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<br /> p�o�ided in this�eed of Trus�. -
<br /> Lender. The wo�d "Lender" means BAN I��F THE WEST, its s€�ccessors and assigns, The w�rds"su�cessors o�-
<br /> assigns"mean any persar�❑r campany tha�acquires any in��rest in the�t�edi�Agreemen#.
<br /> Pers4na� Property. The words "Pe�'sonai Property" mean a�l equ�pment, fixtures, and other a�ticles of personal
<br /> praper�y naw ar hereafter ❑wned by T�usto�, and novv ❑r herea�#er attached o� affixed to the Real Praperty;
<br /> �agethe�with af[ accessians, parts, and �ddi�ions to, all repla�emen�s of, and all substitutions for, �ny ❑�such
<br /> proper�y; and tagether with a1� proceeds (including withaut I�rni�atian a�l insuranee praceeds and refunds o�'
<br /> prerniums}from any sa{e or athe�-dispasit�nn of the Property.
<br /> Prap�rty, The word"Proper�y"means co[lec�iveiy the Rea� Property and�he Personal Property_
<br /> Real P�opetty. The wards"Real Prvp�r�y"mean the reai property, interests and rig��ts, as�ur�her described in this
<br /> Deed ofi Trust.
<br /> Re�ated Dac�rnents. The wards "Related ❑ocuments" mean ail pramissary nates, credit agreements, loan
<br /> agreements, en�iranme�ta� agreem�nts, gua�anties, security agreemen�s, mortgages, deeds o�F trust, security
<br /> deeds, collateral mar�gages, and ail other instruments, agreemen�s and documents, whether now o� hereaft�r
<br /> existing,executed�n connection w�th the indebte�ness:
<br /> Rents. The word "�ents" means all p�esent and fiu�ure �-�nts, re�enues, income, issues, rayafties, profts, and
<br /> other benefits deri�ed�rom the Properky.
<br /> Trustee. The word "Trustee"means BANK OF THE WEST,whose address is P� BQ��497,�MAHA, NE 68103
<br /> and any suhs#itute or succe5sor trust�es.
<br /> Trustor. The word"Trust�r"means ROBERT�PARRA.
<br /> A�REES T4 lTS TERMS.
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<br /> �n �his day before me, the undersign�d No#ary Pubfic, pers�nally ap�eared RagERTa PARRA, ta me known to be the
<br /> �ndi�idual d�scr�bed in and wha execu#e�i the Deed of Trust, and acknflwledged tha�he or she signed#he Deed of Trus�
<br /> as hi�❑r her#re�and Wa�untary a��and dee�,for th�uses and purposes ther�in mentioned.
<br /> . � ...d
<br /> �i�en under my hand and aff�ciat seal this ���'°��day o� �- , 2Q ��. .
<br /> By 3 � �r � `e�
<br /> Printed Nam�; � � � -�,:�
<br /> Na�ary Pub��c in and for the S#a�e of �'
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<br /> Residin at � �.�A- ��
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<br /> State af�ebra�ka-Genera#�{o�� � � �� ; �.���;,,�.����_.�i����
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<br /> 7`A�Y►�J.STEPN�NS � � � �
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