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��15�5851 <br /> ���� �� ��L��� <br /> ������r�u�d} Pa�e 3 <br /> wi�hin fifteen ��5} days af#er Trustor has nfl�ice of the fling, se�ure the dfscharge of�he �ien, o� if requeste� by <br /> L�nder,depos��with Lender cash or a suff�cient corparate su�e�y bond ar at�er secu�fty�atisfactory t�Lender in an <br /> amount sufFi�i�n�#o dis�harge the iien plu5 any casts and attorneys'fees, or other charges#hat cou[d a�crue as a <br /> result a�a forec�osure or sale unde�the fien. In any cont�st, Trustor shalf defend�tsei�and Lender and sha�i satis�y <br /> any adverse ju�gme��t�e�o�e er�farcement aga�nsi the Property. Trust�r si�all name Lender as an additional abiig�e <br /> under any surety bond furnished in the contes�pro�eed�ngs. <br /> Evid�nce of Payment. Trustor shal! upan demand furnish to Lender sa��sfactory evidence ofi payment of the#axes <br /> ar assessments and shail a���hari�e tne apprapriate go�ernmenta� offi��al ta deliver�o Lender at any time a written <br /> stat�rnent of the�axes and ass�ssments ag�inst th�Pr�perty. <br /> Nfltice �f Cons�ructi�n. T�ustor shail notify Lender at leas�fiifteen ��5} days before any wark is commenced, any <br /> s�nrices are furnished, ar any materials ar�supplied �o the Property, if any m�chani�'s lien, ma#er�afinen's lien, or <br /> othe�lien cousd be asse�ted an accaunt af the wa�k, senrices, o�maferia3s. T�ustnr wili upon requesi of Lende� <br /> furnish to Lend�r advance assurances sa#isfac�ary t� Lender �hat �-rus��r Gan an� wili pay the cast of such <br /> improvem�nts. <br /> pR�PERTY�AMAGE�hiSllRANCE. The follow�ng provisions relating ta insuring the Praperty are a par�af this Deed�� <br /> T�us�. <br /> Maint�nan�e vf Insurance. Trustar shall pro�ure and main�ain pa[�ci�s o�fre insurance with standard extended <br /> �overage endo�sements on a repla�ement basis �or the �ul! insurabie va�ue co�ering aif Improv�ments ❑n the Real <br /> Prflp�r�y �n an amount sufficient to avoid appficat�an of any co�nsu�ance clause, and w�th a standard mortgagee <br /> c�ause in fa��r❑f Lender,together with such other hazard and liability insurance as Lender m�y reasonab�y requi�e. <br /> Pol��ies shall be wri�ten in form, arnounts, �a�erages and basis reasonably accep�able t� Lend�r and issued by a <br /> company �r companies r�asor�ably acc�ptab��t� Lender. �rustar, upan r�quest �� Lender, wi�f deiiver to Lender <br /> fr�m time tfl�tme�he po�ici�s or ce�ti�icates o�insu�an�e in farm sa�is�actoty to Lender, inciuding stipuiatiqns that <br /> c��erages wiil n�fi be cance�led vr diminished withaut a# feast ten �1�} days prior writ�en natice ta Lender. Ea�h <br /> insuran�e policy a!s❑ shaff inelude an endarsem�nt prov�ding that�ove�age in fa�a� of L�n�er wil� no�be impaired <br /> in any w�y by any act, �miss�an or d��ault of Trustor�r any a�her pe�son. Shou�d the R�al Proper#y be iocat�d in <br /> an area desfgnat�d by the Adrn�nis�rator af the F�d�ra1 �mergency Managemen�Agency as a�pecia�flaod hazard <br /> area, Trustar agrees to ob#a�n and main�ain Federai Flv�d fnsurance, if a�aiiahle, �ar the ful[ unpai� principa� <br /> balance o�the laan and any prio�liens an�he prope�ty securing the loan, up to the maxirnum poficy I�mifs set under <br /> �he Na��ona! Flood �nsurance Program, cr as atherw�se required by Lender, an��o main�ain such insurar�ce fo��he <br /> term of the i�an. <br /> Appfi�a�ian ot Proceeds. Trustor sha11 promptly notify Lender af any�oss❑r darnage to the Praperty. Lender may <br /> make proof nf iass i�T�us�or�ails to d❑ so w�thin f�fteen �'15} days of th� �asua�ty. INhet�er ❑r no� Lender's <br /> security is impa�red, Lender rnay, at Lender's election, r�ce'tve and retain the p�a�ee�s o�F any insurar�ce and app�y <br /> �he proceeds ta #he reduct��n ❑f the �ndeb#edness, payment o�any lien aff�cting the Property, o�the �es�arati�n <br /> and repasr of the Property. ��Lender ele�ts to apply the p�oceeds to restaration and repair, Trustar shalf repair a�- <br /> replace the dama�ed or destrayed lrnpra�ements in a manner satisfactory �a Lender_ Lender shali, upon <br /> sa�isfactory proa� ❑f suGh expenditure, pay ar re�mburse Trustor f�orn the pro�eeds for �he reasanabie cost a� <br /> repair or restaration if T�ustor is na� in defauit under this aeed af Trust. P�ny proce�d� which hav� not been <br /> disbursed�vi�hin �8Q days after�h�ir receip� and which Lender has r�ot c�mmitted ta the repair-ar r�storatian o� <br /> the Proper�y shall be used first ta pay any amoun�awing t� Lender und��this Deed o�Trust, th�n to pay accru�d <br /> inter�st, and the �emainder, if any, sha�l he applied to �he principa� ba�an��e Qf the �ndehtedness. !�Lend�r ha�ds <br /> any p�oce�ds af�e� payment in full a� th� indebte�ness, such p�aceeds shall be paid �o T�-ustor as Trustor's <br /> in#eres�s may appear. <br /> Comp��ance w�t� Exis�3ng fndehfedness. t3uring the periad in whicn any �xisting �ndeb#edness desc�il�ed belaw is <br /> in ef�ect, complian�e with �he insur�nce pra��sions contained �n the ins�rument eWiden�ing such Exis�ing <br /> lndebtedn�ss shall constitute compliance with the inSurance pra�is�ans under this Deed �f Trust, ta �he exten� <br /> �om�lia��e witk� t�te tet�ms af this De�� of Tsust would canstitute a dup�i�ation o#insurance requiremen�. If any <br /> p�oceeds f�om �he insurance be�ome payable an Ioss, �he pro�isians tn fih�s Deed o�Trust for divisi�n af proceeds <br /> sha�#appiy❑nly ta that porti�n o�tne proceeds not payable to the hvlde�of the Existing Indebtedness. <br /> L�NDER'S E�PENDITURES. if Trustar faiis �A} �o keep the P�operty free of all #axes, liens, secu�i�y inter�sts, <br /> en�umbran�es, and other elaims, �B} to prav�de any required insurance an the Prope�ty, ��} ta make repa�rs t� th� <br /> Proper#y or to cvmply with any ab�igation to maintain Exist�ng lndeb��dness in gaod standing as �equired beiow, �h�n <br /> Lende� may do so. �� any action ar proceec#ing is c�mrnenc�d �hat wauld rnaterialiy aff�c� Lender's interests in the <br /> Proper�y, then Lender vn Trusto�`s behalf may, bufi is na# r�quired t�, kake any a�tian tha� Lender believes #o be <br /> �ppro{�riate to pratect Lender's interests. All expenses incurred or paid by Lender far su�h pur�poses wi�l then bear <br /> in�erest at the ra�e charged under th� N�te �r�m the date incUrred or pa�d by Lender to the date a�f repayment by <br /> Trustor. Afl such expenses w��l became a pa�t of�he Indebtedness and, at Lender`5 op�Ron, wi11 �A} be payab�e on <br /> demand; �B} be added �a the baian�e af the i�ate and b� appor�ioned among and he payable with any installrnent <br /> payments ta becom� due �uring either ��i} the�erm af any appticafaie insurance�olicy; flr ��} ��� �ema�ning�erm af <br /> the Note; qr �Cy be�reated as a bafloon paym�n�whi�h w��1 be due and payable a�the No�e's maturity. The Qeed o� <br /> Trust a�s�wi�� s�cure paym�nt of��ese amaunts. The rights p���ided for in #his paragraph shaii be in addition'ta any <br /> ather righ#s or any remed�es to which Lender.may be entit�ed an a�count of any defauit. Any such action by Lender <br />