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��15�578� <br /> in�erest fr�rn the date of dzsbursement at the same rate assessed ori advance� under �he �an�ract and �ha�I be <br /> pa�rable,�w�ith�nterest,upan not�ce from Lender t�B�rrower requ�s�ing paymen�. <br /> InSpect�an. L�ender or i�s agen�may rnake r�asonable entr�es upan and inspectzons of the Praperty. Lender sha�� <br /> give Borrativer n�tice at�he time�f ar przor�o an inspe��ivn spe��fying reasanab�c cause far�he inspectian. <br /> �o�.demnat�on.The praceeds of a�ay av�ard or clairn for damages,direct or cansequentia�,a�xa cor�nec�ion wi�h any <br /> c�ndemna�ion or a�her taking of a�ay part of the Proper�y, or for conveyance �n�ieu af candemna��an, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and sha�i be pazd�o Lender. <br /> �n�he eve�t of a��tal tak�rig af the Praperty, the pr�ceeds sha�� be applied to th� surns secured by this �ecu�r�ty <br /> �nstrument, �vhether or nat �hen due, wi�h any excess paid ta Borrower. �n fh.e even� of a partxa� �ak.zng af the <br /> Praper�y�n which�he fair marke��ra�ue af�he Property immed�a�eiy before �h� taking�s equal�o or greater than <br /> the amount of the su.rns secured by thi� Secux�ty �ns�urn.en� imrnediately before the tal�ing, unless Borrawer and <br /> I.ender ath�rv�rise agree in wri�ing,the sums secured by this Security Inst.rumerit sha11 be reduced by the amount of <br /> �he praceeds multiplied by�he fal�aw�ng frac�zon: �a�the t�ta1 arnaun�of�he surns secured imrnedzate�y before�he <br /> tak�.ng, div�ded by �b} the fair ma.rke��a�ue af the Prop�r�y immedia�ely b�for� the ta�ing. Any balan�e sha��be <br /> �aid fia Borr�v�rer. �n�he event of a part�al takzng of the Proper�y zn vvhich�he fair marke�va�ue of the Property <br /> immediate�y befare the tiaking i.s less than the arnoun� of the surns secured immediatel�befare the takuxg, unie�s <br /> Barrovver and Lender otherwise agree in wri�ing or un�ess Applicable Law o�herwise prov�des,the proceeds shall <br /> �e appl�ed to�he sums secured by this 5�curity Instrument whe�her or not the sums are then due. <br /> If�h.e Proper��s a�andoned by Borro�very or if,after n�t�ce by Le��ler to Borrow�r that the candernnar offers�� <br /> m.ake an award or se�t�e a claim for damages,Borrav�rer fails to respond to Lezader w�thin�he mznimum number of <br /> days es�ablished by Applicable Law a�er the date the na��ce zs gzven,Lender is auth�rized�a collect and apply the <br /> praceeds, at i�s optian, either ta restora��on or re�air of�he Property ar �o th� su��.s secured by this 5ecuri�y <br /> �nstrumen�,tivhether or no�then due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower a�herv�xse agree xn tivr�ting, any applicati�n of praG�eds t�prin�ipa� shall not extend <br /> ar p�s�pane the due date af�he paymen�s due un.der the�ontract or�hange the am�un�of such paymen�ts. <br /> �orrQwer N�t Released; For�earance By Lender Not a Waiver. Ex�ension af the time fflr paymen� �r <br /> modifzcati�n of amor�z�at�on of the surns secured by th�s Security Ins�ru.ment granted by Lender ta B�rrower or <br /> any successar in inter�st of Barro,wer shall no� a�erate to r�lease �he Iiability �f �he originat Borrovver ar <br /> B�rrower's successars in interes�. Lender shall not be required to commence proc�ed�ngs aga�ns�any successor in <br /> interes�ar refuse to ex�end tirn�for payrnent or�fiherwise madify amar�iza�ian af the sums secured by th�s S�cur��y <br /> Instrurnent by reasan of any dem.and made hy the orig�nal Borrovtrer or Barrow�r's suc�ess�rs in �nterest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender�n exer�isir�g any righ��r remedy sha1�nat be a wa�ver of�r p�re�iude�he exercise of any <br /> right or remedy. <br /> SucCessnrs and Assigns Baund; Join� and SQvera� Liab��xty; A��ommadation Signer�. The c��e�ants and <br /> agre�rnents af this Se�uri�y�nstz�wment sha�l b�nd and benef t the succ�ssars a�d assigns�f Lender and Borrovver, <br /> subj ec� �o the pr�visi�ns of section titted Tran�fer af the Prvperty �r a Benef cial In�eres� in Borrvwer, <br /> Borro�ver's co�enan�s and agre�rnen�s sha�l be�oint and several.Any person wha co-signs this 5ecurity Instrument <br /> �ut has n� persanal liability under the C�ntrac� �"Accommodation 5�"}: �a) is �o-signing th�s 5ecuxzty <br /> �nstrurnen� �nXy �o mnr�gage, gran� a�d cor�vey �ha� Ac�ornmodatian 5igner's �nterest �n the Property under �he <br /> term5 ❑f th� Securzry Ins�rument; �b} is na� persona��y ohligated ta pay th� sums secured b� �his Securi�y <br /> �n�tz-um.ent;and�c} a�rees�hat Lender and any a�her�orrov�er rnay agree�a ex�.end,modify,forbear ar make any <br /> acGammodatzons vvz�h regard�a�he tenns�f�h�is Security Ins�rument or the Con�rac�v►rithoufi tha�Accammoda�ion <br /> S�gner's consen�. <br /> I.oan �harges, If the �oan secured b� �h�s Securi�y �ns�rument is subject �o a lativ �vhzch sets maximum Iaan <br /> charges, and�hat law is finally in��rpreted sa that�he interes�ar ather�oan charges co�Xec�ed or to be c�llec�ed�n <br /> conne�tian ,wi�h the �aan exceed the permit�ed ��mits, then: �a} any such loan cl�arge sha�l l�e reduced b� the <br /> arnaun�necessary to reduce the charg�to the perm�tted 1�uts and �b} an�sums already co���c�.ed from Borrower <br /> vvhxch exceeded perm�tted I�rni�s �vvill be refunded x� Borrawer, Lender may choase ta make this refund by <br /> reducing�he przncipal ovved under tih.e C�n�rac�or by a direc�pa�ment t4 Barrovver. If a ref�.uad reduces <br /> pr�nc�pal,�h�reduc�ion w���be treated as a par��a�prepaymen�under the Con�rac�. <br /> l�Iotices. Any noti��e to Barr��ver pravxded for in �his 5ecurity Ins�rument sha�� be gi�en by del�vering i� or by <br /> maiIing i�by f rs�class rnail un�ess App�i�able Law requzres use�f anather methad. The not�ce sha�l be directed�o <br /> the Pr�perty Address or any o�her address Barrou�er desz�,ma�es by notice to Lender. Barrovver agrees to provide <br /> Lender wi�h B�rrawer's rnost current mai�ing add.ress, as it may change from�ime-�a-tzme. An�notice to L�nder <br /> shall be g�ven by f rs�class mail ta Lender's address sta�ed here�n or any o�her address Lend�r designa�es by nat�ce <br /> �o$orrawer.At�.y no�ice provzded far in�his Security Instrumen�shall be deemcd�a ha�e been g�ven to Barro��r <br /> ar Len.der�hen g�ven as prov�ded in�his�aragraph. <br /> Gnverning Lavv; Severahi�i�y.Th�s 5ecurit�r Ins�rument shall be gaverne�by federa��a�v and�he�av►�s af�h�state <br /> �f Nebraska. �n�he even� that any provision ar cxause of th�s S ecur�ty Instrurnenfi ar the �ontra�t confl�cts w�ith <br /> Appl�cab�e Law, �uch conflict�hall nn�affect o�her pravisivns of this 5ecurity Instrumen�or�he �ontract which <br /> can be given effecx�v��hout�he ca�f��ct�ng pravisi�n.To th�s end the pravisians of th�s Security�nstrumen�and�h� <br /> Cantract are declared�o b�se�erable. � <br /> �3orr�wer's Copy.Bflrravver sha11 be given ane c�py of�h��Security�nstrument. <br /> C�2�b4-��15 Campliance Systems,Inc.A5BG5fi5F-2415.3.5,��6� <br /> C�r�surner Re�al Estate�Security Instrur�ent DT.2036 Pa�e 3 vf 5 www.cornpIiancesystems.�om <br />
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