��1 5�5694
<br /> Transfer of the Proper�y�r a Benef�cxa�Inter�st in Bvrrower.If al�or any part�f�h�Praper�y or any tn�eres�
<br /> in �t is sa�d or transferred �ar �f a beneficial interes� in �3orrower i� sold �r transferret� and Barrovver is no� a
<br /> na�ural p�rs�n} w�thout Lender's prior wr�tten cons�nt, Lender may, at �ts op�ian, re.quire immediate payment in
<br /> full of alI sums secured by �his �e�urity Ins��n�. Howe�rer, �hzs ap�ian shall n�t be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exercise is pr�hibited by federal Iativ as af the date of th�s Securz��nstrumen�,
<br /> �f Lender ex�rcises �h�s o�a�ion, Lender shall give B orrflurer n�tice ❑f accelerati�n. Th� natice shall provide a
<br /> p�riad af n�t�ess �han�he minimum number of days estab�ished by App�icab�e Lavv fram the date the notice is
<br /> delivered or ma�led u7ith�n which Borrov�er must pay aIl sum� secured by this 5e�uri��nstrumenti. rf B�rr�v�er
<br /> fai�s to pay these �ums pr�or �o the expira��on flf this period, Lender may invoke any r�rnedies permit�ed by�h�s
<br /> Security Insirument withaut fur�her notice or demand�n Ban ov�er.
<br /> Borrower's Right to �einstate. If�orrovver meets certain cond�t�o�.s, Barr�v�rer sha1� have �he right �o have
<br /> enfor��ment�f this Securit�Ins�rumen�discon�inued at any time prior�o the�arli�r of: �a} 5 days ��r such other
<br /> per��d as Applicabie Law may specify fflr re�nsta�emen�}befare sa��of th�Property pursuant tQ any power af sale
<br /> �on�ained in this Security �nstrurnen�; or �b} en�ry af a �udgment enfarc�ng this Secur�ty �ns�rumen�. Those
<br /> cond�tions are that B�rrot�ver: �a�pays Lender a�� sums whi.ch�hen woul.d be due under th�s Security�ns#�-ument
<br /> and the Contract as if no acce�eraxifln had oc�urred? (b}cures an�r default of any ather covenan�s or agreemen�s;�c}
<br /> pays a��e�penses incurred in enfarcing this Se�ur�ty Ins�rument,xnc�udi�g,but not��m��ed�o,reasonab�e attarneys'
<br /> fees�a the �x��nt permit�ed by Iaw; and�d�takes such act��n as Le��der may reasonabiy require�o assure tha��he
<br /> lien af tlais Securi�ty�nstrum�n�,Lender's righ�s�n the Proper�y and I�orrov�er's�bligatian to pay the sums secured
<br /> by th�s 5ecuri�y Iristrument shall can�inue unchan�ed. Upan reinstatemen�by Barra�ver, �his Security Ins�rument
<br /> and the abligat�ans s�cured hereby shall rernain ful�y effec���re as if na acce�erat�on had occurr�d. Ho�ve�er, this
<br /> righ��a reins�ate�hall nat apply in#he case of ac�elerat�on under the section titled Transfer vf the Property flr a
<br /> Benefi�ial Interes�Yn B�rro��er.
<br /> Hazardaus Sub��anc�s.Bflrro�ver shail no�cause or permi�the presence,use,d�spasa�, s�orage, or re�ease�f any
<br /> Ha�ardous Substances on or in the Property.Barra�wer sha11 nvt do,nar allflw an�one e�se tQ do,ar��h�ng�ffecting
<br /> the Proper�y that is zn violation of an�Envzronrnental Lavv. The preceding �a sentences shall n�t app�y ta �l�e
<br /> presenCe,us�,�r stora�e on�he Praperty af sma���uantitie�of Hazardous Substances t,�iat are generally recagnized
<br /> �o be appropriate to narmal resident�a�uses and ta maintenance�f�he Property.
<br /> Borrawer shall promp�I�gi�e Lender u�ritten no�i��of any�nvest�ga��on,claim, dema�d,Iawsuzt ar ather actian by
<br /> any go�ernmental or regulatory agency ar pr�vate par�i�volvxng the Property and any Hazardous Subs�arice ar
<br /> Envirohrnenta� Law of �vh�ch Borrovv�r has ac�ual kr�.a�vledge. If B�rroti�er learns, ar is notified by any
<br /> governxnental or regu�atflry au�hari�y,th.at any rerno�a�or o�her remediatzon of an�r Ha�ardous Subs�arice affecting
<br /> �he Property �s necessary, Borrovv�r shall prampt��r �ake all neGessary remedial actxans in accordance u�th
<br /> Env�ronrnental Law.
<br /> As used in th�s paragraph, "�3a�ardous Substance�" are th�se substances defir��d as tox�c or hazardaus substances
<br /> by Envirvnmenta� La�v and the foll�tivin� subs�ances: gasaline, kerosene, o�her flammab�e or �flxiG petraleum
<br /> pr�ducts, tnx�c pesticid�� and herbzcides, valatz�e so�ven�s, ma�erials contai�ing asbesto� �r forma�dehy�e, and
<br /> radioactive materia�s.As used iri this paragraph, "Env�ronmental La��" means federa��a�s and laws of the s�ate of
<br /> Nebraska that re�ate to heal�h,safet�ar�nvir�nmenta�protec�ion.
<br /> Acce�eratian; Remedies. Lender �ha�� gfve notice to Barr�wer pri�r to a�celeration f�Ilovv�ng Bar�r�wer'�
<br /> brea�h nf any cavenant nr agreernen�in this Security Instrument�r the�ontract under wh�ch acce�eratzon
<br /> i�permitted�but nvt prior to a��elerativn under the se�tion t���ed Tran�fer af the Praperty or a Benef�ial
<br /> Interest in Bvrra�vver, unle�s Appii�able Law pravides atherwfse). The no�ice �ha�� specify: �a� the defan��;
<br /> [b} the ac�ion requir�d to cure the default; {c} a date, �vt �ess than �he min�.rnum number Qf days
<br /> established by Applicab�e Law from�h�date the n�t�ce�s given to Borrower,�y whi�h the default mus�be
<br /> cured; and �d� tha� failur� to cure the defau�t on or before the da�e specified �n the noti�e may re�u�t in
<br /> acce�erat�on flf the �ums �ecured by th�� Se�ur�ty Instrumen� and sa�� af �he Property. To the extent
<br /> permitted by law,the notice shall further inform Borrower af the rzgh�to rein�ta�e af�er accelera�i�n and
<br /> the right ta br�ng a�ourt act�on tfl ass�rf the non-exi�tence�f a defaulf ar any vther defense of Borr�wer to
<br /> a��elerat�on and sal.e.If the defau�t�s not cured on ar befar��he da�e�pe���ed in �he nat�ce,L�nd�r at i��
<br /> opt�on may require immed�ate paymen� �a fu�l of a�.� sums seeured by th�is Secur�fy Instrumen� v�i�hQu�
<br /> further demand and ma�invoke�he power �f sal� and any other remedies perm�tt�d by Appli�abl� Lavv.
<br /> T� the extent perxnit�ed b� law, Lender �haii be ent�tled �Q colle�� a��. expenses incurred �n pursuxng �he
<br /> remedies provided in�hxs Sec��on�including,bu� �of lim�.ted�n,reasanab�e a�torneys' fees and cas��of�it�e
<br /> ev�dence.
<br /> If the power of sale rs invok�d,Trustee shall record a notxce of default in ea�h county in whfch any part of
<br /> the Property�s l�ca#ed and shall mail��p�es af such no��ce in the manner prescribed by Appl�cable Law#o
<br /> B�rrower and �� the other persuns prescribed by Appli�able Law, Aft�r�he ��me requ�red by Applicabie
<br /> Law, Tru�tee shali give �aub��� natice of sale �� the persons and in the rnanner prescr�bed by App�icable
<br /> Law.Trustee,w�th�u�demand on B�rrawer,sha�l sel.l th�Prvperty af pub�ic auc�iQn to the�ighe5��idder
<br /> at the time and pla�e and under the terms designated in th�r��tice of sale�n nne�r mvre par�els and in any
<br /> order Trus�ee de�erm�nes. Tru�tee may pv��p�ne sa�e �f all or any parcel. oF the Property by pu���c
<br /> ann�uncement at the��me and place of any previ.ously schedu�ed sal�.Lender nr its d.es�gnee may purchase
<br /> �he Property a�any�aie.
<br /> Upan receipt�f payrnent of the pri�e bid, Trustee sha�l deliver�o �he pur�haser Trus�ee{s d�ed eanvey�ng
<br /> the Praperty.'�'he reci�als in�he Trust�e'� d��d shall be prrrna facie evid�nce af the truth of the statements
<br /> �2�04-2�15 Campliance Systems,Inc,A6BC-2E4�-2Q15,3,5.1�54
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL�035 Pa�e 4 of 5 www.compliancesysterns.corrt
<br />