<br /> DEEa �F TRUST
<br /> �Ca�ntinued� Pag�4
<br /> Security Intgrest. Up�n request by Lender, Trust�r shell take whate�er activn is �equested by Lender tv perf�ct
<br /> and cQntinue Lender's security interest in the Persvnai F�roperty. In additian to recording this Deed of Trust in the
<br /> reaE prnperty records, Lender may� a� any time and without #urther authori�atir�n from Trustor, file exeGut�d
<br /> counterparts, copies c�r reproductinns nf this Deed flf Trust as a fEnan�ing statement. Trusxar shall reimbur��
<br /> Lender for a�� expenses incurred in perfecting or cantinuing this securi�y interest. Upon defaulx, Trustar shall not
<br /> remo�e. SB��r vr d�taGh the Persvnal Property frvm the Prnperty. LJpan de�ault, 7rustvr shall ass�mble any
<br /> Persvnal Praperty not affixed to the Property in a manner and a't e plac� reasanably can�enient t� Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailable tv Lender within th�ee �3y d�ys aft�r re�eipt af writt�n demand from Lender�o the
<br /> extent permitted by applic�ble la�rv.
<br /> Addresses. The mai�ing addresses vf �rustor �de�tor� and Lender �secured party} from which in�vrmation
<br /> cvncerning the s�curity inter�st granted by this [�eed af Trust may be ❑htained �each as required by the Uni#orm
<br /> Gommercial Godey are as stated on the first page ot this Deed af Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCE�; �ATTaRNEY-IN-FACT. T'he fallr�wing pra�isions rel�ting tv further assurances and
<br /> �ttorney-in-fact are a part�f this�eed nf Trust:
<br /> Furth�r Assur�nces. At any tim�, and fr�m time to tirn�, upan request vf Lender, Trustar will make, e�ecut�and
<br /> deli�er,or wil!cause to k��made,executed ar deii►►��ed,�Q L�nder or to Lender's designee, and when requested by
<br /> Lender, c�use to be #iled. re�orded, refiled. or r�recorded, as th� case m�y b�. at such tim�s and in 5uch vfifiGes
<br /> and piaces as Lend�r rnay d�em apprvpriate, any and a�� �uch martgages, deeds of trust, security deeds, security
<br /> agreernents, �inancing staternents, cvntfnuati�n statements, instruments of further assuranc�, certificates, and
<br /> other dacuments as may. in the sole opinion o�Lender, be n�cessary ar desir�ble in�rder tv�ffectuats, complete,
<br /> perfsct, continue, or preserrre ��f Trustor's obligetions under the Cr�dit Agre�ment, this Deed of Trust, and the
<br /> Re�ated Dc�Guments, �nd {2� the liens and security interests�reated by thi� Dged of Trust as f��st an� priar liens
<br /> on the Property, wh�ther nvw v►nrned ar hereaft�r acquired by TrustQr. Unless prvhibrted hy law or L�nder agrees
<br /> t❑the contrary in rnrriting.Trustor shall r�imhurse L�nder far aii costs and expenses incurred in connection with the
<br /> matters r�fe�red to in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-F�ct. If Trustvr fails tv d❑any vf the thing� referred to in the preeedtng paragraph, Lender may da so
<br /> fvr and in the narne of Trust�r�nd at Trustor`s expense. Far such Rurposes, Trustvr he�eby �rre����t��y appoints
<br /> Lender as Trustor's at�arney-in-�act far the purpase af making. ex�cuting� d�li�ering.fiiing, recr�rding, and doing�il
<br /> other things as may be necessary or desirahle, in Lender's sole apinian. to accamplish the mat#ers referred ta in
<br /> th� pre�eding paragr�ph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. i#Tru�tvr pays all�he Indebtedness when due,terminates the credit line account,�nd vtherwise
<br /> performs a!I the o�ligatians imposed upon Trustar ur�d�r this ❑eed a�Trust. Lender sh�ll��cecute and deli�er ta Trustee
<br /> a request for full recan��yance �nd shall execute and deli��r t� Trustar suitabla statements vf term�natian of any
<br /> financing sta#ernent on fiie e�iden�ing Lender's security interest in the Rents �nd the Personal Property, Any
<br /> r�con�eyence fe�r�quired by law shall be paid hy Trustor, i�permitted by applicable�aw.
<br /> EVEMTS �F�EFAL�LT. Trustor will be in default under�his Deed of�'rust if any�f th�fvllvwing happen: �Af Trustvr
<br /> �ommits fraud ar makes � m�teri�l misrepresentation at any tim� in cv�nneGtian with the �redit Agreement. This can
<br /> include, �or ex�mple, e false statement abvut Trustar's income, assets, liabilities, or any ather aspects of Trusto�'s
<br /> financial cvnditian. tBy T�ustnr does nvt meet the repayment terms of the Cred�t Agreement. ��f Trustor's action or
<br /> ina�t��n �d�ersely affects the �o!!a#era� vr Lender's rights in the callat�rai. This can include, far exampie� �ailure to
<br /> maintain required�nsurance, waste�r�estru�ti�e�us�of the dw�l�ing�fa�lure to pay taxes.dea�h�f a!I per�c�ns lia�le Qn
<br /> �he accvun�� transfer a� tit�e or sale �f the dwelling, �reati4n of a seniar lfen ❑n th� dwelling without Lender's
<br /> permission.forec�asu►�by the hv�d�r�fi another lien,�r the use af funds ar the dwelling#�r prahihite�pu�poses.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES DN�EFAULT. If�n ��ent of Defauit occurs under this �eed vf Trust, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trus�ee vr Lender may exercise any one a�more afi the following rights and remedies:
<br /> Accelar�ati�n UpQn�efault;Additione�Rern�di�s. I�any E�en�❑f Def�ult occurs ss per the#erms af the Cred�t
<br /> Agreernent secursd hereay, Lend�r may declare al! Indebtedness secured by this aeed of Trust to be due and
<br /> payabEe and the same shsll thereupvn ���ome due and payable with�ut any presentment� demand, pratest ar
<br /> natice of any kind. Thereafter. Lender may:
<br /> �ay Eith�r in persan ar by �g�nt, with ar withaut bringing any action t�r proceeding, or by a �e�ei�er
<br /> appainted by a cvurt and without reg�rd ta the �dequaGy�f its security,enter up�n and take passessivn
<br /> of the P�aperty,or any part there��, in its vwn name or in the nam�vf Trust�e, and dv any acts which it
<br /> de�ms necessary ar desirak�le tv pres�r�e the�aiue, marketability or rentability o�F the Property, or part vf
<br /> #he Praperty or interest in the �rQperty; increase the income from th� Property or prote�t the se�urity ❑f
<br /> the Property; and, with ar without tak�ng pvssession ❑f the Praperty, su� for �r c�therwise collect the
<br /> rents, issue� and profits �f the Proper�y, inc�uding those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, I�ss
<br /> cv�ts and�xpenses af aperation and calle�tion attarneys' fees,t❑�ny indebx�dn�ss secured hy this De�d
<br /> of Trust, all �n such order as L�nder may determine. The entering upan and taking passe�sion o# the
<br /> Property, the �vFlecti�n af such rents� issues and prafits, and the �ppiicatiQn there�t shall not cure ar
<br /> wa��e any defau�t or notice af default und�r this Deed af Trust ar in�aiidate any a�t don� in response to
<br /> �uch de�au#t ar pursuant ta su�h noti��of de�ault; and, notwithstanding th�continusnce in passessian of
<br /> tha Praperty or the �vllection, r�cgipt and appliGati�n ❑f ren#s, issues or profits, Trustee ar Lender shall
<br /> be en�itled to exercise e�ery right prouided �or�n the Credit Agreement�r the Related flocuments or by
<br /> law upon th�o�curr�n�e of any e�ent❑f default, including xhe right t�exercise the�vwer o#saie;
<br /> �bf �Qmmence an action to forec�o�e this De�d af 7rust as a martgage. appaint a r�cei�er or speGifieally
<br /> enfflrce any o�the co�enants hereof;and
<br /> �c� De�iver tts Trustee a written dec�arat;on of defaul#and demand�or sale and a written naxice of default
<br /> and election t�cause�rustor's interest in the Property to he sold. which nvti�e Trust�e shall causs ta be
<br /> dufy filed fvr r��ard in the appropria�e❑ffiGes of the Cvunty in which the Property is I�cated; and
<br /> �dy With respect to all ar any part art the Persanal Praperty, Lend�r shall ha�e all the rights and remedies
<br /> of a secured party under the Nekaraska Llniform Cammerci�l Code.
<br /> Fvreclosure by Powar of Sa[e. If Lender e�ects to foreclvse by exer�ise�f the Power o#Sa�e h�rein contained,
<br /> Lender shall notify Trustes and shall depvsit with Trust�e this Deed af Trust and the �redit Agreem�nt and
<br /> such receipts and e�id�n�e�f exp�nditur�s made and secured by thi�Deed o�Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> �ay llpvn rec�ipt o#su�h nvtic�fram L�nder, Trustee shall�ause ta be recvrde�, published and deli�ered
<br /> to Trustar such Notice of ❑efault snd Notice o��ale as then requir�d by law and by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee shafl, without demand an Trust�r, after su�h time as may th�n be required by faw and after
<br /> recflrdatiQn a#such N�tice of Default and after 1Vvtice af Sale ha�ing b�en given as requir�d by law, �ell
<br /> the Prap�rty at the time and �lace of sa�e �i��d l�y it �n Such Nvti�e ot Safe, e�ther as a whole, �r in
<br /> s�parate lots or parce�s vr items as Tru�tee shall de�m exp�dient, and�n such vrder as it may dete�rnin�,
<br /> at public auction�o the highest bidder�or�ash in lawfu�rn�ney of the United 5tates payable at the time
<br /> of sals, Trustee s��[I de���er ta such purchaser or pur�hasers therevf its gvad and suffiGient deed or
<br /> deeds �an�eying the �arvperty so snid, k�ut witho�t any ca�enant c�r warranty, express �r implied. The
<br /> ��citals in such d�ed �f any matters Qr facts sha�1 he �vnc�usi�e proo�af the truthfulness �h�r�of. Any
<br />