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�� � ��15�5884 <br /> Tran�f�r of the Prapert�ar a Benef�cia�Intere5t in Barrower.�f a�l Qr ariy par�af the Praperty�r any in�erest <br /> in i� is �o�d or transferred ��r rf a benefi�ial interest in Borrou�er is sold or transferred and Borrov�rer �s no� a <br /> natura� person� vvith�u� Lender's pr�or written c�nsent, Lend�r�m.ay, at ��s opt�on, requ��re immedia�e paymen� �n <br /> fu�l of a�l sums se�ured by �his Secur��y �nstrument. H�we�er, th�� option shall not be ex�r�ised by Lender �f <br /> exer�i�e is pr�hibi�ed by federal lav�as�f the date�f this Securi�y�nstrument. <br /> rf Lender exer�ises thxs opt�on, Lender shall give Barrower natice �f ac�e�era�ion. The notice shal� pro�id� a <br /> periad of not Iess than�he minimum number af days establ�shed by Applicable Law from the date �he na�ice is <br /> de�ivered or max�ed w�th�n wh�ch Borrower mus� pay aIl sums secured by this Security Instrument. If Barrawer <br /> fax�s�o pay�h�se sums pr�or�o the expiration �f this period, Lender may in�oke any remedies perrnitted by this <br /> Se�ur�ty�nstrument wi�hout further notice ar demand on�3Qrr��r�r. <br /> Borrow�r's Righ� to Reir�s�a�e. �f�orrav�er meets cer�ain �andi�ions, Borrower shali have the rrght �o have <br /> enforcemen�of�h�s 5ecurity �ns�rumen�discontinued at any t�m�priar ta the �ar��er flf: �a� S days �ar su�h ather <br /> periad a�ApplicabXe Lativ may specify far reins�a�emen�}befor�sa�e of the Prop�rty pursuant to any povver�f sa�e <br /> conta�ne�d in this Securzty �nstrumen�; or �b} entry �f a judgmen� enfarcxng �h�s S�curity �ns�rumen�. Thflse <br /> c�nditions ar� tha�Borra�ver: (a} pays Lender all sums �vhi�h then wou�d be due u.nder this Security �ns�rument <br /> and the��ntrac�as if no acce�era��on had�ccurred;�b}�ures any defaul�of any o�her���enan�s nr agr�ements;��} <br /> pays aI��xpense��ncurred in enforcing thi� Se�urity Ins�rument,�nclud�ng,but nat Iimited to,reasanab�e at��rneys' <br /> fees t���e exten�penn�t�ed by la�v; and�d}�a.kes such action as Lender may reas�nably require tn assure tha��h� <br /> izen of this 5ecurity�nstrumen�,Lender's rights in the Property and B�rrav�rer's abl�gat�an to pa�the sums secured <br /> by th�s �ecurity �ns�rurnen� �ha11 continu� u.nchanged. Upon reinstat�ment by Borrgwer, �hxs Se�urxty �ns�rumen� <br /> and the Qbl�ga�ians secured hereby shal� rema�n fully effective as if no accelerat��n had accurred. Hawever, this <br /> rzght ta reinstate shall no�apply in the case of ac�elera��on under th�sect�on titied Transfer of�he Property vr a <br /> �3eneficia�In�ere�t in Borrflwer. <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances,Borrow�r shal�not cause or permi�the presence,use,dispflsal, s��rag�,or re�ease of any <br /> Hazardous SubstanG�s on or in the Pr�perty.Borro�er sha1l not do,n�r all�w anyone else ta da,anything affecting <br /> �he Property that is in violat�nn of any En��roz�men�a� Law. The preceding�wo sentences shall nat apply to the <br /> presence,use,ar s�orage on the Praperty of small quan�i�ies af Ha�ardous Substances that are general��r�cogni�ed <br /> to be appropria�e�o norma�res�den�ial uses and�a maintenan�e�f�he Property. <br /> Borrovver shall pr�mp�Iy give Lender written no�ice of any�n�es��gati�n,clai_m, d�mand,�awsui�ar ather acti�n by <br /> any go��rnm�ntal or regula�ory agenc� or pri�a�e party involving the Proper�y and any Hazardaus Substan�� or <br /> Environmental Lav� of which Borrower has actua� knowledge. �f Borrov��r learns, �r zs not�f�d by any <br /> go�ernm.ental or regu�a�ory authori�y,�ha�any r�mova�or other remediation of any Hazardous Subs�an�e affec�ing <br /> �he Praperty i� n�cessary, Borrower shall pr�mp�ly take all n�cessary remedial acti�ns in accardance v��ith <br /> En��ronr.nental Lav�. <br /> As us�d in this para�raph, "Hazardous 5ubstan�es" ar� tho�e substances defined as taxic or hazardous substances <br /> by Env�ronmental Law and the f�llvwing substances: gasa�ine, �erosene, o�her flarnmabl� or to�ic �etro�eum <br /> products, toxic pest�cides and herbicides, v��at��e salv�nts, materia�s G�ntaining asbestas ar fflrmaldehyde, and <br /> rad�oact�ve ma�erials.As used in�his paragraphy "En�ironmental Law"m�ans federal la�us and laws of the s�a�e af <br /> Nebraska that relate�o health,safety flr enviranmental prote�tion. <br /> Acce�er��rvn; Remed�e5. Lender shal� g�ve r�otice to Barrvwer pr�or to ac�elerat�on follotiving �3arrower's <br /> brea�h c�f any cav�nant or agreement in thi5 Se�ur�t��Instrument or the�ontra�t und�r whi��elera�inn <br /> is perm���ed�but n�t priflr to a�celeration under�he section titled Transfer of the P�roperty or a Beneficial <br /> Int�r��t in B�rrowery un�es� Applicab��Law pro�ides otherwise}. The nat�ce�hall spe��fy: �a) the default; <br /> [b} the act�on required �o cure the defauIt; �C� a date, no� l�s� than �he minimum number of days <br /> es�abli�hed by App�icable Law from th�date�he noti�e is g�ven to Borrower,�y wh�ch the de�ault mus�be <br /> cured; and �d} that failur� to cure �h� default on or before the date specified �n �he notice may result xn <br /> a�celera�ian af the sums secured by �h�s Se�uri�y Instrument and sa�� of �he Property, To the ex�ent <br /> �ermitted by xaw, th� not�ce sh�ll fur�her inf�rm Borrower of the rrght to reinstate aft�r a���lera�ion and <br /> �he right to bring a court a�tian to assert the non-existence of a defauit or any other defense of Borrower to <br /> accelera�ivn and sal�. If�he default is not cur�d an or befare the da�e spec�f�ed in the notice,Lend�r at its <br /> vpt�on may requYre imm��iiate payrnent in full af aIl sums 5ecured by �this �ecur�ty Instrumen� vvi�hout <br /> fur�her demand and rnay in�ok� the power of sale and any other remedie� permi�ted by Appl�eab�e Law. <br /> Ta the ex�ent perrnit�ed by law, Lender shail h� �nt�tled to coll�c� ali expen5es incurred in pursuing the <br /> remed�e�provided in th�s Section,including, bu� no�Iimi�ed�o, r�asonable at�orneys� fees and cos�s of titi�e <br /> e�idence. <br /> If the power of sale is invoked,'Tru�tee shal�re��rd a natice af default in each caunty�n�vhich any part of <br /> the Property �s located and sha�l mail c�pie5�f 5uch notice in �he manner prescr��ed by App��cable Lav�to <br /> Barrow�r and to the o�her p�rsons prescrib�d �y App�icable Law. Aftier the time required by Appli�able <br /> Law, Tru��ee shall g�ve pu�Iic r�oti�e �f sale �o �he persons and in �he manner prescribed by Appxicahle <br /> Law. Tra�s�ee,wi�hau�demand on B�rrower,s�all sell the Proper�y at public au�#ian ta�he h�ghes��idder <br /> a�th�t�rnie and place and under th�terms de�ignate�in the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any <br /> �rd�r T�us�ee determines. Tru�tee may postpone sa�e ❑f ali ar any parcel of the Prvper#y by public <br /> announc�men�at the tim�and place of any pr��v�ously s�heduled sa�e.Lender or i��designee may purehase <br /> �he Pr�perty a�any sa�e. <br /> Upan re�e�pt of paym�nt�f th� price bid, Truste� sha��deliv�r to the purchaser Trus�ee's deed eonveying <br /> the Praperty.The recita�s in the Trustee`s deed shaI�be pr�ma facz�evid�nce af the�ru�h af the sta�ements <br /> �20a4-2414 Complian�e Systems,Inc.FDda-3a56-2413L2.1�.1.895 <br /> Consumer Fteal Estate-Security Instnicrsent DL2�36 Page 4 of 5 www.cornpiian� <br />