��1 5�565 5
<br /> �
<br /> Paymen�af Princ��al and Interes�; Dther Charges.B�rrower shall promp��ly pay�vhen due th�pr�ncipal of and
<br /> interest�n�h�deb�ovved und�r the��n�rac�and Iate�harges ar any other fee;�and charg�s due under�he��n�ract. .
<br /> A�pl�cable Law. As used in �his Se�urity Ir�s�.rumen�, �h� term "Appl�ca��le Law" shall mean ail c�n�r��iin.g
<br /> appl�cable federa�, state and�ocal sta�utes, regulations, ordinances and admi.r�istrative rules and flrders ��hat have
<br /> the eff�ct�f�aw�as urell as�.I�app�zcable fznal,non-appeaiable judicial opin�cfns.
<br /> �harges; Liens. B�rrovtrer shal� pay al� �axe�, assessments, charges, f nes and �mpas���ons attr�bu�able ta the -
<br /> Property whi.ch ma�attain pr�ority aver this S�cur�ty�nstrument, and�easeh�}ld paymen�s or ground rents, if any.
<br /> A��he requ�st of Lender,Borrov��er shal�promp�ly furnYsh t�Lender receipts���idencing the paymen�s.
<br /> Borro�er sha�l promptl�discharge any Iien wh�ch has pr�or�ty��er�his Secl�rity Instrument unless Borrov�er: ta� .
<br /> agrees �n wri�ing �o th� payment af�he obligation secu.red by fihe lien in a manner ac�eptiable to Lender; �b� �
<br /> contes�s ua. good faith the lien by, ar defends agai�x�.st enforcement af the lien in, legal proce�dings whi�h i.n the �
<br /> Lender's opinion operate �o pre��nt the enfor��men� �f th� li�n; ar �c� secures from the holder �f the l��n an
<br /> agreement sa�isfa�tflry tfl Lend�r sub�rd�nating the lie�t� this Securxty�ns�r��rnen�. If Lend�r determines that any
<br /> paxt of�he Proper�y� is subj ec��a a�ien which may at�ain priority over th�s S ecur�ty Instrument, Lender may give � -.
<br /> Sorrower a not�ce �den�ifying the �ie�.. Borro��r sha�� satisfy the lien or ta.��� one or rnar� of the act�ons s�t forth �
<br /> above�v�thin 1�days of�he g�ving❑f noti�e.
<br /> Hazard or Pr�perty Insurance. Borrower shall keep the im.pravements r�o�v e�rs�Yn�or hereafter�rected fln the
<br /> Property insured against Ioss by fire,hazards inc�ud�d within the term"�xten��ed caverage"and any o�her ha.�ards,
<br /> xncluding floods or floodi.x��, for w�ich Lend�r requires in�uran�e. Th�s i��.surance shall be rna�nta�ed in the
<br /> amoun�s and f�r the periods that Lender requires.The insurance carr�er prav�c�ing the insurance shall be�hosen by
<br /> Barrawer sub�ec� �o L�nder's approval which sha1l na� be ur�-easonabl� vt��thheld. �f Borrawer fails t� mair�ta�n
<br /> ca�rerage described abo�e, Lender may, at L�nder's op�ion, v�tain cov�rag� to pra�ect Lender's r�gh�s in �he
<br /> Prop�r�y in accardance tivith section t����d Pr�t�e��on of Lend�r's Right�in the Property.
<br /> A�I insurance policies and renewals �hall b� accepta�Ie �fl Lender and sha11 inc�ude a standard mor�gage �Iause.
<br /> Lender shali hav��h.e right�a h�ld�he policies and renewals. 7f Lender require�, Borrow�r sha�l promptl�gi�re�o
<br /> Lender alI receip�s �f paid premiurns and renev�a�notices. �n the event of�oss, Borro�er sha�l giv�pr�mpt notice
<br /> ta the insurance�arrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of��ss if not rnad.e promptly by Borraw�r.
<br /> Unless L�ender and Borrower other�ise agree in writ�ng, insurance proceet�s sha�l be appiied to res�aratlon or
<br /> repair of the Propex�y damaged, if, in Lend�r's s�le dis�retian, the res��ratic�n �r repair is econom�cal�y feasib�e
<br /> and Lend�r's secur��y is not lessenede �f, in Lender's sale di�cret�an, the res�t�ration ar r�pa�r is not ec�nom�call�
<br /> feasrble or Lender's secur�ty wauld b�le�sened,the insurance proceeds shall be app�ied to�he sums secured by this
<br /> Security Instrumen�, vvheth�r ar not �hen due, with any excess pa�d to B+�rrower. If Borrotiver abandnns �he
<br /> Praperty,or daes n��an�wer w��hin the number of da�s prescribed by Appl����ble Law as set far�k���a n�tice fram
<br /> Lend�r to Borro�ver that�h� insuranee ca.rrier has affered ta set�le a c�a�xn,then Lender may col�ec�the insurance
<br /> proce�ds. Lender may use�h.e prace�ds ta repa�r or restflre the Property ar�o pay sums secured by�his Security
<br /> Instrument,vvhether tir no��hen du�. �'he perxad of tina�for Barro��er�a answ�lr as se�fflr�h in th�natice vvili begin
<br /> �hen th�noti�e�s glWen. �
<br /> Uniess Lender and Sorrawer n�herv��se agree �n u�riting, any appl��atian of p.rac�eds to principal sha�I n�t ex�end
<br /> or pastpone�he du�date of the payments due under�he �antract or change tlle amount of the paymen�s, �f under
<br /> �he section ti�Xed Acce�eratifln; Rern�dies, �he Froperty is acquired by L�nd��r, Borro�ver'�righ�to any �nsurance
<br /> po��cies and pr�ceeds r�sult�ng fr�m. damage to �h� Properry prior�o the act�uxsi�ion sha�l pass to Lender to �he
<br /> ex�ent of the surns secured by this Se�ur�t�Instru.men�immediately prior�o�h�:acquisition.
<br /> Preser►vat�on, Ma�ntenance and Pn-atec�ion af the Property; Borrov�er's Laan A�plication; Leaseha�ds.
<br /> Borrower shall n�t destroy, damage �r impaxr the Property, al�ow�he Property��deteriora�e, or comrn�t waste on
<br /> �he Pr�perty.Borroti�er sha���e in default if any farfeiture ac�ion or proceedin=,whe�her�ivii or�r�mina�,�s begun
<br /> that �n Lender's goad fa�th j�dgm�nt could resu�� in forfeiture af the Prop�r�;y �r atherwise materially i�x�.pair the
<br /> lien created by th�s Securi�y �nstrum�nt or Lend�r's secu.r��y �nteres�. Borrawer may cu�re such a defau�� and
<br /> r�ins�at�, as pro��ded in section titl�d Borrow�r's R�gh��o Reins�a�e, by causing�he action or pro�eed�ng�o be
<br /> dism�ssed with a ruling�hat,in Lend�r's go�d faxth de�ermina�tian,preclud�s furfeiture af�he Borrower's�n�erest in
<br /> �khe Property or other ma�eria� impairment of�he lien cr�ated by �his Secul•ity Znstrumen� or Lender's securi�y
<br /> �n�erest.Borrower sha��also be in default if Barrower,during the�oan applrcat:ian pr�cess,gave ma�eria�Iy fa�se or
<br /> inaccurate i.nfarmatian or sta�ements ta Lender �or failed �a provide Lende:r wi�h any material inform�.���n� �n
<br /> �onnec�ian v�ith the ��an e�idence�by�he Con�ract. �f this Security �n��rumen��s on a Ieasehold, Borro�ver sha��
<br /> cornp�y vv�th aII th�pra�isions�f the�ease.�f Borraw�r a�quires fee title�a th��Proper�y,the leasehflld and the fee
<br /> tit�e shall not merg�un�ess Lender agrees ta the�nerger�n writ�ng.
<br /> Pratectian of Lender's Rights in t�e Prop�rty. �f Barrower fa�ls to perf�rm the covenan�s and abreements
<br /> conta�ned in�his Security�n�trument, or there �s a�egai pra�eed�ng�hat may fi;igr�..�f can�ly affect Lender's r�ghts in
<br /> the Proper�y �such as a proceeding��.bankrupt��, pr�ba�e, for �andemnat�on:or forfexture or tn enforce Iar�s or
<br /> regulatians}, then L�nd�r may do a�ad pa� for whatev�r �s necessary to prc3tect the �a�ue �f the Froperty and
<br /> Lend�r's rights in�he Property.Lende�'s actions may�nciude payin�any sums se�ured by a Iien which has pri�rxty
<br /> o�er�his Securzty�nstrumen�,appearing in court,paying reasonable attorn�ys'fees and ente�Yng on the Property to
<br /> make repairs.A�though Lender may take action under this sec��on,L�nder doe�f not have to do so.
<br /> Any arnaunts disbursed �y Lender und�r this s�ct�on �hall become additiona.l de�� af Borrower secured by th�s
<br /> Se�uri�y Instrument. LTn�ess Borrawer and Lender agree �o o�her terms of payment, �hese amoun�s shall bear
<br /> C�2404-ZO t 4 Campliance Systems,In�.FD50-2S4.D-2413L2.I D.1.895
<br /> �ansumer Real Estate-5ecurity Instrument DL2d36 �a;e 2 a#'5 www,compliancesystems.com
<br />