��1 5�5�34
<br /> Any applicatxan af payme���s, insura��ce proceeds, ar M�sce��aneous Proceeds fo principa� due under thc Nate
<br /> shall not ex��nd or postpane�he due da�e, ar change the amaunt, af�he Period�c Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrow Iterns. Borrower sha�i pay t�L�nder on the day��riod�c Payrnents are due under�he
<br /> No�e, un��1 the Na�e is paid in fu��, a sum�the "Fund�"�to provide f�r paymen�of am�unts�.ue for: (a}�axes
<br /> and assessments and o�her i�ems which can attain priority aver thi� Se�:uri�y Ins�rum�nt as a lien or
<br /> �ncumbranc�fln the Praper�y; {b}leaseho�d payments or g�round ren�s�n the Property, if any; �c}prerniums
<br /> far any and ali �nsurance requ�red hy Lend�r under Sectian 5; and �d}Mortgage�nsurance p�re�r�iu���s, �f any,
<br /> or an� sums payab�e by Barrov�rer��Lender�n 1�eu af the payment of Mor�gage Insurance pr�xniums�n
<br /> accordance with the pro�isions of Se�tion ��. These�t�ms�r�called "Escrow Items." A�originatio�l or at
<br /> an�r��me during�he term af�he I.�an, Lend�r may require that�ommun�ty Associat�an Du�s, Fees, and
<br /> Assessments, if any, be escrowed b�r Borr�wer, and such du�s, fees and ass�ssments shall b�an Escraw
<br /> Z���a�.. Borrflwer sha11 pr�mpti�furn��h to I,ender a�� notices of amounts to b�paid under this 5�ct��n.
<br /> Borrovver shal�pa�Lender the Funds fQr Escrow�t�ms unless Lend�r wa��es B�rrower's obiiga�ian�Q pay
<br /> the Funds f�r any or aIi Escrow �tems. Lender may wai�e Borrovver's obliga�xon ta pay to Lender Funds for
<br /> any or��1 E�craw ��ems at any time. Any such�ai�er xn.ay only��in wr�t�ng. �n the event af su�h wa�v�r,
<br /> BQrrower sha��pay direc��y, when and where payable, the amaunts du�for any�scrow�tems for which
<br /> paymen��f Funds has be�n wa���d b�Lender and, �f Lender requ�res, shall furnish�o L�nder re�eip��
<br /> evidencing such paym.ent within such��me period as Lender ma�require. Borr�wer's obl�gation to rnake
<br /> such payments and to provide rece�p�s sha�� for a11 purpases be deem�d t�be a cflvenant ar�d agreemen�
<br /> con�a�ned in th�s Securi���nstrument, as the p�arase "covcnant and agreemen�" is used in Sec�ion 9. �f
<br /> Borrower is obligated to�ay Escrow �t�ms d�rect�y, pursuant to a�aiver, and Barrower fail���pa��he
<br /> amoun�due f�r an Escrow ��em, Lender may���rcis��ts righ�s under Sec�ion 9 and pay such amou�.t and
<br /> Borrou�er shali then be�bli�ated under Secti�n 9 to repay Co Lender an.�r such amount. I,ender may re�ok�
<br /> the waiver as to any or alI Escrow�terns at any ti�ne by a na�ice gi�ren in accardance�v��h Sect�on �S and,
<br /> upan such revoca�ion, Barrower shai�pa�to Lender a�� Funds, and�n such am�unts, that are then required
<br /> under th�� Section 3.
<br /> L.�nder may, at any time, �ol�ect and h�id Funds in an arnount �a} suf�c�en�tfl perrru�Lender to apply the
<br /> Funds at�he t�me specif�ed und�r R�SPA, and�b}no�to exc�ed the maximum�amaun�a�e��der can require
<br /> under RESPA. Lender sha.11 estima��the amount of Funds due on the basis vf curren�data and r�asonabl�
<br /> estima�es af expenditures of future Escrow �tems or otherwise�n a��ordance with App���able La�v.
<br /> The Funds sha�i be held in a�z inst��ution vvhose deposits ar��nsured by a federal agen�y, instrumentality, ar
<br /> en�i�y��nc�ud�ng Lender, if Lender is an institution whase depasits are so in�ur�d}�r in any Federai Home
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender sha�� apply the Funds�o pay the Escraw �tems no �at�r than th.e t�me speci�ed undcr
<br /> RESPA. L�nder shall not char�e B�rrower for hol�in�and app��ing the Funds, annually ana��z�ng the
<br /> �s�row acc;ount, or verif�ing �he Es�row Ite�r.�s, unless Lender pays Borrower interest�n�he Fun�s and
<br /> AppXica���Lavv perm�ts Lender t�make such a c�ar�e. Unless an agreement is rnad�in wr�ting or
<br /> Applicabie Law requires in�erest ta be paid an the Funds, Lender sharl nat be required to pay Borr��er any
<br /> interes�or�arn�ngs on the Funds, Borrower and Lender�an agree in�riting, ho►wever, that�n�er�s�sha1�be
<br /> paid�n�he Funds. Lender sha11 give to B�rr�wer, withaut clxarge, an annual account�ng af the Funds as
<br /> re�u�r�d by RESPA.
<br /> �f��re xs a surglus of Funds held in escrow, as def�n�d under R�SPA, I..�nd�r shali a�caun�to Borr�wer for
<br /> �he excess funds �n accordan�e with R�SPA, if�here�s a shortage af Funds held in escraw, as de�ned under
<br /> RESPA, I.ender sha�l not�fy Borra�rer as requ�red by RESPA, and Borrower sha��pay ta L,�nder�he amount
<br /> n�cessary to make up the shor�age in accordanee�vith R.ESPA, but in na m�re than �2 mon�hly payments. If
<br /> �here��a defic�ency af�unds he�d in�scrow, a�defined under RESPA, Lender sha��notif��3arrow�r as
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�amily-�annie MaelFreddie Ma�UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT �nrm 3�28�IDi
<br /> VMP[E]
<br /> VMP6�NE)t'!3D2y
<br /> Wvlters€Cluwer Financiai ServiCes Pag�5 v#'i 7
<br />