is �ess than the amount of�he surns secured immedia�el�r be��re �he�aking, unless <br /> Borr�v�er and Lendcr o�hervvise agree �n writing or unless App�i�a���Lav�ather.wise provid�s,the praceeds shall <br /> be applied to�he surns secured h��h�s Securi�y Instrum�n�v�hether ar no�the s��ms are th�n due. <br /> �f the Prap�rry is abandoned by Borrov�er, or if, after no�i.�e by Lex�der�a Ba�rxovver tha��he co�dempai-offers�o <br /> make an a�uard ar se�t�e a claim for damages, Barra�e�r fa��s to respond to L�nder w��hin�he�ninimum number af <br /> days es�ab�ished by Applicablc Law after�he da�e the n�tice is gi�en,Lender is autho�ri��d to���iec�and app�y��ae <br /> �roceeds, at it� �ption, ei�her to res�oratian �r repair af the Property �r to the sums secured by this Se�urity <br /> �nstrumen�,whe�her or na��hen due. <br /> J <br /> LJnless Lender and Borr�v�rer Q�herwise agree in wri�ing, any appiiea��on of proce�ds�o pripcipa� sha�l n�t e��end <br /> or p�stpone the due date af�he paymen�s due under�he C�nh�ac�ar chan�e�he amaun�af such paymen�s. <br /> �3nrrower No� Re�eased; For�earance Sy Lender Nvt a Wai�v�r. Ex�ension af the t�me for pa�m�n� or <br /> modification af amortiza�ian af�he �u�ns secured by t���s Securi�y Instrumer�t gran�ed by Lender to B�nrvti�er ar <br /> any successar �n in�eres� af Borxo��er sha�l no� operate �o release �he Iiab�lity of �he original So�rro�er ar <br /> Barrov�er's suGcessars in in�erest. Lender shai�no�be required ta c�mmence proceed�ngs against any succe�sor in <br /> interest o�r refuse�a extend��me fox payment or�therwise m�dify amor�iza�tian of the sums secured by th�s Security <br /> Instrumcn� b v rcasan af any d�rnand madc b� th� orxgina� �orrov�er or �anrower's succes�ors in in��res�. Any <br /> forbearance hy Lender�n ex�rc�sing any righ�or remedy shalI�n��be a�vai�er flf ar preclude the exercise of any <br /> right ar rernedy. � <br /> S�ccessor� and Assigns Bvund; Ja�nt and Several Liabi�it��; A�commadat��n Signers, Th� �avenan�s and <br /> agreem�n�s �f�hi� Sccurity�ns�rument sha��b�nd and beneft the succ�ssoxs and assigns of Lender and Bonrowe�-, <br /> subject �o the pravisians af sec��on ����ed Transfer �f the Property nr a Bene�ciai intere�t in Sorrower. <br /> Borr�wer's c�venan�s and agreements shall be jain�and se�eral. .�.ny persfln�wh�co-signs,this Securi��r ins�ru�nen� <br /> but has nfl persana� liabil��y under �he C�ptract ["Accom�nadatian .Signe�r"�: �a} is c�ws.igr�ing this Se�uri� <br /> �nstrumen� on�y �a m�r�gage, g�an� and con�ey �ha� Accomrnodat�on. S�gner's �nterest in �he Praper�y under �he <br /> terms af �he S��ur�ty �ns�ru�rtet��; �b� is no� persona�ly ob� pay �h�.:sur�s secured l�y �his 5ecuri�y <br /> �nstrument; an��c�agrees�ha�Lender and any�ther Barrower may agree to e��end,mod�fy, forbear or make any <br /> accamrnoda�ians��ith regard�o�he terms of�his Securi�y Ins�rument ar.�he Contrac�Wvzth�ut�hat Accomrnodation <br /> �1�i7���5�4nS�t1�. . . <br /> Laan �harges. If the �oan secure� by �h�s Se�urity ���strurnen� is subject ta a �aw which sets maximurn l�an <br /> charges, and�hat�aw�s f nal�u in�erpreted sa�ha�the in�eres�or oth�r Ioan charges collected�r�:o be callected �n <br /> cflnnection �i�i� �he �aan exc��d the pe�-mi�tted �imits, �hen: �a� an� such laan charge shall be reduced b}r �hc <br /> amaunt ne�essar��a reduce�he charge�o�he permitted�imits and �b} any sums already coliected from B�rrawer <br /> which e�ceeded perm���ed limi�s �il� be refunded �fl I3arrfl��v�r. Lender may chaase tn rnake th�s xefund by <br /> reducing the principal ovtired under the �nntrac� �r by making a direc�payment to �3orr��ver. If a refund reduces <br /> principal,�h�reduct�on vvi ll be�rea�ed as a partia�prepa�men�und�r�he Con�ra�t. <br /> N��ice�. An� n��ice �Q Borrov�er pro�id�d far in this Se�uri�� �ns�rument sl�ali be given by deliv�r�ng it or �� <br /> ma�ling i�by firs�class ma��unless Applicable Lav�requires use af another me�hod.The no�ice sha�l be direc�ed�� <br /> the Praperty Addx�ss or any other address Borrower desibnates by no��ce to I,ender. Bnrrawer agr�es�� pro�Tide <br /> Lender vvi�h Borro�ver's mas�curz-en� rna�l�ng ad�ress, as i�may chan�e from time--��--��rne. Any n��ice�a Lender <br /> shal���given by f rs�class rnaiI to I�ender's addres�s�ated herein�r ar�y�ther address Lender des�gna�es by nfltice <br /> to B�rr�wer.Any nat�ce pro�ided far�n this Secur��y Ins�rumen�sl�ail be deemed�o ha�e be�n given to Borrower <br /> �r Lender�uhen gi�en a�provided in�h�s paragrap��. <br /> ��Wern�ng Law; Se�erab�ix�y.Th�s Secur�ty�nstrument shall be go�erned by federa� law and�he laws af�he s�a�e <br /> of l�ebras�a. �n the e�en� �hat any proWision o� �lause af th�s Securi�yr In�trurn�nt or�he ��nt�ac� canfli��s w��h <br /> Appl��able Lav�r, su�h c�nfl��t shal� not affec��ther pro�isions �f this Securi�y �ns�xumen� ar the Contract v�rhich <br /> ca�be gi��n�ffeC�with�u�the c�nfli���ng p�ovision.To this er�d�h�pro�isions af�h�s Secur��y�ns�rument and�he <br /> �an�rac�are dec�ared�o be se��rab�e. <br /> Borr�wer's�op��.Borrower shall b��iven one c�py af this Sec��rity ins�rument. <br /> �20Q4-�015 Carnp[iance Systems,1n�.AGBC-73A7-�bl�.3,5,]464 � <br /> C�nsumer Rea�Estate-Securitl�Ir�stntmer€t DLZ�36 Pa�e 3 vf S , • <br /> , � , , . - . <br /> , _ <br />
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