<br /> ' ��15�58��
<br /> v
<br /> �
<br /> pri�r�[ege ass�gn�d�a Bene�Eciary as additiona[securify ta this Trust Deed, including�hvse in vr on public
<br /> domain.
<br /> �� To insure and keep �nsured buildings and o�h�r impravements including f�xtur�s an�l attachments
<br /> now an or hereafter p[a�ed an �h� proper�y t� �he sa�isfaction af Beneficiary. Such insuranc� wi[� be
<br /> en�ors�d with a loss payable c[ause fio Benefic�ary. �n d�mand, Trus�or w��� furnish said p�Iicies o�
<br /> praaf ��F insurance t❑ Beneficiary. Any sums so re�e�Wed �y genefiGiary may be used �a pay for
<br /> reconstruc�ion of the destroyed imp�o�ement� or if nat so applied may be a�plied, at th� �p�i�n of
<br /> � Beneficiary, in payment �f any indeb�edness matured �r unmatured secured by this Trus� De�d, Such
<br /> rnsurance v�rill be in an am�un�a� leasf equal to th� Iess�r of�he loan balance, the actua[ cash �a[ue of
<br /> �he co[iafe�al, or the replacemen� cosf �f�he property, and will at a minimum, cover f�sses caus�d by
<br /> fir�, [[ghtnin�, �xplasian, air�ra�t, �ehicl�s, vandarism, smak�, windstorm, and hai[. Trustor�s}wi[f abfain
<br /> and keep�Caad insurance in force to cover Iosses by f[oad as required by Beneficiary or by the Nat�anal
<br /> Fload Insurance Acf of 1968, as amen�sd, or by reguIafiQns im�Eementing the same. Trustor�s�further
<br /> agree thaf Benefrciary is na� and wiif no� be IEable fior any �ailure by Tr�ustor�s} �r by any �nsurer, for
<br /> what��er reas�n, �a ob�ain and keep this insurance in�ar�e.
<br /> 3. T� ke�p a�� hu�ldings, fixtur�s, attachments, and ather impra�ements now on ar hereaf�er placed an
<br /> the pr�perty occupied and in gvod repa�r, main�enance, and condition and to neither commit nor permif
<br /> any a�fs v� was�e or any impairment �f �he vaIue of the praper�y. Benefiiciary may en�er upan fhe
<br /> _ property to insp�c�the sam�or tv perform any acts au�horized herein �r in the credi�agreement�s}.
<br /> �. ln the e�en�Trustor�s}fails to pay any r�ens,judgments, ass�ssm�n�s, tax�s, rents, fe�s, or charges
<br /> ar maintain any in�urance on th� praperty, buildings, fi��ures, attachmen�s, ar impra�emen�s as
<br /> prvv�ded herein or in the �aan a�r�emen��s}, Beneficaary, a� i�s optian, may m�ke such payments vr �
<br /> �ro�ride insuranc�, rnain�enance, ar repairs and any amounts pa�d th�r�f�r will becorne part o� the
<br /> principal indebtedness secur�d hereby, be immediaf�ly due and �ayabfe and bear in�eresf a� �he
<br /> de�faul� �a�e pravided in the nvte�s} o� credi� agreement�s} fram �he dafe of paymen� until paid. The
<br /> ad�anC�men� by Beneficiary of any su�h amounts will in no manner limi� �h� right of Beneficiary ��
<br /> declare Trus�ar�s} in defaul�ar exer�cise any of Beneficiary's vther r'rghts and remedies.
<br /> 5. [n �he even� Beneficiary is a party �a any li�igation aff�c�ing fhe property or the iien of �his Trust
<br /> Deed, including any acti�n by Beneficiary�a enforce this Trust Deed or any sur�in which Benefic�ary is
<br /> named a de�Fendan� �incCuding candemna�i�n and bankrupfcy �raceedin�s} Bene�iciary may Incur
<br /> expenses and�advance payments far abs�ra�fi fees, attorney�fees ����he ��cf�n�allowed by law}, c�sts,
<br /> expenses, appraisai fees, and a�her charges and any amoun�s sv ad�anc�d w�l[ becom� part af �he
<br /> principal indebtedness secured hereby, be immed'[ately due and payable and bear interest at �he
<br /> defauE�ra�e p�avided in the n�te�s� ar credit agr�emen��s��From the date�f ad�ance unti� paid.
<br /> 6. Any awards made ta Trusfar�s} or�heir �uccessars by �he exercise o� eminent domain a�-e hereby
<br /> assRgned ta Beneficiary; and Beneficiary is hereby au�h�riz�d to c�llect and apply fh�same in paymen�
<br /> af any indebfedness, mature or unmatured, secured by�his Trusf Deed.
<br /> 7. In �he ev�n� of de�aul� in the paymen� when due o� any sums secured hereby �principal, interest,
<br /> advancements, or pro�ectiWe advances}, or fa�fure fa perfarm or abserve any covenan�s and conditions
<br /> con�ained herein, in the nofie�s}, credif a�re�ment{s}, or any ather ins�ruments, or any proceedings is
<br /> brough� under any Bankrup�cy laws, Beneficiary, at i�s �p�ian, may declare �he enfi�e ind�b��dness
<br /> secured hereby �o be rmmediafiely due and payable and th� whvle will bear in�er�st a� fhe defaul� ra�e
<br /> as pravided in �he no���s} or credit agreement�s} and Benefic"rary may immediately authori�e Trus�ee fi�
<br /> exercise fhe Power�f Sale gr-an�ed herein �n �he manner pra�ided in�he Nebraska Trus� Deeds Acf, �r,
<br /> a� �h� �ption of�he BenefiGiary, may f�reclose �he T�usfi D�ed in fhe manner pro�ided by Ia�rv fvr �he
<br /> foreciosure of mortgages on real praperty, including fhe appaintmen� of a Recei�e� upon ex parte
<br /> application, no�ice being hereby expressly �nraived, w��hou� regard �o fihe value of th� property ar �he
<br /> su�ficiency thereof�o discharge the in�e�a�edness secured hereby or in�h� laan agreement�s}. Delay by
<br /> Beneficiary in exercising `r�s r'rgh�s upon de�aulf wi[f not be cons�rued as a�nrai�e��hereof and any ac��f
<br /> Ben�ficiary wai�in� any specif�ed default wlll nat be cons��ued as a wai�er❑�any future defaul�. I��he
<br /> proceeds under such sa�e or foreclosure are insuffi�ien�to pay fhe tota[ indeb�ednes� secured hereby,
<br /> Trustor�s} do h�reby ag�ee �o be persanally b�und to pay �he unpa�d ba[ance, and Beneficiary wil[ be
<br /> entitled�o a def�cien�y judgment.
<br /> $. Should Beneficiary elect ta exe�cise fhe Pvwer af Sale gran�ed he�rein, Benefi�iary wiil natify Trus�ee
<br /> wh❑ will record, publish, and deIiver �a Trus�or�s) su�h N��ice of �7efault and No�i�e ❑f Sale as then
<br /> required by �aw and vvill in the manner pro�ided by law, sell �he praperty at fhe time and plac� of saCe
<br /> tix�d in �he Notice vf 5ale, ei�her as a vtirhole or in separate [ots, parcef�, or items and in such o�der as
<br /> App#:5335558; GIF#:1�79G4; Nvfe#:�44 2D�EA Legal Doc.Date:Augusf�4,��'�5
<br /> F�RM 5���,Trus�Desd and Assignment�f Rents Page 3 of 5
<br />