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��15�578� <br /> Transfer vf the Pr�perfiy vr a��nefi�ial In�erest�n Borrvwer.�f all ar any part of�he Praperty or any interest <br /> in iti is sold ar transferred �or �f a b�neficia� interest in JBorro�er is sold �r tran�ferred a�d Borr��ver �s r�oti a <br /> na�ural person) �ithou� L�nder's priar�vr�t�en cansen�, Lender may, a� its a���i�n, require immediate pa�n�n� in <br /> ful� of a1I sums secured by this Secur��r Ins�rurnent. Hov�ever, thi� �p�zon shall n�t be exercised by Len�der if <br /> exercise is prohibxted by fed�ral la,w as Qf�he date Qf�h�s 5e�urity Instrument. <br /> �f Lender ex�rcises this aptian, Lender sha�� give B orrawer not�ce of accelera�ian. The no�ice sha�l provide a <br /> periad nf n�t less than th�mu.z�imum number of days es�abl�shed by Applic��ble La�fro�m. th.e date the notice is <br /> del�vered or mailed within whxch Barrower must pay a�l su�ns secured by tl�is Securifiy�nstrument. �f�ar�avv�r <br /> fa�ls to pay these sums priar to the expira�i�n of�his period, Lender may in�voke any remed�es permi��ed by th�s <br /> Security�nstrumen�tivithout further natice or dema�d an Ban avver, <br /> B�rrower's R�ght �o Re�.nState. �f Borrou�er me�ts certain c�nd'rtions, Barrower sha�� have �he right �o hav� <br /> enforcernen�of this 5ecurity �ns�xment disc�n��nued at any t�me priar to the earl�er of: �a} 5 days (or such other <br /> period as Applicab�e Lavv may specify for reinstatemen��befare sale af�he P��oper�y pursuan�to any povver o�f saXe <br /> cnnta.ined in this Securi�y �nstrurnent; or �b� entry af a jud�ment enforcing �hi� 5ecurity Ins�rumen�. ��hose <br /> cond��ians are tha�Borrov�rer: �a) pays Lender a�� sums wh�ich then w�uld b�= due under this Secur�ty �ns�ur�en� <br /> and�he�an�r-ac�as if no accei�ra�i�n had occurred;���cures any defau��of ax�y other c�venan�s�r agreen�enl:s;�c� <br /> pays all e�penses incurred in enforcing th�s 5ecu�-ity Ins�rumen�,including,but no�lim�t�d�o,reas�nahle atto�-neys' <br /> fees�a�he �x�en�permi.t�ed by�a�a; an��d}takes such action as Lender may reasonab�y ret�uire�o assur�tha�the <br /> 1�en of�h�s Securit�Instrument,Lender's righ�s in�he Prflp�rty and Borrower's a�ligation�o pay�he surns s��cured <br /> by�his 5ecurity Instrument sha�l �ontinu�un�hanged. Upon re�stia�ement bJr B�rrower, �hzs Securi�y Instrurnen� <br /> and the obligatians secured hereby shal� r�ma�n fully effec�itiTe as �f nn a�celerat�on�ia.d nccu�r�d. Ho�ever, t�iis <br /> rx�h�to reinstate�ha�l n�t apply in the case of acceLeration under the sectian#it�ed Transfer�f the Property�or a <br /> Benef���al In�erest in�orrov�t�•er. <br /> Ha�ardous Subs�ances,B�rroyver sha�I not Gause ar perrnit�he presence,us�;, d�sp�sal,�tarage, or release af any <br /> Hazardous Substances�n❑r in the Proper�y.Barr�wer sha��no�do,nor allow an�one e�se�a d�,an�hing aff�c�ir�g <br /> the Property that is �n vio�at�on of an�Envir�nmenta� Law. The precedir�g 1�v� sen�ences shal� not app�y t� the <br /> presen�e,use,ar stQrage on�he Pr�per�y of sma�1 quantit�es of Hazardous Sul�stanc�s that are genera�ly rec�gni.2ed <br /> �o b�appropr�a���o n�rmal resident�a�uses and to maintenance�f�he Propert�,�. <br /> Borrower shall prornptl�gi�e Lender written noti��❑f any inves�igat�on,c�ain�, dernand,�a�su��ar other acti�n by <br /> any governrnental or regu�atory agency�r private par�i�v�Iving the Prape�-ty and any Haza�d�us 5ubsta.n.ce or <br /> Environment,�� Law of �vhich Barrower has actual knov�rledge. �f Borrovver learns, or is n�tifi�d by any <br /> governmental or regu�at�ry au�h�rity,that any removal�r other remed�atinn�f any Ha�ard�us Subs�anc�affec�ing <br /> �he Property �s necessar�, �3�rrawer shal��y �ake a�i necessary remedial acti�ns �n accordance v�ri�h <br /> Environmen�a.l Law. <br /> As used�n�his paragraph, "Hazardous Substan�es" are those su�stances defi��ed as taxic �r hazardvu� subs�ances <br /> by Env�ronmental La�v and �he fall�vving substances: gasoline, l�ero�ene, t��her f�ammable ar ��xic petrUleum <br /> prfl�uc�s, toxic pe�ticides and herb�cides, volatile sa�ven�s, materials con�ai�ng a�bestos ❑r formaldeh�de, and <br /> radioact��e material�.As used in�his paragraph, "Env�ronmental Law" means federa��aws an�Ia�ws�f�he state of <br /> Nebraska�hat relate�o hea�th,safe�r ar envi�-anmen�a�pra�ection. <br /> Accelerat�on; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Barrawer prior to ;a�ce�eratian fol�aw�ng �o�ro�er's <br /> brea�h of any cvvenant�r agreement�n this Securit�Ins�rurnent or the(�Qntra��under which a�celer�tion <br /> �s perrni�t�d�but no�prior to acceleration under�he sec�ion t���ed Trans:fer�f the Pr�perty or a�enefi��ax <br /> In�erest in Barrovver,unless Appiieable Lav�r pr�vides v�herYvise). The n���ice �hall specify: �a� the defau�t; <br /> �b) �he aetion required to cure �he default; �c} a date, n�t Iess tha�z the mi��mum number �f days <br /> es�ablished by App�i�ab�e Law from the da�e�he no#�ce is gi�en to Borrv�wer,by tivhi�h the defau�t�nus�be <br /> cur�d; and �d� that fai�ure t� cure the default an or �before the date sp��cif�ed in �h� notice may r�sul� �n <br /> acc�Ierati4n of the sums secured by �his Security Instrurnen� and sa��e of �he Pr�perty, To �he e�ten� <br /> per�u�te�by�aw,the noti.ce shall fur�her inform B�rravver af the right�ta reins�ate aft�r ac�e�erat�on�and <br /> the right�o bring a court action to assert the nan�existence of a defau�����any o�her defen�e vf��rrow�er to <br /> a�celera�ion and sal.�.If the defau���s nv�cured on ar�efore�he date�pe�ified in the no�ice,Lend�r�t��s <br /> opti�n may require immed�a�e payment �n fu�l flf a�I �ums secured by �his Security Instrumer�t w��h�u� <br /> further demand and may�nvoke the po�ver of sale and any at�er remed:ies permitted by A.pp�icab�e �Law. <br /> To the extent permi��ed by law, Lender sha�.Z be enti���d to cv�lec� all e�xpen�es �ncurred in pupsw�n� �he <br /> rernedies prov�ded in�hzs Sectxon,includi�ng,but not I�im�i�ed to;reasona�ie a�torneys' fees and cost�of�itle <br /> ev�idence. <br /> If the pflwer�f sa�e�s�nvoked,Trus#ee shall recQrd a r�ot�.ce of default in each coun�in wh�.ch a�.y part of <br /> the Property is io�ated and�ha�l ma��copies of such noti�e in the mannex�prescr�bed by Appli�a�le Law�o <br /> Bor��wer and to �he �ther persons pre�cr�bed hy Appi�cab�e Law. Afte�- the t�me required by�.ppiirab�e <br /> Law, Trus�ee �hall gi�ve public notice of sale tv �he persvns and in �he �:nanner pre��ra�ed by .A►.ppli�ab�e <br /> Law.Trustee,without demand an Borrower, �hal�seil the Property at p��b���au�#�on to�he highest bidder <br /> a�the time and p�ace�nd under the terms des�gnated in the notice af sale in one ar mvre Parcei�and in any <br /> order Tru��ee detern�ines. Trustee may postpone sale nf all or any p�ar�el af �he Property �y pr�blic <br /> announ�ement at the��me and place of any previ�u�ly schedu�ed sale.Le�lder or its de�zgnee may purchase <br /> �h�Proper�y a�any sa�e. <br /> Upon re�exp� vf pa�rnen��f the prxce bitt�,Trus�ee sha��del��er to �h�purchaser'Trus��e's deed �anv�ying <br /> the Prflp�rty�,The rec��als in �he Trusfee's d�ed �hall be pr�.rna facie ev�idf�nce uf the�ruth vf�he sta�em�nts <br /> C�Z�04-2015 Campliance 5ystems,Inc,A6BC-555F-20�5 3.5.1 ad4 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL�036 Pa�e 4 of 5 wtn�w.coFnpIiat�cssystems.�om <br />