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<br /> G���rning Law. This Deed ❑f Trust wiil b� ga�erned by�ederal law applicable to Lender and, to �he �x�ent not
<br /> pre�mpted by fede�-ai �aw,the laws a�the Sta'�e of Nehraska wi�hout regard to i#s Gonflicts af iaw provisions, This
<br /> Deed c�f Trus#has been acc�pted by Lender in the 5�ate vf Nebraska.
<br /> No Wai�er by Lende�, Trusta�unders�ands Lender wi�l nat give up any�#Len�er's�ights under this Deed of Trust
<br /> unless Lender does s❑ in writing. Tn�fac�that Lender delays ar❑mits to exercise any r�gh# wi�l not mean tha#
<br /> Lender has gi�en up that r�gh�. ��' Lender does agree in �vri�ing t❑ give up one ��Lende€-'s righ�s, that does not
<br /> mean Trustor w�ll no� ha�� to comply wi�h the o�her pra�isions of�h�s Deed of Trust. Trustc�r a�so undersfands
<br /> that i�Lender d�es consent to a request, that does not mean �hat Trus�ar will nat ha�e ta ge# L�nd�r's consent
<br /> again if the si#uation happens agatn. Trustor fur�h�r understands tha�just because Lender conser�ts to one ar mo�e
<br /> of Trustor's r�quests, that does nat rnean Lender will be required tv consent ta any of Trus�or's future requests.
<br /> Trustor waives presentm�nt,dernand�or paymert�, protes�,and notice of dish�nvr.
<br /> Severability, lf a coutt finds that any p�ovision of th�s Dee�i af Trust is nat�a�i�i or shou�d nat be ep�orced, t�at
<br /> €a�t by itseif wili not mean that the rest of this ❑eed of Trus#v�ill not be v�lid ❑r en�or��d. There#nre,a�nurt will
<br /> enfarce the rest of the provisians af this Deed❑f Trus�even �f a pro�ision❑f this Deed of Trust may be found ta be
<br /> in�alid ar unenfor�eable.
<br /> Successors and Assigns. Sub�ect to any limitations stated in this Deed of Trust an transfer af T�-ustor's interest,
<br /> this Deed ��Trust shall be binding upon and inure to the benetit af the parties, �heir sUccessar$ and assigns_ If
<br /> awnership of�he Prop�rty becomes�este� in a person ather than Trustor, Lendet�,v+�ithaut notice�o Trustor, may
<br /> deal w�th Trustor'�successors with r�ference to this Deed af Trust and the Indebtedness by way o�'forbearance ar
<br /> ex#ensinn without reieasing Trustor from the obliga�ians o�this❑eed of Trust or liability under the lndebtedness.
<br /> Time�s of#he�ssence. Time is of th�essence in the performance o�this Deed a€Trust.
<br /> Vl�a�ver of Homestead Exernption. Trusfior hereby releases and waives all rights and bene#its af the homestead
<br /> exempti�n laws of the State of hleb�aska as to a�l Ind�b��dness secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEFENIT��NS. T�e follawing wo�ds sha�l ha�e the foll�w�ng rneanings wnen used in this Deed of Trus#:
<br /> Senefciary. The word"Benef��iary"means BAN#��F THE WEST,an� its su�cessa�-s and assigns.
<br /> Borrower. The ward "Borrower" means RDE3ERT� PARRA and includes all co-signers and co�mak�rs signing the
<br /> �redi�Agreement and ail the�r suGcessors and assigns.
<br /> Cr�dit Agreement. The words "�redit Agreemen�" rnean the credi� agreemenf�dated August �0, ��15, Wl�h
<br /> credit iimifi of$�3,��D.DD from Trustor to Lender,toge�her with a��renewals o#,extens�ons of, modifica�ions
<br /> of, refinancings of, �onsolidations af,and substitu�ians for the promissory n�t�ar agreement. The maturity date af
<br /> th_is ❑eed of Trust �s August 25, 2���. N4T�CE T� TRl]ST�R: THE CREQIT AGREEMENT C�NTA�NS A
<br /> Deed vf Trust. The w�rds "Deed of Trust" mean this ❑eed af Trus� among Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> inc�udes without limifia�ian ali assignment and security in�e�-est pro�isions relating #a �he Per�onal Proper�y and
<br /> R�nts_
<br /> � En►►ironmental Laws, The w�rds "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and all state, �ederal and local s�a�u�es,
<br /> regu�ation� and ordinances rela�ing to �he prfltection af human h�alth or the environment, in�iuding wi�hout
<br /> limit��ion the Cvmprehensive En�ironmen#al Response, Gampensation, and Liabiiit}�Ac�of '�984, as amended, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. 5�c�ion JF�'!, e�seq. �"CER�LA"}, the Superfund Arnendments and Reautha�'i�ation f�ct of �986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-�99�"SARA"},the Hazardaus Materia�s Transportatifln Act, 49 U,S.C.Sec�ion �8�'�,et seq.,the Resource
<br /> Conservativn and Reco�ery A�t, �-� U.S.�. Sectian �9Q'1, �t seq., or other applicabl� s�ate or federal �aws, rules,
<br /> or�eguiatians adopteci pursuant#hereta.
<br /> E�ent vf De�au�#. T�e words"�vent o�Def�uit"me�n any❑f tne e�ents o�default set forth in this Deed of Trust in
<br /> the e�ents o#de#ault section o-��th is Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Hazardaus Substanees. The words "Hazardous Substances" mean materials �ha�, because o� thei� quanti�y,
<br /> can�entration ar physical, chemical or infectiaus characteristics, may cause ❑r pose a present❑r paten#ial haza�d
<br /> to human heaith or the en�ir�nment when �rnproperly used,treated, stored,dispased of,generated, manu�a�tured,
<br /> transported nr athen�vise handfed. The vvo�ds"Ha�ardous 5ubst�n�es" are ���d in their�ery broadest sense and
<br /> inc�ude without �imitatian any and all hazardous o� toxic substances, materia�s or waste as de�ined by or listed
<br /> under the Enviranmen�al Laws. The#erm"Hazardaus Substances"als❑inc�udes,w�thout limitation, petroleum and
<br /> petroleum by-procfucts ar any�rac#ion th�reaf and asbestos.
<br /> Impro�ements, Th� word "�mpro��ments" means all existing and future impravements, bui�d�ngs, structures,
<br /> mobiie homes affixed on the Real Prop�r�y, facilities, add�t�ons, rep�acements and �ther constructi�n on the Reai
<br /> Property.
<br /> �ndebtedness. The word "Indebtedn�ss" rneans all pr�ncipa�, interes�, and other amounts, costs and expenses
<br /> payable ur�der the C�-edit Agre�men� o� Rela#ed ❑acumen#s, tagether with all renewals v�, extensians of,
<br /> modif�ativns ❑f, consa�ida��on� ❑f and substitutions far the �redit Agreement vr Re�ated �ocuments and �ny
<br /> amounts expend�d or ad�anced by Lender to discharge T�-us#or's abiigations or expenses incurred by Tru�tee or
<br /> L�nder #o �nforce Trustar's obligations under this ❑eed o� Trust, t�g�ther with in#e�est an su�h amoun�s as
<br />