, ��15�58��
<br /> ti
<br /> R
<br /> Th� Sou�h Ha[f of the Nvrtheas� �uarter �S �12 NE �14} of S�ction Thir�y-two �3�}, Township T�nrel�e
<br /> �'i�} Nvrth, Range Twel�e�1�}�lVes�o��h�Gth P.M., Ha�l �ou n�y, Nebraska
<br /> fag�ther with alI Trustor's righ�, �itl�, and interest in the pr�operty, na�nr or hereaft�r acquired, including:
<br /> all hu�[dingst fix�u�es, timbe�, fimber �❑ be cu�, c�ops, and improvemenfs na�nr on �r her�after placed
<br /> upon the pr�perty; a!� appurtenances, wa�er, wa�er righ�s, �rrigatian, and dr�inag� rights; all rents,
<br /> �ssues, L15�5, income, profi�s, and ngh�s �� possessian; ali o�l, gas, gra�e[, ra�k, or ather minerals ofi
<br /> wha�ev�r nature, inc[uding g�otherrnal resaurc�s; all persana[ property that may 'rnfegra[[y belang ta or
<br /> hereafter be�ame an infegral par� of �he reai esta�e whefher aitach�� or de�ached, including any
<br /> appurtenanc�s and acc�u�rem�n�s ❑�any struc�ure or�esidence s�cur�d her�by; easernenfs and other
<br /> rights and interesfs now ar a�any time hereafter belanging ta or �n any way pertaining to the property,
<br /> �rvhether or nofi specif�cal[y described herein; afl ab�ve and belov�r graund i�riga�ian equipment and
<br /> accessaries; and aIi feases, permi�s, licenses, ar �riWi�eges, appurtenant Qr n�nappurtenan� fia the
<br /> properky, nav�r or hereafter issued, ��ended or renewed by Trus�ar�s}, any State, fhe United States, or
<br /> any departm�nf, bureau, ins��um�ntall�y, �r agency there�f. The �oregoing is coCie�fi�efy refer�ed �o in
<br /> �his dacument as�he"pr�perty."
<br /> lt is un�ers�ood and agreed between Trustor�s} and B�neficrary that this Trust Deed is �iven to s�cure
<br /> the repaymen�s in full of fhe folRowing described ob�i�a�ians, �egardless of whether IVlartgagor�s} is�are}
<br /> Iiable th�re�n, and af I future and ad�1`rt`rona� I�ans or advances, p�o��cti�e or o�her-wise, whi�h may be
<br /> made by Beneficiary, at its ap�ion, a�the request o�, and �o or�ar�he accounfi of Trus�or�s}, the part�es
<br /> [iable under�h� note�s} or cr�edit agreemen��s}, ar any ot them, for any purpas�, plus interes�therean,
<br /> a[[ payabie according to fhe terms �f fhe nafe�s}, credi�agreemenfi�s}, ar ��h�r instrumen��s} mvdifyrng
<br /> �he same.
<br /> Date of hl�te�s] �r Gredit Agreement s Pr�ncipal Arraaunt
<br /> �81�41�4�5 ��o,���.00 #� D 7 9�4—2 0�
<br /> �81��12��� 94,���.�� #1 0 7 9 5 4—2�3
<br /> Provi�l�d, howe�rer, tha� �he t�tal p�in�ipal indebtedness outs�anding and secured hereby at any ane
<br /> �ime vvill nat exceed the sum of �NE HUNDRED F1FTY--F�UR THDUSAN❑ �NE HUN�RED,
<br /> �$1�4 ���.��}, exclusi�� of in�eres� and protec�"rv� advances auth�ri�ed herein or� in �h� Ivan
<br /> agreemen��s}; provided further, that THiS PARA�RAPH SHaLL N�T ��NSTITUTE A ��MMITN[ENT
<br /> Th�s Trus�Deed wil� be due May.'i,,��3�.
<br /> Trus�ar�s} hereby �rarran�s tha� T�ustor�s} ho[ds fe� simp[e ti�le tv the above d�scribed property, fhat
<br /> Trus�or�s} has good and lawful au�hari�y t� d�ed and en�umber the same, �hat�he praperty is free and
<br /> c[�ar of a[[ iiens and encumbrances, except encumbrances of record, and that Trusfor�s} wilE warrant
<br /> and defend �he prvperty, a� Trustar�s} expense, againsf a�[ claimants vtirhomsoe��r. Trusto��s� also
<br /> h�reby wai�es and relinquishes all rights af dower, homestead, distribu�ive share, and exempfion in and
<br /> to the abave described prvperty.
<br /> Thls �rust deed secures more �han one note. ln the event af defauC� under any nofe, a[[ no�es will be
<br /> considered to be in defau[� and fhe Beneficiary may exercise fihe remedies pro�ided here'rn in
<br /> satisfac�i�n af all nates.
<br /> Trustvr��� and each nf them further cvvenants and agrees with, or certifies to, Benef�c�ary
<br /> as fa[laws:
<br /> �I. Ta pay ail li�ns, judgmen�s, or other assessm�nts against fhe pr�per�y, and ta pay when due a�[
<br /> assessments, taxes, ren�s, fees, or charges upon the proper�y Qr under any �ease, permi�, licens�, ar
<br /> App#:533�558; CI F#:1079�4; No#e#:2�4 20�EA Lega[Doc.Date:Aug ust 24,2��5
<br /> F�RN[�4��,Trusf Deed and Assignmen�o�Rents Page�of 5
<br />