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��15�5774 <br /> DEED C�F TR�JST <br /> ���ntinued� Page 5 <br /> persvn, inc�uding without limitation Trustor�Trustee,or Lender� rnay purchase et such sale. <br /> tbf As may be permitted by law, after deducting all costs, fees and expanses of Trustea and af this <br /> Trust� including costs of e�idence af title in cannectivn with sale.Trustse shall�pply the prviceeds of sale <br /> ta payment of �i} all sums expended under the terms a�this Deed af Trust or under the terms af the <br /> Gr�dit Agreement nat xhgn repa��, including but not limited to accrued interest and �ate charges, �if� all <br /> other sums then secured hereby, and �iiiy the remainder. �f any, tv the persan ar persvns Iegally �ntitled <br /> thereto. <br /> tc� Truste�may fn the manner pravided by�aw postp�ne sale of all or any parti�n of the Praperty. <br /> f�emadies Not Exc�usi�e. Trustee and Lender, and each of them, shall be entit�ed ta enforce payment and <br /> perivrmance of any indebtedness or obligations secured by this�eed of Trust and ta exercise a##rights and powers <br /> und�r this D�ed of Trust, un�er the �redit Agreemen#, under any of the Re�ated Dvcuments, or under any ❑#her <br /> agreement �r any laws n�w �� M�reafte� in ffl�c�:; notwithstanding, s�ms or ai# vf such �ndebtedness and <br /> obE�gat�ons se�ured by�his Deed vf Trust may naw❑r hereaf#er be❑therwise sec�red, whether by mo�tgage, deed <br /> vf trust, pledge, lien, assignment or oxherwrise. Neither the scceptance a#this Deed of Trust nar its enforcement, <br /> whether by caurt action �r pu�rauant tv the pawer o# sa�e or other pawers cvnt�ined in this Deed of Trust, sha�! <br /> preju�ice ar in any manner affect Trust�e's�r Lender's right ta realize upon or enfarce any vther seGurity now ar <br /> hereaft�r held by Trustee or Lender, it being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and each of them, shall be entitled to <br /> enforce this Deed of Trust and any ❑ther s�curity now or her�after held by Lend�r or Trustee in suCh order and <br /> mann�r as they or either of them may in th�ir absalute disc�etion determine. Nv remedy canferred upvn or <br /> reser�ed ta Trustee or Lendef, is intended tv be ex�lus}ve of any other remedy in this Deed of Trust vr hy law <br /> pr��ided �r permitted, but each shall be cumulati�e and shall be �n addition ta every a#her remedy gi�en �n this <br /> �eed af Trust ac now or hereafter existing at law or in equitY or by statute. E�ery pvwer ar remedy gi�en by the <br /> Credit Agreernent vr any v� #he Related ❑ocuments to Trustee or Lender or to which either afi them may be <br /> ath�rwise entitled, may be exercised, cancurrently or independently, frvm time ta time and as o�ten as may be <br /> deemed expedient by Trustea vr Lender, and e�ther of them may pursue inconsist�nt �emedies. Nvthing in this <br /> ❑eed af Trust shall be cvnstrued as proh�biting Lender frorn s�eking a deficiency judgment aga�nst the Trust�r t❑ <br /> the extsnt such action is pe�mitt�d by law. <br /> Efe�#ian o� Remedies. Atf of Lender's rights and remedies will be cumulati�e �n� may be exercised al�ne or <br /> t�gether, If Lender d�c��ae tv apend m�ney or ta perfiarm any o�Trustor's ob��gati�n� under this Deed ot Trust. <br /> after Trustor's f�iiure to d❑ sa, thet decision by Lender wi�i nvt affect Lender's right#o decEare Trustar in default <br /> and to exercise�ender's rem�dies. <br /> Request for Natice. Trust�r, on behalf ot Trustar and Lender, hereby requests that a�opy�f any Nvti�e vf❑e#ault <br /> and a �vpy vf any NotEce af 5ale unde�this Deed ot Trust be maE�ed ta them at the addresses set forth in the firs� <br /> paragraph of this Deed❑f Trust. <br /> Attorneys' Feas; Expsnses. If Lender institutes any suit ar activn to en�arce any ot the terms af this L�eed af <br /> Trust� Lender shall be entit�ed to recaver such sum as the court may ad judge reasonab�e as attarneys' fees at trial <br /> and upon any appea�. Whether or nvt any court a�tion is inWol��d. and to the extent not prahibi�ed by law, all <br /> reasonahle exp�nses Lender incurs that in Lender's �pini�n are necessary at any tima far the protectian af its <br /> interest or the en#orcement of its rights shall b�come a part❑#ths Indebtedness payable on demand and shail hear <br /> interest at the Credit Agreement rate #ram the date of the expenditure until repa�d. Expenses co�ered by this <br /> paragraph include� without iimitatian� hawe�er subject t� any limits under applicabls law. Lender's attorneys' fses <br /> and Lender's rsgal expenses, whether ar nat there is a lawsuit, inc�uding attarneys' fees and expenses #ar <br /> bankruptcy prac��dinAs tincluding efforts to modify or�acate any automatic stay vr injun�tionj. appea�s, and any <br /> anticipated post-judgment collectian ser►►ices, the cost o� se�rch�ng rec�rds, obtaining tit�e reports �including <br /> farec�osure reports}, sur�el���s' rgp��ts, and appreisal fees,title insurance, and fees#ar the Trustee, tfl the extent <br /> permitted by applicak�le iaw. Trustvr a!s❑ will pay any court costs, in additz�n tn all other sums�rv�ided by law. <br /> �ights nf Trustee. Trustee sha11 haWe a��vfi the rights and dut�es a�Lender as set fvrth in ihis section. <br /> PQWERS AND�BLIGATI�NS DF TRUSTEE. The fiollawing pro�isions relating to the powers and obl4gations of Trustee <br /> ar�part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Powers o�Trustee. 4n addition#o as�powers❑f Truste� arising ss a rnatter of law,Trus�ee sha�1 ha�e the pvwer to <br /> take the toi�owing activns with respect ta the Property upon the written request of Lender and Trustor: �a�join in <br /> prepar�ng and filing a map ar p�at vf the Rsa� P�vperty, including the dsdicativn of streets or vther rights ta the <br /> public: tb} join in gfanting any easement ar creati{�g any restrictian on the Real Prvperty; and tc� �oin in any <br /> subardination or other agreement affecting this Deed'ot Trust ar the interes#of�ende�un�la�this Deed a�T�-ust. <br /> Trustae. Trustee shall me�t a�l qualificativns �equirsd for Trustee under appiicabie law, In addition to �he right� <br /> and remedies set farth abave, r+vith respect to a11 or any part o#the Prvperty, the Trustee sha�� ha�e the r�ght to <br /> fo�ecfase hy natice and saie, and L�nder wiii have the righ#to farec[ose by judicia! forecfosure, �n either Case in <br /> ac�ordance w�th and t�the�ull extent pro�ided�y appsicab�e law. <br /> Suc�essor Trustae. Lender� at Lender's optivn, may from time#o�ime appvint a succassvr Trustee to any Trustee <br /> appvinted under this Dsed of Trust by an ins�rument executed and acknawledged by Lender and re�vrded in the <br /> office of the recorder of Ha!! �oun#y, State af Nebraska. The instrument shali cflntain, in additivn #o aIt athsr <br /> matters required by state law, the names of the original Lender, Trustee, and Trustor, #he bvok and page �or <br /> computer system referen�e� where this Deed o� Trust is rscarded, and the name and addrass vf the successar <br /> tsust�e� and the snstrument shall be executed and acknvwledged by all the beneficiaries under this Dsed o�Trust vr <br /> their successvrs in tnter�st. The successar trustee, w�thout con�eyance ❑f the Property, shall succeed t❑ a!! th� <br /> title, power,and duties�onferred upvn th�T�ustea in this Deed o�Trust and by applicable�aw. Tri�s procedure fiar <br /> suhstitution of Trus�ee shaEl go�ern to the exciusian af att❑ther pro�isians far substitutian. <br /> N�TIGES. Any notice requirsd to be gi�en under this Deed vf Trust, 'rncluding withaut limita�tivn any notice of default <br /> and any notice af sale shal� be gi�en in writing, and shall b�effecti�e when actually deli�ered. when actuaiiy recei�ed <br /> by tele�acs�mile �unSess atherwise required by�awj, when depasited with a nationally recogni�ed o�ernight�vurier,or, if <br /> mailed, when deposited in the llnited States mail, as first class, certiffed or registered mail pvstage prepaid, dire�ted to <br /> the addresses shown nea�the beginning�f this Deed af Tr�st. All copies af n��#ices af forec��sure frvm the holder o� <br /> any lien whi�h has priority v�er this Deed of Trus�shal! �s sent to Lender's address. as shown near the beg�nning af <br /> this D�ed a#Trust. Any person may change ��s vt� he�r add��ss fvs' nvtsces under thss ❑eed of Trust by gi�ing fvrma� <br /> written notice to the �#her persan �r persons, specitytng that the purpose vf the nati�e is to change #he persan's <br /> address. For nvtice purpos�s,Trustor agrees to keep Lender informed at all times of Trustor's cu�rent addrass. Unless <br /> otherwise pro�ided ar required by �aw, if there is more than one Trustor► any nati�e gi�en by Lender to any Trus#or is <br /> deem�d t�be natice gi�en t�a��Trustars. It will be Trustor's responsihility to tell the vthsrs af the natice fram Lender, <br /> MISCELLANE�US PR�VfSl�NS. The following miscallaneous prv�isions are a part❑f this D�ed�f Trust: <br /> Amendments. What is written in this Deed of Trust and �n#he Related avcuments is Trustor's entire agreement <br /> with Lender conGsrning the matters ca�er�d hy this Qeed vf Trust. T�be e�fe�tF�e, any change ar arnendment ta <br /> th�s Deed ot Trust must be in writing and rnust be signed hy whoe�er will be bvund or obfigated by the change ar <br /> amendment. <br />