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��15�58�7 <br /> prv�ided by lavi► if Trustar is in default. In svme �nstanc�s, federal and state law wi�l require <br /> � BenefiGiary t❑ pro�ide Trusta�with noti�e vf the ri�ht t� cure, ar❑ther notices and may establish <br /> t�rne scheduf�s for fareclosure actians. Each Trust�r requests a copy af any natice af deFault and <br /> any notice of sale thereunder be mailed tv each Trustvr at the address prov�ded in Section 'I abv�e. <br /> At th��ption vf the Benefi�iary, all ar any part of the agreed fees and charges, accrued Enterest <br /> and pr�ncipal shall b�came immediat�ly due and payable, after gi�ing notic� if requir�d by law, <br /> upvn the accurrenc�of a default or anytime thereafter, <br /> If th��e is a default, Trustee shall, at the r�quest vf th� 6eneficiary, ad�ertise and sell the Prvperty <br /> as a whale or in separate parcels at publi� auction t❑the highest t�idder for cash and �on�ey <br /> a�solut�title fr�e and clear of al! right, title and interest vf Trust�r at such tirne and place as <br /> Trustee designates. Trustee shall gi�e notice vf sale inc�uding the time, terms and place of sale and <br /> a descriptivn vf the prvperty t� be s�ld as required �y the appl�cable law in effect at the time af <br /> the pr�opvsed sale. <br /> Upan sale af the Praperty and to the extent not prahibited by law, Trustee shall make and deli�er a <br /> deed tv the Pr�perty sold which cvn�eys abso[ut�title ta the purchaser, and after first paying all <br /> fees, �harges and casts, shall pay ta Benefic�ary all moneys ad�anced for repairs, taxes, insurance, <br /> liens, assessments and privr �ncumbran�es and interest th�reon, and the p�incipal and interest on <br /> th� Secured De�t, paying the surplus, if any, tv Trustar. Benef�ciary may purchase th� Praperty. <br /> The r��itals in any deed oF con��yance shall be prima facie e�idence �f the facts set f�rth therein. <br /> The acceptance by Beneficiary vf any surn in payment or par-tial payment on the Secured Debt after <br /> the halance is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure praceedings are filed shall nat constitute a <br /> wai�er of Beneficiary's right to require complete cure vf any existing default. By nat ex�rcising any <br /> remedy vn Trustar's default, Ben�ficiary dves nvt wai�e Beneficiary's right to later cons�der the <br /> e��nt a default if it happens a�ain, <br /> 1D. E�PENSES; ADVAN�ES �N C�'LIENANTS; ATT�RNEYS' FEES; C�LLECTIDN C�5T5. if <br /> Trustar breaches any covenanC in this Security �nstrument, Trustor agrees to pay a!I expenses <br /> Beneficiary incurs in perfQrming such co�enants or pratect�ng its s�curity interest in the Property. <br /> Such expenses in�lude, but are not Eimited tn, fees incurred f�r inspe�ting, preserving, vr otherwise <br /> prot�cting the Property and Benefi�iary's security inter�st. These expenses ar� payable on demand <br /> and w�ll bear interest fram the date �f payment unt�l paid in full at the highest rate of int�r�st in <br /> effect as pro�ided in the terms vf the Se�ured Debt. Trustvr agr�es to pay a�l cQsts and expenses <br /> incurred by Benefi�ia�y in collecting, enforcing or protecting BenefiGiary's rights and remedies under <br /> this 5ecurity �nstrument. This amaunt may include, but is not limited to, Trustee's fees, C�urt CvstS, <br /> and vther legal expenses. T❑the extent permitted by the Llnited States Bankruptcy Cade, Trustvr <br /> agrees to pay the r�asonable attvrneys' fees Beneficia�y incurs to coll�ct the Secur�d Debt as <br /> awarded by any court exercising jurisdiction under the Bankrupt�y Cad�. This S�curity Instrument <br /> shall remain in effect until reEeased. Trustvr agrees to pay far any r�c�rdation ct�sts af such release. <br /> 11. ENVIRONMENTAL LA'WS AhiD HAZARD�US Si]BSTAN�ES. As used in this sectian (1} <br /> En�ironmenta� Law means, without limitati�n, the Camprehens��e En�irvnmental R�spanse, <br /> Cvmpensati�n and Liahility Act �CERCLA, 42 U.S.0. 95�� et seq.}, and all ather fed�ral, state and <br /> io�al faws, regufatians, ordinances, c�urt vrders, att�rney general npinions vr interpreti�e letters <br /> concerning the public health, safety, welfare, en�Eronm�nt ar a hazardous substance; and �2� <br /> Ha�ardous Substan�e means any toxic, radioacti�e or hazardous materialr W�Ste', pvf�utant or <br /> contarninant whi�h has characteristics whi�h r�nd�r the substanc� dang�rous ❑r potentially <br /> dangeraus t❑the public health, safety, welfare or en�ironment. The terrn in�lud�s, without <br /> limitation, any substances defined as "hazardous materia�," "toxic suk�stances," "hazard�us waste" <br /> o� "hazardvus su�stan�e" under any En�Er�nmen�al Law. <br /> Trustvr represents, warrants and agrees that: <br /> q,Except as pre�ivus�y dis�lvsed and acknowledged in writing ta Beneficiary, no Hazardous <br /> Substance is or will b� [vcated, stored or re�eased on or in the Property. This restriction does <br /> nat apply to small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recogn�zed ta �e <br /> apprvpriate for the nvrmal use and maintenance vf the Property. <br /> B. Except as pre�iously dis�lvsed and a�knawledg�d in writing tv Beneficia�-y, Trustor and e�ery <br /> tenant ha�� �een, are, and shall remain in full c�rnpliance with any applicabfe ' ❑nmental Law. <br /> _1994 Wolters Kluwer Fir�ancial 5er�ices-Bankers 5ystems* Form 115B�CP-DT-NE 1�11612Q'I Z �P�g�5°��} <br />