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��15�577� <br /> cantinue to pay �a I,ender�he amaunt of�he separat�ly designa�ed pa�ments�hat were due when�he <br /> insurance co�erage ceased to be�n effe��. Lender�iil ac�ept, use and retain these payments as a <br /> non-r�fundable loss reser`re in l�eu of Mor�gage�nsurance. Such loss reserve shall be nan�refundable, <br /> no��vithstanding the fact that�he Laan is ult�rnately paid in full, and Lender shal� nat�e required to pay <br /> Borrower any inter�st or earning�on such lass�eser��. L�nder can no lon�er require�oss reserve pa�men�s <br /> if Mortgage�nsurance coverage��n the amount and for�he period�hat L��der requi�r�s�pro�ided by an <br /> insurer seiecte�by Lender aga�n becames ava�labi�, is❑bta�n�d, and L.ender r�quires separately designa�ed <br /> payments�oward the premiums far 1V�ortgage�nsurance. �f Lender r�quired Mor�gage Insurance as a <br /> �and��i�n of making�he Loan and Borrower was required�a m.ake separately des��nated paymen�s�award th� <br /> prerniun�s for Mor�gage Insurance, Borrovver sha��pay the prem�ums requir�d�o ma�ntain M�r�gage <br /> �nsurance in effec�, or to pro��de a nan-refundable�oss reser��y UI1�1� L.�I7CI�t's requ�rem�nt for Mort.gage <br /> �nsurance ends�n acco�dance vvi�h any wri���n agre�rnent betvs�e�n Borrower and Lender pra�iding far such <br /> t�rm�na�ion or un�il�erminat��n�s required by Applicable Law. Na�h�ng in th�s Section 1�aff�c�s <br /> Borrower's o�l�ga�ion to pa�interest at the rate pro��ded in the No�e. <br /> M�rtgage Insurance re�mburses Lender�or any ent�ty�ha�pur�hase�the Note}far certain���ses ��ma� incur <br /> if B�rrow�r does no�repay the Loan as agr�ed. Borrower�s no�.a pa�t�to�he Mortgage�nsurance. <br /> Mortgage insurers e�aluate�heir to�a1 risk on all such insurance i�farce frorn t�me ta tirne, and may enter <br /> into a�reem�nts�rith other par�ies that share or rnodi�y�he�r risk, or reduce losses. These agreem.ents are an <br /> ��r���s and conditions tha�are sa�isfac�ory to the mar�gage insurer and�he ather par���ar parties}t��hese <br /> agre�rnen�s. These agreements rnay requ�re the mor�gage insurer to ma.�e�ayments us�ng an�saurce af funds <br /> that the xnozrtgage�nsurer may have available�which may inciude fund�ohtain�d from Martgag�Insuran�� <br /> pr�miums}. <br /> As a result of these agreements, Lender, a�y purchaser of�he N����, another insurer, any reinsurer, an�r other <br /> en�ity, �r any affilia�e of any of the foregoing, may re�ei�e�dire�t�y�r indir�ct�y}amounts�hat derive fram <br /> �ar might�e characterized as�a por�ian�f Sorrawer's payments for Mor�gage Insuranc�, in exchange for <br /> sharing or modifying the m�r�ga�e insurer's risk, �r r�duc�ng lasses. �f such agree�e�a�provides tha�an <br /> aff�l�ate�f Lender takes a share of the�nsurer's r�sk in�xchang�for�share of�he premiums paid to th� <br /> insurer, the arrang�rnent is often termcd "capti�e reinsuranc�." Fur�her: <br /> {a� Any such agreemen�s vvi��not affect�he amounts that Barrov�er has agreed to pay fvr Martgage <br /> Insurance, ar any o�her�erms of th�Laan. Such agreeme����w��l no�increase the amoun� <br /> Barrawer wi�l owe for�Vlortgage Insurance, and they wi�l not entitie Borrow�r to any refund. <br /> tb3 Any such agreemen�s will no�affe���he r�gh�s Borrower has-�f any�w��h respe��ta the <br /> 1Vlortgage Insurance under�he Home�wners P�rot�c�ion Act of 1998�r any o�her law.These righ�s <br /> may in��ud�the r�ght to recei�e cQr�a�n disclosures, �a reques�and�btain�ance��a��an af�h� <br /> 1VIa�•tgage Insurance, to have the Mortgage Insurance terminated au�oma�ically, andl�r to recei�e <br /> a refund of any Mortgage Insurance prexniums tha�were unearned at th���me nf such <br /> cancellat�on ar�ermination. <br /> 'l"i. Assignment vf t�l�isce[laneous Pr�ceeds; Fvrfeiture. A�1 M�scellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned to <br /> and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> �f�he Praper�y is da.�x�aged, su�h M�scellaneaus Proceeds shall be applied to restaratian or repaix of�he <br /> Praper�y, �f the restoration or repair is�conomically f�asible and I.�nder's secur�ty is na��essen�d. I7uring <br /> su�h repai�and r�storation pe�r�ad, Lender sha��have�.he righ�to ho�d such Misce��aneous Proceeds un�ii <br /> Lender has had an oppor�unity�o �nsp�ct such Proper�y t�ensure the v��or�has been comple�ed�o Lender's <br /> NEBftASKA-Singfe Famiiy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTR�MENT �orrt-E 3n28 110� <br /> VMp� VMP6�NEj�13��] <br /> W�lter5 KlUwer Fin�nGia!SerViC�s Pa9����j� <br />