<br /> Al��nsurance paiicies�requ�red by Lender and renevvals of such po�icies shali be subjec�to Lender's righ�to
<br /> disappr��e such palicies, shail include a s�andard mar�gage c�ause, and shall �aame L�nder as mar�gagee
<br /> andlor as an add�tional i�ss payee. Lender sha��have�he r�ght to hold�he po�ic�es and renevval certifiGates. �f
<br /> Lender requires, Borrower shali promptly gi�e to L�nder all re�eip�s of paid premiums and renewal n�tices.
<br /> If Barrav�er ahtains an�r forn�.of�nsurance co�r�rage, no�athe�-vvise required by Lender, for damage to, or
<br /> destruc��on of, the Property, such palicy sha�I include a s�andard mor�gage clause and shal� narne Lender as
<br /> mort�a�ee andlor as an additi�na� I�ss payee.
<br /> In the e�ent�f Ioss, Borr�wer shall g��e prompt na�i��to the insuranc�carrier and Lender. I.ender may
<br /> mak�praaf of loss if nat rnade prompt�y by B�rro�ver. Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise agree�n
<br /> tivr��ing, any�nsuranc�proceeds, wh��h�r or nat th�underl�ing �nsu�ance was required�y Lender, shall be
<br /> applied to res�oratian or r�pair of the Proper�y, if�he restoration or repa�r�s�canomically feasible and
<br /> Lender's securi�y is not lessened. During su�h repair and rest�ration period, L,ender�hall ha�e�he righ��n
<br /> hald such insura.nce proceeds un�il Lender has had an opportun��y to in�pect such Property�a ensure the
<br /> work has been camp�eted ta Lender's sat�sfactzan, pravided tha�such inspec��on shall be under�aken
<br /> prompt�y. Lende�r rnay disburse pr�ceeds for the repa�rs and restora�i�n �n a sing�e payment ar in�series of
<br /> progr�ss pa�ments as the vvork�s completed. Un�ess an agree�ment is made�n writzng or App�i�ab�e Law
<br /> requires �n�erest��be paid on such insuxance proc�eds, Lender shal�no���requir�d to pay Barrnwer any
<br /> interest or earnin�s on such proce�ds. Fe�s for public ad�usters, or other�hird par�ies, r��ain�d b�Borrovver
<br /> shai�nat be paid aut of the insurance pro�e�ds and shal�he�he s�le ahligat��n of B�rrov�rer. If the restora�ian
<br /> or repa�r is nat econami.call�r feas�ble or Lend�r's s�curity w�u�d be Iessened, the�nsuran��proceeds shali�e
<br /> app�ied to the sums secured by thi5 5ecur�t��nstrument, �x►he�her or not then due, vvi�h�he excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Barrower. Such insurance proceeds sha��be applied in the arder pro�ided far in 5ec��on 2.
<br /> �f Barrower abandans the Prap�r�y, Lender rna�f�le, negotia�e and setile any availab�e insurance claim and
<br /> r��ated ma�ters. If Borrow�r does nat respand wi�hin 3fl days�o a no�ice from Lender that�h�insurance
<br /> carrier has�ffered ta sett�e a c�aim, then Lende�r may negotiate and se�tle the claim. The 3�-day periad w��l
<br /> begin vvhen�he notic�is given, In e��h�r e�ent, vr if Lender acquire� the Proper�y under 5ec�ion 2Z�r
<br /> ath�rwise, B�rrower her��y assigns ta L.�nder�a}Borr�wer's righ�s�o any�nsuranc�proc�eds in an amoun�
<br /> not t��x�eed�h�a�n.ounts unpaid under the Nate or��is �eGurity Instrumen�, and�b}any nther of
<br /> BQ�r�wer's rights�o�her than the right ta an�r r�fund of unearned premiums pa�d by Borrower} under a�l
<br /> insu�ance polxci�s cavering�he Prop�rty, �nsofar as su�h righ�s are app�ical��e to the coverage�f the
<br /> Pr�per�y. Lender may use the�nsuran�e proce�ds e�ther to repair or res�ore�he Fropert�or�a pay amounts
<br /> unpaid und�r�he No�e ar this Security Instrument, whether or nat then due.
<br /> 6. []ccupancy. B�rrawer shall �ccupy, �s�abl�sh, and us�the Propert�as Bo�-row�r's principal r�s�dence
<br /> w��h�n 5�days after the execu�inn af this Securi���n�t�-ument and sha��cont�nue�o accupy�he Proper��as
<br /> Borrower's principal res�dence f�r at least�ne year after the date of occupanG�, un��ss L.�nder athe�-wise
<br /> agrees in writing, vvhich consent shaXl nvt�be unreasoz�.ably w�����eld, or unless e��enu�t�ng circumstances
<br /> exist which are beyond Borrower's�on�ro�.
<br /> 7. Preser�atian, Maintenance and Pratecti�n of the Froperty; �nspectinns. Barrower shall nat des�ro�,
<br /> damage or impair the Property, al�aw the Praper�y to deter�orate nr commi�was�e an�he Praper�y. �he�her
<br /> or not Barrower�s residing in the Property, Borrow�r shall�naintain the Proper�y in arder t�pr����nt the
<br /> Proper�y fr�m deter�oratin�or decreasing�n va�ue c�ue to �ts�ondxtian. Uniess it�s determined pursuan��o
<br /> Section 5 that repa�r or res�orat�on is not econam�cal�y feas�b�e, Borrow�r sh�i promp�l�repair the Praperty
<br /> if damaged�.o avaid further deteriora��on❑r damage. �f insurance or condemnat�on proce�ds are paid in
<br /> conne��ion w��h damage to, �r the tak�ng of, �he Proper��, Borrower shall be responsi�le far repa�ring or
<br /> res�oring the Praperty onl�if L.ender has re�eased prac�eds for such purpose�, Lender may disburs�proceeds
<br /> NEBRASKA-S��gle�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�ORM INS�RUM�NT Form 3D2$31a�
<br /> VMP[� VMPP�Nej7�ofQ 7�
<br /> Watters Kluwer Financia!Ser�ices 9
<br />