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��15�5851 <br /> ���� �� ����� <br /> ��v�1���u�t�} Page � <br /> Trustor's pr�perty in which Ler�der has a �ien. This incl�des �aki�g of, garnishing o� or levying an Trusto�'s <br /> ac�a�nts with Lender. Howe�er, i���ustor disputes �n gaod fiaith wh�:ther�he clairn an which the tak+ng o�the <br /> Property is based is �alid or reasonabie, and �� Trus�or giv�s Lender wr��ten notice af#he claim and fu�nish�s <br /> Lender with monie�ar a sur�ty bond sa��sfac�ory ta Lender to satisfy the c�aim,then this default provision will nat <br /> apply. <br /> Rreach a#U�her Agreemen�. Any breach by Trus�o�und�r the terms af any other agreement between Trustor and <br /> Lender�f�a� is not remedied within a��y gra�e period pravided therein, ir�cluding wi�haut limitat�on any agr�ement <br /> cancerning any indebtedness o�o�her obligation o�T�ustor t�Lender,whe�her ex�sting naw or later. <br /> ��en�s A�fecting Guaran�ar. Any of�he preceding events accurs with respect to any guarantor, endorse�, surety, <br /> ar accommndatian pa�ty af any of the �ndebtedness ar any guarantor, endorser, surety, a� accammodation pa�ty <br /> dies or be�omes Encompetent, ar revokes or disputes the �alidity of, or liability under, any Guaranty o� the <br /> �ndebtedness. <br /> Existing Indeb�edness. The paymen�o�any insta[Iment of princ�pal or any interest�n �he Ex�sting lndebt�dness is <br /> not made within the time required by�he promiss�ry no#e e��dencing such indeh�edness, or a�efau�t occu�s un�er <br /> the �nstrument securing such indebtedne�s and is not cured during any applicable grace period in such inst�ument, <br /> o�any suit o�other act�nn is�ammenced t��arec�ase ar�y existing �ien an the Praperty. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES �N �EFAULT, �f an Event of❑efiault occurs under�his ❑eed of Trust, at any�irne therea�ter, <br /> Trus#ee or Lender may exer�ise any one or mare of�he following rights and �ernedies: <br /> A�c�leratinn Upon Default; Add�tiana� Remedies, If any E�ent of De�aul�occurs as per the terms of the Note <br /> secured here�y, Lender may declare ail lndebtedness s�cur�d by this Deed of Trust�a be due and payab��and <br /> the same shal�thereupor�b�come due and payable wi�hou#an�r pres�ntment, demand,pro�est or no�i��o�any <br /> kind. Th�reafter, Lender may: <br /> �a} Ei#her in person or by agen�, wi�h ❑r vvithout bringing any activn or proceeding, or by a receiver <br /> appointed by a caurt and withou�regard �o the adequacy af i�s secu�i�y, enter upon and take possession <br /> o�#he Property, or any part ther�eaf, in its own name ar in �he name of Trust�e, and do any acts which �� <br /> deerns nec�ssary ar desirable to preserve the�a�ue, marketabi�ity or rentabif�ty o�the Prape�ty,vr part a� <br /> .the Property or interest in �he Prvper�y; increase the income from the Property o�protect the securi�y o� <br /> the Prop�rty; and, with nr without �aking possession a�#he Prape�ty, sue f�r or otherwise co�lec� �h2 <br /> rents, issues and p�afi#s of�he Propert�, inc�udir�g those past due and unpaid, and appiy the sam�, less <br /> cos�s and expenses of operati�n and collection attarneys`fe��,t❑any indebtedness�e�ured by�his Deed <br /> of Trust, a11 in such order as Lender may de�errnine. The ente�ing upan and taking possession of the <br /> Pr�perty, the c�llec�i�n of su�h rents, issue� and profits, and the appl�cation thereo�shall na# cure or <br /> wai�e any defaul�ar no�ice of d�faul�under this Deed o�Trust ar in�a�idate any act dvne in response ta <br /> such de�aul��r pursu�nt to such not�ce of default; and, notwit�hstandin�the continuance in possessi�n of <br /> the Proper#y ❑r�he Ga�iecti�n, re�eipt and application flf rents, 155U�5 ❑f pf��l�5, Trust�e ❑r Lender shall <br /> be en�i�led ta exercise e�ery �iyh�pro�ided fo�in the Na�e or the Re�a�ed Da�umen�s ar by fa�v upan the <br /> occurrence af any e�ent af defaul�, including the right t❑exercise the power o�sale; <br /> (b} Commence an a�tian to foreclase thi� ��ed af Trust as a mor#gage, appain�a reGei��r or speci�ical�y <br /> enfarce any of the covenants h�reaf; and <br /> �c} ❑�{i�er�a Trus#�e a written decfaration❑fi d�fault and demand for sa�e and a written n�tice af default <br /> and election to cause Trust�r's interest in�he Properiy to be sald,whi�h notice Trus#ee shal� cause to�e <br /> duly filed for record in the apprapria#e af�ices of�h�Caunty in which the Prnperty is located; and <br /> td} INi�h r�spect to a1i or any par�of the Person�l Prope�y, Lender s�al� ha�e a�[the rights and �emedies <br /> of a se�ured�ar�y under�he Nek�raska Uniform Cammercia!Code. <br /> Foreclosure �y Power of Sale, if Lender elec�s to fo�e�lose by exercise of the Power of Sale herein cantatned, <br /> Lender shal� nati�y Truste� and shall depasit wi�h Truste�th+s ❑e�d af Trust and the Nate and su�h �eceip�s <br /> and evidence af�xpen�itures made and secur�d by this�eed o�Trust as Trustee may r�quire. <br /> �a} Upon rece�pt of su�h notice f�am L�nder,Yrustee sha�l cause to be recorded, pubfished and delivered <br /> to Trus�or such Notice afi Default and Notice of Sale as then required by lavv and by�h is ❑eed �f Trust. <br /> Trustee sha�l, wi�hout demand an Trusto�, after such time as may then be requ�re� by law and a�t�r <br /> reca�dation a�su�h Nati�e of D�fault and after Notice of Sale#�aving been given as required by�aw, �e�� <br /> �he Property at the time and plac� �f sale fixed by it in such Notice of Sale, eithe� as a ►nrhale, or in <br /> separate lots or parcels or i�ems as Trustee sha�[deem expedient, and in such order as it may determine, <br /> a�pubiic auc�ian �a the hi�hest bidder far cash ir� la�rfu� money of the Unit�d S#ates payable a�the time <br /> o� sale. Trustee sha�� deliver t� such purchaser or purchasers the�eo� 3�s good and suf�icient deed ❑r <br /> deeds conveying the property so sold, bu�wi�hout any coWenan# �r warranty, express ar impl�ed, The <br /> recita�s in such deed of any matters or fiacts sha!! he canclusive p�oof of#he t�u#hfiuiness thereof. Any <br /> person, including wi�hout�imitation Tru��ori Trus�ee, �r Lender,may purchas�at such�ale. <br /> �b} �s may be permit�ed by law, after deduct�ng afl costs, fe�s and expenses �f Trustee and of this <br /> Trust, inc�uding�osts o���i�ence of�itle in cvnnec�ion with sale,Trust�e�hal[apply th�proceeds❑f sale <br /> ��payment of ti}a�f surns expended unde��he term�af this Deed of Trust ar under the�e�ms of�he Note <br />