<br /> satisfaction, provid�d that such inspe�tion shall be undertaken pr�mptly. L�nder may pay for the repairs
<br /> and restaration in a sing�e disburs�m�nt or in a series of pragress payments as th�wark is cflmpleted.
<br /> Unless an a�reement is made in writin�or Applicable Law re�uires zntere�t to b�paid an such
<br /> Mi�cellaneaus Proceed�, Lender shal�nat be required to pa�B�rrower any interest or earning� on such
<br /> Miscellaneou�Proceeds. If the restoratian�r repair is not econ�micaiiy feasibie nr Lender's security v�ou�d
<br /> be lessened, the Miscellaneous Proceeds�hal�be applied to the sum.s secured by this Security Instrumen�,
<br /> whether or nat th�n du�, v�v�th the excess, if any, paid to�3arrower. Such M�sce�lan�aus �'roc�eds shai�be
<br /> applied in the order provided for in Section 2.
<br /> �n�he event of a tata��aking, destruct�an, or I��s in va�ue�f�he Proper�y, the Misce��ane�us Proceeds shali
<br /> be applied to the surns secured b�this Security Instrument, whether ar not�hen due, with the excess, if any,
<br /> paid t❑Borrower.
<br /> In th�e��nt af a part�al taking, d�structxon, �r loss in va�ue af th�Prap�r�y in whi�h th�fa�r ma�rke�value af
<br /> �h�P�aper�y�m,media�ely before the par�ia� taking, de��ruct�on, ar�ass in value is equal �a ar grea�er than the
<br /> amount of the sums secured by this Security In,strumen�immediately before�he par��al�aking, destruc�iony or
<br /> Ioss�n�a1u�, un�ess B�rrower an�l I.�nder otherw�se agree in writing, �he sums secured by th�s Security
<br /> Instrument shal�be reduced by the amaun��f the Misce��an��us Pr�ceeds mu����lied�y the following
<br /> frac�ion: �a�the�otal amount of�he surns se�ured immediately befor�the par�ia�taking, �iestruction, or lass
<br /> in value d�vzded by�b}�he faix market va�ue of�h�Property�mm�diate�y before th�par��al takzng,
<br /> destruct�on, or�oss�n va�ue. Any balance shall he paid�o�3flrrawer.
<br /> In�he ev�nt af a partia�taking, de�tructian, or lass�n va�ue of the Praper��in which the fair market�raiue of
<br /> the Prap�r�y imrnediate��befor�th�par�ia� ta�ing, destruetion, ar loss in valu��s�ess than the amount af�he
<br /> sums secured imm�d�ate�y befor�the par�ia�taking, des�ruction, or loss in�ra�ue, un��ss Barrov�er and
<br /> Lender otherwis�ag�ree in wr�t�ng, the Miscel�aneous Pr�ceeds shal�be appli�d�o the surns secured by this
<br /> Secur�ty�nstrument whe�h�r or not�he sums are�hen due.
<br /> �f the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or�f, af�er n�tice by Lender to Borro�ver that�he�pposing Par�y
<br /> �as d�fin�d�n the next senten��}offers to make an award t❑ settl�a c���m fnr damages, B�r�awer fails t�
<br /> respond to Lender wi�hzn 3�days after the date�he notice is gi�en, Lender�s au�hor�z�d to callec�and apply
<br /> �he Miscel�ane�us Pr��e�ds either t�restorat�an ar r�pa�r of the Pr�p�r�y o�r to th�surns se�ured by thzs
<br /> Security�nstrument, whether or not then due. "�ppos�ng Party" means�he third par�y�hat o�ves Borrawer
<br /> M�sce��an�ous Pro�eeds ar the party a�ainst wh�rn B�rr�wer has a right�f a�tian in regard t�Miscelianeaus
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borraw�r shall be in d�fau�t if any aGt�on or proceeding, wh�th�r ci�i�or criminal, is be�un that, �n Lende�r's
<br /> judgment, could result�n f�rfeiture of the Proper�y or other material impai�ment of Lender's�r�terest�n the
<br /> Prnper�y or r�gh�s under th�s Security Xnstrument. Borraw�r can cur�such a default and, if acceXe�rat�on has
<br /> �ccurred, re�nstate as provided in Sect�on 19, b�r caus�ng the ac��an ar prac�eding t�be dismiss�d with a
<br /> ru�zng�hat, in Lender's judgment, pre�ludes �orfeiture of the Praper�y ar ather mater�al impairment of
<br /> Lender's intere�t ir�th�Pr�perty or rights under th�s Security Instrum�nt. The pr�ce��s of any award oz�
<br /> cla�m far damag�s thaC are at�r�bu�able to the�mpa�rmen�nf Lend�r's �n�er�st in the Praperty ar�hereby
<br /> ass�gned and sha��be paid to Lender.
<br /> All M�sce��ane�us Prac�eds that are nat applied t� restaratiQn or repa�r of the Prop�rty shail be applied in the
<br /> order pravided far in Section�.
<br /> N�8RA51CA-SingIe Farniiy-�annie MaelFre��ie Mae UNIFQRM INSTR�MENT Fvrm 3028 1!��
<br /> �M�� VMPSfN�y 4130Z3
<br /> Wdlters I{luwer Fin�rtcial Servi�es Page 1❑of 1�
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