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��15�5851 <br /> ���� �� `��Us� <br /> t�D�1��nu�C�� �'age 7 <br /> not then repa�d, inciuding �ut na� limited �o accrue� sn�erest and �ate charges, �ii} as� other sums th�n <br /> secured hereby,and �ii�}the remainder, if any,to the persan or persons legal�y entiti�d thereta. <br /> �c} Trustee may in�he mann��pro�ided by law postpon�sale�fi all or any portiQn�f the Prop�rky. <br /> Remed�es N�� Exc�us�v�. Trus�ee and L.ender, and each 4� thern, sha�� �e enti��ed �o enforce �ayment and <br /> pe�ormance o�any indebtedness❑r ob�igations se�ured by this Deed af Trus�and to exercise a�l righfs and powe�s <br /> under this Deed of Trust, under the I�ote, under any of the R�lated ❑acuments, ❑r under any o�her agreement or <br /> a�y laws nnw or herea�#e�in force; natw��hstanding, same ar a!I of such indebtedn�ss and obl��at�ons secured by <br /> this De�d of Trust may now or herea�ter be❑the�ise secisred, w�ethe�by ma�tgage, deed af trust, p��dge, iien, <br /> assignment ❑r otherwise. Neither th� accep�ance of this De�d �f T�ust r�ar i�s en�orcement, whe�her by �ourt <br /> ac�ian ar pu�suan#tfl th�power o�sale or other powers contained in th�s Deed af Yrust, shalf �rejud�ce ar in any <br /> manner a�Fect Trustee's ar Lender's ri�ht to realize upon or enfor�e any ather securi�y nvvu �r hereaf��r held by <br /> �frustee or Lend�r, it�eing a�re�d�hat�T"rustee and�.ende�, and each of them, shall be entitled ta en�or�e this Deed <br /> o�Trust and any o�her s�curi�y now or he�eaf�er held by L�nd�r❑r Trustee in such o�der and manne� as they or <br /> ei�her of them may in thei�ahsolute discre�i�n determine. No remedy con#err�d upon ar rese�ved �o Trustee or <br /> Lender, is ir��ended�o be excfusi�e of any othe�remedy in this�eed o�Trus�or by law pro�id�d or permitted, but <br /> each sha�l he c�rnu4at3v� and shall be in addition �a every othe� remedy gi�en in this Deed of Trus# or now or <br /> he��af#er�xist�ng at lav�or in equity or by sta#ute. E�ery power or remedy gi�en by the �ate or any o�the Refated <br /> Documen#s t� Trust�e ar l�ender a� t� which either o� �hem may be ❑thentvise entitled, may be exercised, <br /> concurrent�y or�ndependently,�rom time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by Trustee ar Lender, <br /> and �ither ❑g them �nay pursue inconsistent remedies. hlothing ii� this aeed of Trust s�a3f be const��ued as <br /> prahibiting Lender�r�om s�eking a defciency judgment aga�nst the Trus�or ta the extent such action is p�rmitted by <br /> �aw. <br /> Eleetion o� Remed�Qs. A�I of Lender's rights and rerned�es wil� be �um�lative and may be exere�sed alane ar <br /> togekher. If Lender d�:��des#o spend money or t� perfo�m any of Trus#or's obligations under#hi� Deed af Trust, <br /> afte�Trustor's �aii�re�o do sa, tha��ecis�on by Lende�will na�affec� Lender`s right fo decfare Trustar in default <br /> and�o exer�ise Lender's rernedies. <br /> Req�est for Hot�ce, Tr-us�or, on bena��of Trus�or and l��nder,hereby requests that a copy a�any Noti�e of De�auit <br /> and a copy of�ny Notice of Saie under this [7ee� of Trust be mailed to them at the addresses se�forth in the first <br /> pa�agraph of this Deed o�Trus�. <br /> At#orneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender insti�u#es any suit ar action to enforce any of �he terms of this ❑eed o� <br /> Trust, Lend�r shall be entitled to recoWer such surn as the caur�rnay adjudge r�asvnable as attorneys'�ees at trial <br /> and upon any appeai. UVhether ❑r nat any cour� a�tian is invo�ved, and �c� the �xtent not prohibited by law, all <br /> r�asonable expenses Lender incur� tha� in Lend�r's �pinian are necessary at any time for the pro�e�tian o� its <br /> int�rest or the enfarcement of i�s rights shal!became a part of the Indehtedness payable on demand and sha�l hear <br /> in�eres�at th� Nots ra��from the da�e❑�the expenditure until r�p�id. Expens�s�o�ered by th�s paragraph in�lude, <br /> without limitation, howe�er sub�ect�o any limits under appli�ab�e law, Lender's attorneys'fees and Lender's ��gal <br /> expenses, whethe�' ❑r not there is a lawsuit, �ncluding attorneys` fees and expenses for bankru�tcy p�oceedin�s <br /> �Er�cluding e�forts to modify or�acate any automat�c stay ar in�unctian), a�peals,and any an�ici�a�ed post��udgment <br /> co[lection services, the cos# of sear�hing records, ❑b�ain�ng ti��e repor�s [�nc�uding fare�lasure reparts}, surveyars' <br /> repor�s, and appraisa� fe�s, t�t�e insuran�e, and fees f�r the Trustee, to the exten� pe�mi�ted by applicable law. <br /> Trustor also wiif pay any caur�costs, in addi��on to all other sums proWided by�aw. <br /> R�gh�s vf Trustee. Trustee sha1�nave a�l ❑f the righfis and duties o�Lender as se#�ortn in tnEs section. <br /> P�1�lERS AND t]BLlGAT�UNS��TRIJSTE�, The foilvwing pro�isians r�la�ing t�the pawers and❑bligatians of Trust�e <br /> are part o�th€s ❑eed of T�ust: <br /> Powers vfi Trustee. 1n addition to a��pow�rs of T�ustee arising as a ma�ter af law,Trus#ee shal! haWe the power to <br /> take th�fo�lowing a�t�ans with r�spect ta the Proper�y up�n the wri�ten request a�f l_ender and Trustor: ta}jain in <br /> prepar�ng and filing a map ar pla� of the Real Property, including �he dedi�atian o� streets Qr o�her righ�s ta the <br /> pub�ic; �b} join in g�anting any easement or creating any res�ricti�n an the Real Pr�perty; and �c} join in any <br /> subvr�ina�ion or other agreernen�a�Fecting this❑eed of Yrus�o�the�nt�rest af Lender under t#�is Deed c�f Trust. <br /> Trustee. Trus#ee shall mee#a�i �ualifications required for T�ustee under appls�a�le �aw. In addition to the rights <br /> and remed��s set forth above, with re�pect �o al� or any part af the Pr�perty, the Truste� shal� ha�e th� rig h#to <br /> fareci�se by notice and saie, and LendeE�wil� have the right�a fare�lose by;ud��ia� fa�'ec�asure, �n either case in <br /> ac�ordance�nri�h and��#he�ul�extent pro��ded by applicabie law. <br /> Successor Trus#�e. Lender, at Lender's op�ion, may�rom��me ta time appaint a successor T�us�ee�o any Trust�e <br /> appa�nted ur�der this ❑e�d of Trust by an inst�urnent executed and acknowl�dg�d �y Lender and r��ord�d in the <br /> office of the record�r of HALL County, Stat� o� Nebraska. The instrument sha�l contain, in addi�iQn to alf �the� <br /> mat�ers requ�red by sta�e [�w, the names �f �he origina� Lend�r, T�ust�e, and T�ustor, the boak and page tar <br /> camputer �ystem reference} where this Deed ❑f Trust is recorded, and the narne and address af the successar <br /> trustee, and�h��ns�rumen�shal�be exe�uted and acknowledged by��I the beneficiar�es under this Deed a�Trust ar <br /> their sucGessors in �nfer�st. Th�successo���ustee, without con�eyanc� of the Property, shal! succe�d �o all the <br /> titi�, pov�r�r, and duties canferred upon the Trustee in �his De�d ❑�Trust and by appli�ab[e law. This procedure f�r <br /> substitutian af Tru��ee shalI gavern�Q�h�exclusion of a�l oth�r pr��isians far substi�utian. <br />