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��15�58�7 <br /> �,Trustar shall immediately natify Benefi�iary �f a r�l�a�� or threat�ned r�lease of a Hazardous <br /> ' Suk�stance occurs on, under or abaut the Pro�erty ar there is a �Eolati�n of any En�iranmental <br /> Law cancerning the Pr�perty. In such an e�ent, Trustor shall take a�l necessary remedial <br /> actian in accvrdance wEth any En�irvnmental Law. <br /> a.Trustar shall imm�diately n�tify B�nef��iary in writing as savn as Trustor has reasvn tv <br /> beli��e ther� is any p�nding or threatened inv�stigation, claim, or pro�eeding relating to the <br /> releas�vr threat�ned release of any Hazardvus Substanc� �r the ��olation aF any <br /> Env�ranmental Law. <br /> 12. ESCR�'L�T F�R TA�ES ANI�INSURANCE. Unless otherwise pra�ided in a separate agreement, <br /> Trustor will not be r�quired to pay t� Benefi�iary funds for taxes and insurance in escraw. <br /> 13. J�INT AND INDIVIDUAL L�ABILITY; G�-SI�NERS; SUCCE55�RS AND ASSI�NS BDUND. All <br /> duties under this S�curity Instrument are joint and indi�iduaf. �f T�usto�signs this Security <br /> Instrument but do�s not sign an e�idence of de�t, Trustvr daes sa only to rnartgage Trusta�'s <br /> �nterest in the Prop�rty to se�ure payment af th� Secured Debt and Trustor does not agree to he <br /> persona�ly liable an the Secured Debt. If this Security lnstrument secures a guaranty b�tween <br /> Benefi�iary and Trustar, Trustor agrees to wai�e any rights that may pr��ent Beneficiary from <br /> brin��n� any action ar clairn aga�nst Trustor flr any party indebted under the obligativn. These rights <br /> may incfude, hut are not limited tv, any anti-deficiency ar one-action laws. Th� duties and �enefits <br /> vf th�s Security lnstrurnent shall bind and �en�fit the successors and assigns of Trustar and <br /> B�neficiary. <br /> 14, SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATI�IV. This 5ecurity Instrument is Gomplete and fully integrated. <br /> This SeGurity Instrurnent may not be arnen�ed �r madified by ❑ra! agreement. Any sectivn in this <br /> 5�curity Instrument, attachments, or any agreement related to the 5ecured Debt that �onflicts with <br /> applica�le law wiE� not be effecti�e, un�ess that law expressly or impliedly p�rmits the �ariatians by <br /> written agreement. �f any sectian aF this Security Instrument cannot be enfor�ed a�carding ta its <br /> terms, that sectian will be se�ered and will nat affect the enfarceak�i�ity of th� r�mainder vf this <br /> Security Instrument. Whene�e�used, the singular�hail include the plural and the plural the singular. <br /> The captians and headings vf the se�tions af this S�curity lnstrument are far �anv�nience only and <br /> ar� nvt ta be used ta interpr�t ar defin�the terms of this 5ecurity Instrument. Time fs of the <br /> essen�e in this Security �nstrurnent. <br /> 15. SUCCESS�R TRLTSTEE. Beneficiary, at B�neficiary's �ption, may fram time to tim� rema�e Trustee <br /> and appoint a suc�essor trustee without any ath�r formality than the designat��n in writing. The <br /> successor trustee, without con�eyan�e of th� Property, sha[� su�ceed to all the title, pawer and <br /> duties �onfe�red upon Trustee by this Security Instrum�nt and applicable law. <br /> 1�. N�TI�E. Unless otherwise required by law, any notice shall be gi�en by deli�ering it nr by rnailing it <br /> by first c�ass mai! t�the a�prflpriate party's address vn page '� of this 5ecurity Instrument, ar ta <br /> any other address desi�nated in writ�ng. Notice tn ane trustor will be deemed ta b� natice t� aIl <br /> trustars. Trustor and 6eneficiary he��by request a copy of any natice�f default, and a c�py af any <br /> nvti�e of sale th�reunder, be mai�ed to �a�h party at the addr�ss far such party set forth on page 'I <br /> of this Security �nstrument. <br /> 17. �TAIVERS. Except ta the extent proh:bited by law, Trustar wai�es all appraisement and hnrnestead <br /> exernpti�n rights relating to the Property. <br /> 18. L�NE�F�REI�IT. The Secur�d Debt in�ludes a re�vl�ing line of credit. Although th� S�cured Debt <br /> may be reduced to a zero balance, this Security instrument will remain in �ffect until released. <br /> 19. APPLICABLE LAV�. This Security Instrument is go�erned by th� laws as agreed t� in the S��ur�d <br /> Debt, except to the extent required by th� laws �f the jurisdictivn where the Prvperty is located, <br /> and applicabf� federal iaws and regulati�ns. <br /> 2D. RII]ERS. The cv�enants and agreernents af ea�h of the riders checked beivw are incvrpvrated into <br /> and supp�ement an�i amend the terms of this Se�urity fnstrument. <br /> [�he�k all applica��e baxes} <br /> � Assignment af Leases and � �ther ................,.,......,............,................................... <br /> Rents <br /> 21, � C�NSTRUCTI�N L[]AN. This S�curity Instrument is a construetion security interest vvhi�h <br /> secures an abligativn incurred for the constructi�n ❑f an irnprov�ment an the Pro y. <br /> _1994 Walters Itluwer Fir�ancial Ser�ices-Bankers 5ystems* Form USBDC�-DT-NE 1111 fiJ20�� (page fi of 7} <br />