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��1 5�5685 <br /> �n�eres� from �he date af disbursement at the �ame �-ate assessed on advances under the Contrac� and sl�a�l be <br /> payable,vvi�h�nterest,upon na�ic�fram Lender to B�rr�wer regues��n�paymen�. <br /> Inspect;�n. Lender or i�s agent may rna�e r�asanable en�ries upon and in�pec�ians of�he k'roper�y. Lender shal� <br /> g��e B�rro�er na�ice at the time�f ar prlor��an ins�e����n specifying reasonab�e cause f�r the inspec�ion. <br /> �ondemna���n. The proceeds of any a�uard or c�aim for damages, direc��r cvnse uen�ia] �n��nnec�ion with a � <br /> Q a n� <br /> condemna��nn or o�her ta��ng �f any pa�t�f�he Proper�, ar f�r conve�anG� in ��eu of condemna��on, are hereb <br /> assigned and sha�l be paid to Lender. y <br /> �n �h� e�en�af a to�a��ak�ng of�he Property, the p�-��eeds sl�ai� be a �i_ed to the sums secured b <br /> P� y th�s Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rurnen�, ��he�her �r n�t �hen due, ���h any ex�ess paid ta go�-r��nrer. �n the eWen� of a pa�-tia� �aking of the <br /> Property �n vvhich �he fai�r market�a1ue of the Property �mrned�a�ely before the taking zs e�uaI �o ar greater�han <br /> the amount af�he sums s�cu�ed hy rh�s Securi�y Instrurnen� i�-nmediate�y before the �akin�, un�ess Bor�-Q��r and <br /> Lender o�h�r�vise a�r�e�n��vr��in�,�he sums secUred by�his S�curity Instru�nent-shal�be reduced by the amount of <br /> the pr�ceeds mu��ipl�ed by t�ze foIlov��n�frac�ion: (a�t��e ta�al amaun�af�he surns secured immcdia�e�y before the <br /> tak�n�, diu�ded la�� �b} �he fa�r rnar�e�va�ue �f�he Property immedia�ely befvre the �ak�ng. An�halance shall be <br /> pa�d t� Borr�wer. �n the e�en� of a part�al �ak�ng Qf the Proper�y in w���ch ��e fair market �alue of�he Praper�y <br /> immediately before the �a�ing �s less �han the amflunt of the surns secured �rnmed�ate�y befa�-e the ta�ing, un�ess <br /> Borrower and Lender athervv�se ag�ee �n v��ri��ng vr unless Appi�cable Law o�herw�se pro�rides, �he pr�ceeds shal� <br /> be applied�o the surns secu�red by�his S�curity�nstrumen�whe�her ar not�he sums are then due. <br /> If�he Pr�perty is abando��ed by Borrow�r, or if, after no��ce by Lender to Barrawer�ha�the condemn�r�ffers to <br /> ma�e an ativard�r set��e a�lairn for dama�ges, B�rr��ver fails�a xespond to Lender wi�h in�he minimum number of <br /> days established by App�icable Law after t��e date�he no�ice is gi�en,Lender�s au�har�zed.�o co�Xec�and ap��y�he <br /> pro�eeds, at �ts �p��qn, e��her to restorat�an or repa�r of th� Property ar to �he sums secured by this Se�urity <br /> Ins�rument,whether a�r nt�t�hen du�. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherw�se ag�ree in w�i�ing, any appli�a�ian vf proc�eds�a princ�pa� shall n�t extend <br /> or pos�pone�he due da�e af�he payments due un�er�he�ont�-act flr c�ange�he amoun�of such payments. <br /> . Barrawer No� Re�eased; Forbearan�e By Lender Not a V�ai`rer. Extens�on �f �he t�me for paym�nt or <br /> m�dif�catifln of am�r�ization af�he sums secured by�his Secur�ty ins�rumen� granfied by Lende�r �p �orrovver ar <br /> any �ucGessor �n in.terest of Borrower s�aa�l na� operat� �a re�ease �he l�ab�lity af ���e ori��na� Borrav��er ar <br /> Barrower's su�cess�rs �n �nteres�. Lender shall no�be required to cornmence proceed�ngs agains�any suc��ssor�n <br /> �n�eres�or refuse to ext�nd time far paymen�or atherw�se rnodify amortiza�i�n af�he sums secured by�his Se�uri�y <br /> zns�rum�nt hy reason of any demand rnade b� the original Borro�ver ar Borr�v�er's su�c�ssors in interes�. ,�1,ny <br /> forbearan�e by Lender in exe�-cisin� any x�gh�or remedy sha�I no�be a wa��er �f or.pre�lude�h� e�erc�se of any <br /> right�r remedy. <br /> Successar5 and Ass�gns Bound; Ja�nt and �evera� Liab��ity; Acc�mm�da�ian S�gners. The covena���s and <br /> agreernen�s flf�h�s Seeur��y �ns�rument s�a�l b�nd a��d benefi�:t�e successors and a.ssigns af Lender and Borrawer, <br /> subject �� t�e provisians af sec��on ��tled Transfer of �he Property or a Ben�ficia� Intere5t in Borravver. <br /> �orrower's covenants and agreerner��s shall be jain�and several.Ar�y p�rson w��o��o-sigras�h�s Security Ins�rume�t <br /> but has i�fl pers�nal �iab�l�ty under the Cantrac� �"Accflm��nodat�on Signer"�: �a) �s co-sxgn�ng �his Security <br /> Ipstrument anly �a mor��age. grant and �onWey t�a� Accommoda�io�� Signer's in�e�-es� in �he Property under �he <br /> �erms �f �he Secur�ty.Ins�rument; �b} is no� persnnally �b�iga�ed�to pay �h�e.sums secured �y t��is Security <br /> Ir�s tru.ment;an d�c}agrees���at L�nd�r and any ather Bor�rower rnay agree�t��extiend, m.odify, f�rbea�-or ma�e any <br /> accarnmadations v���th regard�o the�erms af th�s Secur���ns�rurnen�or�h�G�ntrac���thout�hati Acc�mmada�ian <br /> Sibner'�cansen�. . � <br /> Laan Charges. �f�he ��an secured by this Se�uriry Inst�-ument is sub�e�� to a lavv wh�ch se�s max�mum l�an <br /> cha�-ges, and�hat Iaw is f nal�y�n�erpre�ed s��hat the in�eres�ar o�her loan �harges co�lected❑r��be collected in <br /> connec�ian wi�h the loan exceed �he perm���ed l�mits, then: �a� any such laan charge shali be reduced by the <br /> amflun�ne�essary to reduce�he charge ta�he permitted l�mi�s and �b} any suxns a�ready collec�ed from Borra�vel- <br /> which exceeded perm�t�ed lim��s ��lX be refunded to Barrower. Lender ma� ch��se to make th�s refund by <br /> reducing�he pr�nc�pa� ����d under�he �ontrac��r by ma��ng a direct payment�o Bor�ower. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�ncipa�,the reduc��.on wi��be�reatcd as a part�a�prepaymen�under�he Con�ract. � <br /> ND�1C�S- Any na�ice to B�rrower pr��ided for in �his Secur��y Ins�rumen� shail be g�ven b� del��er�ng it or by <br /> mail�ng��b�fi�s��lass mai� un�ess Applicable Law reyuires u�e of ano�her method. The no�ice sha�l be direc�ed to <br /> the Property Address or�ny other ad�ress Borrowe�r designa�es by not�ce ta Lender. Bgr�rower agrees#o prfl�ide <br /> Lend�r with Barrower's most current maiIing address, as �� n�ay cl�ar7ge from��me-�ow�ime. Any noti�e �n �_,ender <br /> shal�be���en by firs�c�ass rnail��L�r�der's address s�ated herein or any o�her address Lender designates by nfl�ice <br /> ��Borro�er.Any na�ice prQ��ded for in�his Securi�y�ns�rumen�shall be deemed to have been gi�en to Borrov�,er <br /> �x Lender vv�e��g�vep a�pravi�ed in th��paragraph. � � <br /> Governing Law; Se�erab��i�y.This S�cur�ty�nstrument s��a�l be go�ern�d by federal 1a�v and�he�aws af�he state <br /> �f Nebraska. In �he e�ent that any provi��a� or clause af th�s Secur�ty �n�trument or�he �Qn�rac� confl�cts ti�i�h <br /> Applicab�� Law, such can�i i�t shai� no�affect otiher pr��risions of���is Se�ur��y Instrument�ar�he Cant�-act v��hi�h <br /> can b����en effe�t wi�h�ut�he�anflicting pra��sion.Tfl�hi�end the prauis�ans of�h�s Securi�y Instrumen�and�he <br /> C:ontract a�re dec�ared�fl be severa�bl�. <br /> ��rrnwer's�apy.Bonrawer sha�l he g��en one copy of�his�ecuri�y Ins�rum���. <br /> �2f�44-2414 Compliance System5,Xnc.�D60-db7E--�Q13L2,10.1.$°5 � <br /> C�r�sumer Real Esta�e-5ecuriiy Instrurner�t DL�03G ['a�e 3 of 5 www.campliancesys#ems.c�m <br />