��1 5�5685
<br /> Payrnent af Princip��and Interest; U�her�harge�,Borrower sha�l promp�ly pay when due the princ�pal.of and
<br /> int�res�on�he debt o�ed under the Contra��and iate charges�r any other fees and charges due under the�on�ra��.
<br /> Applicabi� Law. As used ln �h15 Se�urity �ns�rum�nt, �he term "Appiicabie Law" shall mean a�� contrallin�
<br /> applicable federa�, s�ate and Iocal �ta�u�es, regula�io��, ordinances and administrati�re ru�e� and �rders �tha�have
<br /> the effect�f 1aw}as vvell as a�1 appl�cable fina�,non-appealab�e judicial�pinions. .
<br /> �harges; L�ens. Borr�wer sl�all pay aI� ta�es, assessments, charges, fines and �mpositions a�tr�buta�ble to �he
<br /> Praper�y vvh�ch may atta�n prin�ri�ty over this Se�urit� �nstrument, and leaseho�d payments ar�round ren�s, if�ny.
<br /> A��he reques�of Lender,Bor�-ower sha�i pramptiy fu�n�sh to L�nder rece�p�s e�viden�ing the pa�men��.
<br /> Borrflu�er s�ai�pr�mptly disGharge any�ien�vh�ch has pr�ority o�er this S�curity Ins�rument unless Barrower: �a}
<br /> ag�rees in wri�ing t� the pay��ent af�he ohl���.���n �ecur�d by the Iien �n a manner ac�eptable �o Lender; ��}
<br /> c�n�e�ts in goad faith �he lien l�y, �r d.efends again�t en�orGemen� �f the Iien in, legal proceedings which �n the
<br /> Lender's opinion aperate to pre�ent the enforcemen� of th� �ien, or �c} se�ures fram �he holder �f�he l�en an
<br /> agreement s�tisfac�ory t❑L�nder subordinating the lien ta�his Security Instr�ment. �f Lender determ�nes that any
<br /> part of the Property �s sub�ect to a lien v�hich may a�tain priori�:y a�er this �ecurity�nstrument, Le�der ma}� g��e
<br /> Borr�v��er a na�i�e �dentifying�he lien. �3arrovver shall sa�isfy the 1�en�r take ane or mare of�he ac��ans se�forth
<br /> above w�tl��n �D days af the giv�ng of�oti�e.
<br /> Hazard or Praperty Insurance. Barrower sha�i keep�he irnprovements no�e��sting or hereafter erected on�he
<br /> Property insure�against lass by f re,hazards included v��thin the term "extended coverage" and any a�her hazards,
<br /> inc�uding floads �r fl�oding, f�r wh�ch Lender requires insuranc�. This �nsurance shall be maintained in �he
<br /> arnounts and for the�eriods t�at Lender r�quires.T�e insuranCe carrier provid�ng the insurance shail be chosen by
<br /> Borrower suhject �o Lender's approval wh��h shal� n�� �be unreas�nably wi�hheld. If Borrawer fa�Xs to maintain
<br /> coverage described ab�ve, Lender may, a� Lender°s apt�a��, ob�ain c��erag� to protect Lender's rlgh�s �n �he
<br /> Proper�y in ac�ordance v��x�h s�c�i�n�titled Pro��efiian af Ler�der's]�igh�s in the Proper�y.
<br /> Ail �nsurance policies and renewa�s shali be accept�b�e.�o Lender and sha�l inc�ude a standard rna�tgage �lause.
<br /> Lender shall ha�e the righ�ta hold�he pflXicies and renewals. If Lender requires, Borrov��r shal�promp��y gi�e to
<br /> Lender al�receipfs af paid pr�miums and renevval n��i�es. In ti�e even�af�ass, Borrovver shaX�gi�e pr�mp�notice
<br /> t�the insurance carr�er and L�nder.Lender may ma��praaf of loss if no�made promptl�by Bo�-�ravv�r.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barr�wer ��her��rise agree� in �r�tin�, insurance proceeds sha�I be applied to restora�ion or
<br /> repair of the Proper�y damaged, if, in Lender's sfl�e dis�reti�n, �he restoration ar repair is econom�ca�ly feasib�e
<br /> and L�nd�r's security is nat lessened. �f, in Lender's s�1e d�scre�ion, the rest�ra��on or r�pair is no�econ�mically
<br /> feasi����r L�nd�r's se�urity�+�auld b�lessened,�he insurance praceeds shall�e applied�a th�sums s��ured by this
<br /> Secuxity Instrument, whether or n�t �her� due, vWith any excess paid to Borr�wer. Yf Borrower abandons the
<br /> Pr�per�y,or does no�answer�wi�hin the number of days prescri�ed�y Applicable Law as se�forth in a nat�ce from
<br /> Lender�a Borro�er�ha�the insurance carrier has offered t� settle a c�airn,then Lender may col�ect the insurance
<br /> proce�ds. Lender may use�h�prac�eds�o r�pa�r or rest�re th� Property ar t�pay sums secured by th�s Security
<br /> Znstrument,whether or not then due.The period of tirne for B�rra�er�o ansv`rer as se�forth in the��tice wi��beg�n
<br /> ��vhen�he notice�s gi�en.
<br /> Unless Lend�r and Borro�ver a�he�rwise agree xn wri�ing, an�r application of�rflceeds t�principa�sha�l not extend
<br /> ar postpone�he due date�f tl�e paymen�s due under�he Co��tract flr change�he am�unt o�the paymen�s. �f under
<br /> the secti�n titled A��elera�i�n; Remedies,the Proper��s acquired by Lender, Borrower's r�ght�a any insurance
<br /> p�licies and pr�ceeds resulti��g fr�m damage t� th� Pr�per�y priar t� �he a�quisitian shall pass �a Lender t��he
<br /> e�ten�of�he sums secured by this Security�ns�rument�mm�.ed�a�ely prior�o the acquisition.
<br /> Preser�at�on, Maint�nance and Protection �f �he Proper�y; B�rrow�r's Loan App�ica�iong Leasehfllds.
<br /> Borrow�r sha11 na�destroy, darnage or impair the Property, a��ow the Pra�e�y t�de�eriora�e, or commit�nraste on
<br /> the Praperty. Borrovver shall l�e in default if an�forfeiture ac�ian or proce�ding,v�hether�ivi�flr crirninal,is begun
<br /> �ha� �n L�ncl�r's g�od fa�th j�dgmen� could result in forfexture af the Praperty or o�herwise materia�iy impair the
<br /> lien created by this Security Instrurnen� or L�nderTs security interest. Barrower may cure such a default and
<br /> reinsta�e, as pr��ided in s�c�ian t�tl�d Barrov��r's Right t�Reinst�te,by cau�ing the acli�n�r proceeding�a be
<br /> dismissed w��h a rul�ng that,in L�nd�r`s ga��faith de�erm�na��fln,pr�cludes farfe��ure�f the B�rrower's interest in
<br /> the Pr�perry ar other ma�er�a� �rnpairment of the lien �rea�ed by t��xs Securi�y Instrument �r Lender's securi�y
<br /> interest.Borrower shall also be in default if B�rrower,during�he l�an app�ica�ion proce�s,gave materially fa�se�r
<br /> inaccurate i��fflrmation or statements to Lender ��r fail�d �o pro�ide Lender with any material informa�ion} in
<br /> cannectior�tiv��h�he loan evidenced by the Gor��ract. �f th�s Security Instrument�s on a le�s���ld, B�rrov�rer sha�l
<br /> comply wi�h al�the pro�isians af the�ease. If Barrflv►��r acquires fee�itle�o the Property,�he�easehold and�h�fe�
<br /> titl�sha�l n�t merg�unless Lender agr�es tfl�h�merger in writi.ng.
<br /> Pro�ec�ion of Lender'� ]�tigh�s �n �h� Proper�y. �f Barrflwer fa�is to perform the c��renants and agreemen�s
<br /> contained in�his Secu.rity�ns�rumeri�,�r�here�s a��gai pro��ed�ng that may s�gn�ficantly affect Lender's righ�s�n
<br /> �he Proper�y �such as a prQc�eding �n bankrup�cy, prfl�bate, f�r cond�mna�i�n or farfeiture �r�o enfarce laws or
<br /> regulations�, �hen Lender ma}� dn and pay fo� wl�atever is ne�essary to pro�e�t the �alue flf the Property and
<br /> Lender's r�gh�s in the Pr�perty. Lender's act�ons ma�inc�ude paying any sums secured by a li�n vvh��h has priority
<br /> over�his Securi#.y�nstrument, appearing in��ur�,p�y��g reasonable a�torneys'fees and en�ering on the Prop�rCy�a
<br /> ma�e repa�rs.Although Lend�r may ta�e acfiian und�r this sectian,Lender does not ha�e t�do sa.
<br /> Any amvun�s disbursed by Lende�- under th�s sec���n shall became additional debt vf B�rrovv�r s�cured by this
<br /> Se�uri�.y Instrumen�. LTn�ess Barrovver and L�nder agree �o o�her terms �f payment, these arnaun�s sh�l1 bear
<br /> tc�.20fl�-2f�14 Cnmpliance 5ystems,Inc.�'Ddq-0137E-2�i 3L2.10.1.895
<br /> Co�sumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL�43G Page 2 0�5 www.c�rnpliancesystems.com
<br />