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� <br /> - m � � � <br /> IV � rn C7 � � � <br /> o � �� � C� �m R] rn <br /> cn � �� � � C Q Q D <br /> � � �� � C �� C3� C�n <br /> o�v � Z� � � �m � � <br /> u' - �� D � �00 � CI] <br /> � rn �� � <br /> � rn� <br /> � � � =c�i� � � <br /> - �� v� � � � <br /> � y� � r� <br /> � o a �.�. rn <br /> 00 � � � <br /> � � � <br /> � <br /> VIlHEN RE�C]RDED II�IAIL T�: <br /> Five Points Bank <br /> Narth Bran�h <br /> �Q'15 iVvrth Braadw�ll <br /> G�and Island.NE �88a3 ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,_ F�R RECDRDER'S USE�NLY, <br /> *OD���������1289195�34�a�27���5� . <br /> �EE�] �F TF�LJST <br /> TI�[� �EED �F TRLIST is �lated August �7. ���5, amvng CLIFF�RD P NlEM�3TH; A SIi��LE <br /> PE��C]N {"Trust��"�; �ive Points �ank, whose address is North gran�h, ��'I� N�rth groadwell, <br /> Crand Is�and, NE �88�3 tref�rred tv bel��ru� svrnetimes �s 'r Lender" and sorne�imes as <br /> "Ben�ficiary"�; and Fi�e Poir�ts �ank, whvs� address is P.� Bv�c 't 5D7, Grand Island, NE <br /> ��8�2-15�� {referred ta belvw as "Trustee"�, <br /> Ct�NVEY�4NCE AND GRANT. Fvr va�uahle considera�kion, Trustar con�eys to Trus�te� in trust.WITH P�WER C]F SALE, <br /> for the benefit of Lend�r as Beneficiary, all af Trus�or's right, title, and interest in and t❑ the fo[lowing described real <br /> prap�rty, together w�th all existing or sul�sequentfy erected or a�fixed buildings, imprv�ements and fixtures; all <br /> easements, rights o� vuay, and appurtenances; al! water, v►ra��r rights and di�ch righfs �in�luding stocl4 in utiiiti�s with <br /> ditch ❑r irrigafian rightsy; and all vther rights, royalties. and pr�fi�s r�lating to the real proper�y, inCluding without <br /> limitation al] minerais, oil, gas, geatherrnal and similar rna��ers, {#h� "f�eal Proper�yrr� located in HALL <br /> �vunty, State af fVebraska: <br /> L�T 9� ANQ THE S�UTH 'l7' �F L�T �7, BELM�NT AI]DITI�N TC� THE C1TY �F �R,�4N�3 <br /> l5LA1VD, HALL �C]UNTY. NEBR►45�CA. <br /> The IReal Prap�rty ar its address is comm�nly known as �32� V11 5TH STREET, GRAN[] <br /> lSL►4NDr IVE G88��. <br /> FUTURE ADVAN�ES, In addition tv the Note, this Deed of Trust s�cures a�l fu�ure ad�ances made by Lender to Trustar <br /> whether o� no�C the ad�ances are made pursuan�to a cammitment. Specifically, withou� [imitation, this D�ed of Trus�k <br /> secures, in addition t� th� amaunts spe�ified in the Note, a[l future amaunts Lender in its discretion may loan t❑ <br /> Trustar,�ogether with all in�er�st thereon. <br /> Trustor presently assigns tv Lender �also known as B�ne�iciary in this aeed of Trusty all of Trusto�'s ri�ht, fiitle, and <br /> Enterest in and t� all presen� and future leases of �h� Property and �ll Rents fram �he Property. �n additian, Trustor <br /> g�ants to Lend�r a Uniforrn Commercial �ode security inter�s�in the Personal Property and Rents. <br /> TH15 ❑EED ❑F TRUST, IIVCLLJ�IN� THE A55�GiVMENT�F RENTS AND THE SE�UR[TY IiVTEREST I�V THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSaNAL PR�PERTY, lS G1VEN T(} SECLJRE (A� PAYN[EIVT �F THE IN�EBTEDNESS AND �g� PEF�FQRMAiVCE ❑F <br /> ANY AND ALL �gLiGAT1aNS UNOER THE N�TE. THE RELATED ❑DCUIVIENTS, AND THIS DEED �F TRUST. THIS <br />