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��15�5884 <br /> interest frorn �he da�e of dis�bursemen� a� �he sarne rate assessed on advances under �he Cantract and shall be <br /> payable,wi�h interes�,upon no�ice from Lender�o Borrovver reques�ing payment. <br /> Inspection. Lender or its agent rnay ma�e reasonable en�ries upon and inspec�rons af�he Property. Lender shal� <br /> g��e Borro�ver no�ice a�the��me af ar pri�r�a an�nspectian�pecifying reasonable cause for the inspectian. <br /> Condemnation.The proceeds af any award or claim for damag�s,direct or consequ�ntial, zn cannec��on���h an� <br /> condemna�ion�r�ther taking of an�part af the Property, or far conve�ance zn lieu�f condemnatian, are hereb� <br /> assigned and shall be paid ta Lender. <br /> �n �he ev�n�af a�o�al�aking af�he Pr�perty, �he pra�e�ds shall be ap���ed to �he sums secured by �hzs Securi� <br /> Instrumen�, whether or no� then due, rn���h any ex�ess pa�d to Borrvwer. In the e�ent of a �ar�ial �aking af�he <br /> Proper� ua.whxch th� fa�r market value of the Pra�erty immedia�ely�efore the �ak�ng zs�qua�t� ar greater than <br /> the am�unt af�he sums se�ured by this S�cur�� �ns�rurn�nt �mrnediately bef�re the�a�ing, unless Sorrower and <br /> Lender otiherwise agree in writing,�he sums se�ured by�hzs Securz�y Instrumen�shall be reduced by the arn�unt af <br /> the proceeds mu��ipized by the fo�law�ng fracti�n: �a�the tota�amount of�h�sums secured immedia�ely befor��he <br /> �aking, di�ided by �b} �he fair mar�Cet �aiue �f the Property �mmedza�te�y before the fiaking. Any ba�ance sha�I be <br /> pazd to Borrower. In the event af a�ar�ial tak�n� af the Property in which the fair market va�ue of�he Proper�y <br /> immedia�e�y before the�alc�ng is �ess than the amoun� of the sums secured immed�a�ely befor� the takzng, un��ss <br /> B�rrower and Lender a�herwxse agree in wri�ing ar un�ess Appl�cable Law o�herwzse pra��des, the pr�ceeds sha�t <br /> be appiied�a the sums secured by this Security�ns�ruxnen�whe�h�r or not the surns are�hen due. <br /> If�he P�raperty is abandaned by Barrower, or if, after not�ce b�Lender t�Barrower�ha�the candemnor�ffers�� <br /> mak�an award ar se�tle a��aim fnr damages,Borrovver fai�s to resp�nd to Lender within the minxmum number 4f <br /> days esta.blished by App�zcable Law after�h.e da�e�he notice is gx�ren,Lender�s authori�ed�a collect and apply�h� <br /> pr�ceeds, a� its apti�an, either to restaratian or r�pair of the Proper�y ar to �he sums b� �his Securi�y <br /> �ns�rum�nt,vvh��her ar no��hen due. <br /> Un��ss Lender and Bonrovver otherwise agr�e xn writing, a�y app�i�at�on of proceed��o principai shal�nat e�tend <br /> or pastpane�he due date of the payments due under�he Con�ract ar charige the amount�f such pa�naents. <br /> �arrower No� Re�ea�ed; Forbearance By Lender No� a �a�ver. Ex�ensit�n flf the ��me for paymen� ar <br /> mod�fca�ion af arnor�zzatian af the sums secur�d by thi.s Se�ur�ty �ns�rumen�granted�y Lender to Borrower or <br /> any su��essar in interest �f B�rrower shall nat opera�e �o rel�ase th� ��abili�y of the or�gina� Borrowe�r or <br /> Borrawer's succ�ssors ix� interest. Lender sha1�no�be required to �ornmenc�proceedinbs aga�nst any su�cesso�r zn <br /> inte�rest�r refuse ta�xtend time for payment ar otherwise modify amor�i2a�ion af�he sums secur��by�his Securit� <br /> �ns�rum�nt by reason af any demand made by �he orig�nal �arrawer or B orrower's succes sors �n �n�erest. Any� <br /> farb�arance by Lend�r in exerczsxng any right ox r�rnedy shall no�be a wai�er of or prec�ude�he e�ercxse of any <br /> right�r remedy. <br /> Successors and Ass�gn5 Baund; J��nt and Severa� Liah�lity; Ac�omrnodat�on Signers. The ca�enan�s and <br /> agreements of this Secu�ri�y Instrument shall bind and benef t the�uccessors and assigns of Lender and Barrower, <br /> subj��t �o �he pro��s�ons of sec�ion �itled Transfer of �he Property or a Bene�c�al Interes� �n Borrower. <br /> Borrawer's�o�enants and agreemen�s sha1l be joint and se�eral.Any persan wh�co-signs this Security�n�trumen� <br /> bu� has no personal Iiabz��ty under th� ��n�ract �"A�camrnodatzon Signer"}: �a) is co-signing this Security <br /> �ns�rument an�y �a mor�gage, gran� and convey that Accornmadation Signer's �nt�rest in �he Fr��erty under the <br /> �erms of the Secur��y �ns�rumen�; �b� zs no� persana�ly ab��ga�ed to pay �he sums secured by �his Security <br /> Xns�rum�n�;and(c}agrees�ha�Lender and any o�her B�rrov�er may agree to ex�end,mad�fy,forb�ar or ma�e an� <br /> accomrn�da�ians with regard t��he terms of�h�s 5�cur�fiy�nstrurnent ar the�ontrac�with�ut�hat A�commoda�ion <br /> Signer's�onsen�. <br /> Laan Charges. �f�he loan s�cured by th�s Securi�y �nstrumen� zs subjec� to a law v�hx�h se�s m.aximum ioan <br /> charges, a�ad tha�Iaw is f nally �nterpre�ed so tha�the in�eres�or other Xaan char��s collec�ed or ta be co���cted in <br /> c�nnect�on wi�h the Ioan ex�eed the permitted iim�ts, �hen: �a} an� such �oan charge shall be reduced }�y the <br /> amaun�necessary to redu�e�he charge to the permitted Iimit�and�b}any sums already col�ect�d fram B�rr�wer <br /> wh�ch exceeded perrnitted �rmits vv��i be refunded to Sarravver. Lender may choose to make this r�fund by <br /> reducing the pr��.cxpal ov�ed ur�der the �ontract or by making a direc�paymen��a Barr�wer. �f a refund r�duces <br /> pr�n�ipal,the reductio�.will be�r�a�ed as a par�ial prepayment under�he�on�ract. <br /> Notices. Any noti�e to B�rrower prov�ded for in �his S�curity Xnstrurnent shal� be given by del��ering i� or by <br /> mail�ng��by f�rs�class mai�un�ess Applicab�e Law requ�res use of an��her me�h�d.The no�ice sha��be directed t� <br /> the Proper�y Addr�ss or any oth�r address Borravver desxgna�es by natice to Lend�r. B�rrower a�rees to pro��de <br /> Lender w�th Ba�-�rawer's most current mai�ing address, as ��may change from ti.rne-�o-t�me. Any notzce�a Lender <br /> shall be gzven by f rs�c]ass mail to Lender's address s�ated herein or any other address Lender designa�es by notice <br /> to Barrower. Any notrce provided far in this Securi�Ins�rumen�sha�I be de�med to ha�e been g��en to Barrower <br /> or Lender when giv�n as prov��ded�n this parag�aph. <br /> Go�erning Law; Severahil�ty.This 5ecur�ty Ins�rument shal�be gov�rned by federal law and the lavv�af the state <br /> of Nebraska. �n�he e�en��hat any pro�ision or claus� of�his Security Ins�rument or the �ontract canf��cts vvxth <br /> Applicable Law, such conflict shal�not affe��other pr�v�sions of�his Secur�ty Instrument or�he Con�rac�v�hxch <br /> �an be given effect wx�haut�he confl��t�ng provision.Tv this end the pro�v�sions flf�his Security�nst7rumen�and the <br /> Con�ract are dec�ared�o b�severable. <br /> Sarr�w�rts�opy.Borrower shall be g��en one capy of th�s Secur��y�ns�.rumen�. <br /> Q 2fl�4-2�14 Campliance Systems,inc.FD6�-3066-2fl13L2.1a.1.895 <br /> C�nsumer Real�,sta#e-Securi�y Tnstrument DL2�3C� Page 3 of 5 ww� <br />