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��1 5�5694 <br /> xnteres� from the date af dtsburserner�� a� �he same ra�e assessed an a�vanGes under tih� �on�rac� and shall be <br /> payable,�vi�h iz��eres�,upon notice f�om Lender to Borrotiver reques�ing payment. <br /> Insp��t�nn. Lender or its agen�may make reasanable en�ries up�n and inspecti�ns �f�he Proper�. Lender sha1l <br /> give Borrower notice at the time of or prior t�an insp�ction specifyir�g reasanable cause for the in�pec��on. <br /> Candemnation.The prvice�ds of any award or clairn far damages,dire�t or cansequer�tial, in connec�ion u�ith any <br /> condernnat�an ar o�her taking af any part af the Proper�, ar for conveyance in Iieu of condemnation, are hereby <br /> assigned and shall be paid�o Lend�r. <br /> �n the event �f a �ota� �a��ng af the Property, �he proceeds sha11 be appl�ed ta the sums secured by�his 5ecuri�.y <br /> �nstrurnent, whether ar no� then due, w�.�h any excess paid �a Borrower. In �he e�en� of a partial taking of�he <br /> Property �n whiGh�he fair market va�ue of the Prope�ty imrnedia�e�y befo�re �he�aking is �qual to or greater�han <br /> �he amaunti of�he sums secured b�this Security �nst�.tx�en�zmm�diately before the taking, unless Barrower and <br /> Lender�therw�se agree in tivri�irig,�he�u�ns secured�y�hi.s Securi�y��shall be reduced b�r the arnoun�of <br /> �he pr�ceeds mult�p�zed by the fol�owing frac�i�n: �a�the tota� amount of the sums secured imrnedia�e�y before the <br /> �ak�ing, d�vided by �b} �he fazr ma�rket va�ue of�he Praper�y irnmedia�ely before the �a�ing. Any balance sha�I be <br /> paid to Borro�ve�r. Zn the ev�n� of a par��al ta.kzng af th� Prope�ty ir�which the fa��-market value of the Praperty <br /> immed�a�e�y before �he ta���.g�s �es��han the amount af�he sums secured�mmediat���befar� the ta�ing, unless <br /> Borrower and Lender o�her�vise agree �n writing or uniess App��cable Lau�otherwise prov�des, the proGeeds shall <br /> be applied�o the sums secured by�h��5ecurity Ir�strumen�whether or not�he sums are then due. <br /> �f�he Prap�rty zs aband�ned by Barrawer, ar if, after natice by Lender�a Borrower�hat the candemnor offers to <br /> make an a�ard or set��e a claim for damages�Barrower faxls ta respond tQ Lender wi�hin�he mi.nimum number of <br /> days established by App�i�able La,w af�er�he dat�th�not�ce is given,Len�er is au�horized�o col�ect and appl�y th� <br /> pro�eeds, at its op�zori, e�ther to restioration ar repazr af�he Praper�y or �a the sums securec� by thzs Security <br /> Instrumen�,whe�aer ar no�then du�. <br /> Ilnless Lender and B�rra��rer ather��vise agree in�vri�ing, any application of pro�eeds�a principal shall n��ex��nd <br /> ar pos�pone tihe due date af�he paymen�s due under�he Contract�r change�he arnaun.��f such payments. <br /> Borrower Not R�leased; Forbearan�e By Lender Nat a Wa�ver. Ex�er�sz�n of the tirne far payrnent ar <br /> modificat�on of amort�.za��an of�he sums secured by this Secur�t�r �ns�rume�.t granted by Lender to Borravver �r <br /> any successor in �nterest of BorroWer shall nat aperate to releas� ��e l�ability of the arig�nal Borrav,rer or <br /> Borrower's successars ir�interes�. Lender shal�nat be require�i to commence proceedings agains�any successar ua <br /> int�rest or refus���extend�xme for paymen�ar o�herv�ise modify amor�iza�ion of the sums s�cured by thi�Security <br /> �ns�rurnen� b� reason of any demand made by �he orig�na� B�rrowe� �r Borr�vver's successors �n interest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender�n exerc�sing any righ�.or remedy sha�l no�be a vvaiver af or preclude the exercise of any <br /> rzght a�remedy. <br /> Successors and ASs�gns Bound; J�int and Se�eral. Liab�lity; Accnmmodatian S�gners. The �over�an�s and <br /> agreements af�his Securi�y Instrum�nt shall bind and benefit�he successors and assigns of Lender and B�rrov�er, <br /> sub�ec� ta the provi��o�s af sec�ion �i�led Transfer af th� Pr�perty vr a Beneficial In�eres# in Borrower. <br /> Borrower's covenants and agreernents sha11 b�jaint and several.,Ax��persari who co-s�gns this Securi�r Ins�rument <br /> but has no persona� liab�lz�y under �he Con�rract ("Accammada��on 5�gn�r"): �a} i� co-�i�ming �lzis Security <br /> Instrurnent onXy to mar�gage, grant and convey tha� A�cammodatiion 5��ner's interest in the Property under �he <br /> terms �f the Security ��s�rurnent; �b) is nat personally ob�igated t� pay the surns secured by �his 5�curi�y <br /> �nstrumen�;and�c� agrees tha�Lender and any oth�r Bvrrawer may agree to ex�end, modify,farbea�or rna��an� <br /> accarnmada��ons v�rztih regard�o�he�ern�s of th�s Secu�r��y�ns�rumen�or�he�ont�-act withou�that A�commada�ion <br /> Sxgner's cansen�. <br /> Loan Charge�. Xf�he Ioan secured by thxs 5ecurity �ns�rument is subject �o a lativ �vhich se�s maxzmurn laan <br /> charges, and that�a�v is f nal�y interpre�ed sa�hati�he interest ar other loan charges col�ec�ed or�o be cailected�n <br /> connectiari wi�h �he ��an exceed �he permi��ed 1irni�s, then: �a) any such Ivan charge shall be reduced by the <br /> amoun�neccssary to reduce�he charge�a the pern�itted �imits and �b} any sums already callec�ed fram B�rrower <br /> which exceeded permit�ed I�rnits w�.l� be refunded t� Borrawer. Lender may ch�ose to make this refund by <br /> reducing�h�pr�ncipal ovved under�he Con�ract or by making a direct payment tfl Sarrovver. If a refu�.d reduces <br /> princzpal,the reduct�on Wi11 be treated a�a partial prepayment under�he Cnn�ract. <br /> �Tot�ces. Any n��ice t� BarroWer pro�ided for in th�s 5ecurity Ins�rumen� shall be g�ver� by deli� iti or by <br /> m.a�lzng it by first c�ass ma�I unless Appli�able Lavv requ�res use of another method. The nat�ce sha�l be d�rected ta <br /> �he Praperty Address or any other address Barrow�r designa�es by n�t�ce�o Lender. Borrovv�r agrees t� provide <br /> Lender��th Borrovv'er's most�urrent mai�i�ng address, as�t znay change fram�ime-�o�time. Any ri��ice �o Lender <br /> sha�l be gi�en by f rst class mail�a Lender's addres�s�a�ed herein or any a�he�address Lender d�si�mates hy na�ice <br /> ta Borrovver.Any no�ice pravided f�r in th�s Secur��y�nstrument sha11 be deemcd to have been g��en�v Borro�rer <br /> or Lende�vvhen given as pro��i�Ied�n this paragraph. <br /> Go�errting La,w;Se�erab�lYty.This Securit�r�nstrumen��ha��be governed by federal 1aw and�he laws af the s�tate <br /> af Nebraska. �n�he e�r�n��hat any proviston �r claus� af thzs S ecuri�y��xstxument ar the Gontract canflicts vv�th <br /> Appl�cable La��r, such confl�ct sha��nat affect other provzsians af this Secur��Instrurnent or the Contrac�which <br /> can�be�i�ren eff�c�wi�hout�he canflicf�ng prav�sion.To�hi�end�he prav�s��ns of this Se�urity�ns�rumen�and�he <br /> Cont�ract are declared ta be severabie. <br /> Burrower'��ap�.Borro�wer shall be given one c�py af th�s Securi��nstrument. <br /> Q z4a4-2d15 Compliance Systerns,Inc.A6HC-2E4�-ZO15.3.5.I4d4 <br /> Cansurner Reai Estate-Security�nstrument DL2�35 Pa�e 3 af 5 www.cvmpliar�esyste;r►s.corn <br />