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<br /> Hame Federal Savings&Loan Assaciati�n of Home F�deral Sa�ings&Loan Associatian of
<br /> �rand Is�and �rand I51and
<br /> Z�1 South Locust Street 221 Sou�h Lacus�Street
<br /> �RANI]ISLA�D,NE 688�1 G-RAND ISLAND,NE 685�1
<br /> (Space Abave This Line Far Recording Data}
<br /> L�AN 4RIGINAT�R C4MPANY NAME: Hom�Federa��avings&Laan Assvcia��on�f Grand Island
<br /> NN�LS��MPANY�DENT�F�ER: 446443
<br /> L�AN URYGiN�T�R NAN�E:Chris Kaskie
<br /> D�ED �F 'TRU�T
<br /> I3Y THIS D�ED �F T'RIJ�T�
<br /> THIS DEED �F TRIJST �"Secur��y �nstrument"} is made �n Augus� 3, ��15. The grantors are KEITH E
<br /> L�THR�P and JILL M LQTHR�P, HiTSBAN�] AI�D WIFE, �vhose address �s 4�27 N[]RDI� RD,
<br /> GRAND ISLAN�3, Nebraska G8$�3-1�4�8 �"Borrower"}. Borrovtrer is na�necessarily �he same as the Person flr
<br /> Persans who sign �he Harne Equ��y L�ne of Cred�� Agreement, da�ed Augus� 3, ��15 ("��ntra�t"}. The
<br /> ob�iga�inns of Barrowers vvho d�d no�sign�he�ontrac�are explain�d further in�he sectivn t�tled Successors and
<br /> Assigns Bound; J��n� �nd Se�era� Liability; Acc�mrnoda��an Signers. Th� �rust�� is Arend F�. Baack,
<br /> Attorney whose address �s P.�. Box 790, Grand Is�and,�Tebraska 6$S02 �"Trus��e"}. The ben�ficiary is Home
<br /> Federa� Sa�ings & Loan A�sacia�ion of Grand Is�and, wh�ch is organ�zed and existing und�r�he laws of the
<br /> Un�ted S�ates of America and �hose address �s 2�1 South Locust Str�e�, Grand Island, �Tebras�a 685�1
<br /> �"I�ender"�. �EITH E L�THRaP and JILL �VI L�THR.�P hav� en�ered in�o a �on�.rac� wi�h Lende� as of
<br /> August 3,ZO15,under�he terms of which Borrov��er may,from t�.me to time, obtain adWances na��a exceed,at any
<br /> five Thousand and fl411UU Do��ars�U.S. $55,��U.00} �"�r�dit L�m��"�.Any par�y�nterested in the de�ails rela�ted
<br /> to Lender's continuing abliga�z�n ta make ad�ance��o Barrower�s advised to consu��d�rect�y wi�h Lender. �f n�t
<br /> pazd earlier, the sums awrng un.der Borrower's Con�ra�� v�i�h Lender w��� be due an August 15, 2���. This
<br /> Securi� �ns�ument secures�❑ Lender: �a} the repayment of�he debt under�he Con�ract, with interest, inc�uding
<br /> future advances,and a11 r�nevc�als,e��ensions and rnodifzca�i�ns of the Can�ract; �b}the payment of alI�ther sums,
<br /> wz�h in�eres�,ad�anced t�pra��c�the secur�ty af�hzs Securz�y Instrument under�he pro�isions of the se��i�n tzt�ed
<br /> Prote�tian of Lender's R�ghts in�he Property;and[c}the performance af B�rr�w�r's cavenan�s and agreements
<br /> under thi� Security Ins�rument and the�ontract. For th�s pu.rpas�, B�rrower, in c�nsid�ra��on af the d�b�and�he
<br /> trus�herein created,irre�ocahly grants ar�d con�eys�o Trustee,ara trust,with p�v�er of sa1e,the fal�aw�ng descr�bed
<br /> propert�lacated xn�he C�UNTY af HALL,State af Nebras�a:
<br /> Address:4Z27 NURDIC IiD,GRAND ISLAND,I�1�ebraska 688�3-1428
<br /> Lega� Descrxp�zan: L�T TWENTY ���}, LE HEIGHTS THIRD SUBDI�ISI(]N, IN THE CITY �F
<br /> T�GETHER W�TH a11 �he impr�vemen�s now or hereaf�er ere�ted on �he prnper�, and a�� easements,
<br /> appurtenances, and fx�ure�novv ar hereafter a part of the propert�. AlI replacernents and addz�ions shal� also be
<br /> co�ered by �his Security �nstrurnen�. A�� af �he faregoing xs referred to in th�s Securi�y �nstrumen� as the
<br /> ,rPr�perty.�►
<br /> B�RR4�ER��VE�AI�TS�hat Barr�vver is lawful�y sexsed af the estate he�reby con�eyed and has�he r�gh�ta
<br /> grant and convey the Prop�r� and �ha� �he Property is unencumbered, exc�p� for encumbrances �f rec�rd.
<br /> B�rrotiver warran�s and wil� defend �enerally the�it�e t� ��.e Prop�rty aga�nst a�� claims and demands, sub�ect �a
<br /> any en�umbrances af recard.
<br /> Borrower and Lender cavenan�and agree as fal��ws:
<br /> " C�2404-2Q14 CompIiance Systems,Inc.�D6a-2S�D-24I3L2.1 Q.].895
<br /> Cansumer�teal Estate-Security Instrument DL203b Pa�e i of 5 www.campiiancesystems.cam
<br />