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��15�5574 <br /> Any application of payments, insuran�e groceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds��principa�due under�he Note <br /> sha11 no�extend o�-postpone the due date, �r change the amoun�, of�he Per�odic Paymen�s, <br /> 3, Funds for E�crow Items. Borrower sha�l pay�o I,ender on the day Periodic Paymen�s are due under�he <br /> Not�, until th�Na�e i�paid in full, a sum�the "Funds"}�o provid�for payment�f amoun�s due for: �a}taxes <br /> and assessments and ather i��ms which can aftain priarity over this Security�n�trumen�as a lien or <br /> encumbrance fln the Prapert�; �b} Ieas�ha�d pa�rments or graund rents on the Pr�per��, if any; �c}p�em�uxns <br /> for any and all insurance requ�red by L.�nder under Sect�on 5; and�d}Mortgage Insurance prerniums, �f any, <br /> or any sums paya�b�e by BQrr�v�rer�� L.ender�n 1��u of the pa�m�nt of Mor�gage�nsurance premium.s�n <br /> accardance with�h�proWisi�ns of S�ctiQn 1�. Thes��tems are�all�d "Escrow Items." At ariginatian or at <br /> any time dur�ng�he terrn of the Loan, Lender may require tha�Communi�y Assoc�atian Dues, F�es, and <br /> Assessrnents, �f any, be escro�ved by Bflrr�wer, and such dues, fees and assessments sha��be an��craw <br /> �tem. Borrower shall prompt��furnish ta Lender all no�ices of arnoun�s t�be paid under�his Sectian. <br /> Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds for Es�raw Items un��ss L.�nder waives Borrov�er's abligatian to pa� <br /> the Funds for any or a��EsGrow�tems. Lender may wa��e Borrov�er's obligati�n ta pa��o Lender Funds for <br /> any or al�Escrow�terns a�an��im�, Any such wai�er ma�anl�be in�riting. �n�he e�rent af such waiver, <br /> Borro�er shali pa�directly, v�hen and where pa�able, the amount�due for an�Escrov�I��ms for which <br /> payment af Funds has been wa��ed by Lendez�and, if Lender requires, sha�l furn�sh to Lender r�ceipts <br /> e��denc�ng such pa�men���rithin�uch tirne period as Lender may require. Borro�ver's abl�gat�an ta make <br /> such payments and to provide rec��p�s sha�l for all purposes b�deem�d to be a co�enant and agreem�n� <br /> con�a�ned in this Security�ns�rument, as the phrase "co�enant and agreement" �s us�d in S�c��on 9. If <br /> Borrawer is abligat�d t�pay Escraw�tems d�re�tly, pursuant�o a v�raiver, and Barr�wer fails ta pa�r�he <br /> amount due far an E�crow I�em, Lende�r ma�r exercise i�s r�ghts under Sectzon 9 and pay such amaun�and <br /> Borrower shal�then be obiigated under S�c�ion 9 t�r�pay to Lender any such amoun�. Lender ma�revake <br /> �he waiver as�o any ar a�l�scrow I�ems a�any time b�a notxce gi�en in accordance�i�h S��tian �5 and, <br /> upon such revocat�on, Borrower�hail pay ta I.,ender a�� Fund�, and�n such arnaun�s, �ha�are then requ�red <br /> under�his Se�tion 3. <br /> Lender ma�, at an�r��me, cvllect and ho�d Funds in an amount�a}suffi�ient t�perm.i�L�nder to app�y the <br /> Funds at the time spe�if�ed under R�SPA, and�b} not�o exceed�he rnax�mum am.oun�a�ender can require <br /> under RESPA. L.ender shall est�mate the amoun�of Funds due an�he basis of current data and reasonable <br /> es�imates of e�penditur�s of future Escrow I�ems or otherwise in acGordance with App�i�ab1�Law, <br /> The Funds sha�i be held in an inst�tu�ion v�rhose deposits are insured by a federa�agency, ins�rurn.entality, or <br /> en�ity ��nciuding Lender, if Lender is an inst�tu�inn whos�depo��ts are�o in�ured}or�n any Federai H�me <br /> I.�van Bank. Lender sha��app�y�he Fun�.s to pay�he Escraw I�ems na la�er than the time specified under <br /> RESPA. Lender�hall not charge Borrow�r f�r holding and dpp�ying the Funds, anr�ually anal�z�ng the <br /> escrow account, or ver�fyYng the Escrow I��ms, uniess Lender pays Ba�rro�v�r in�erest on the Funds and <br /> Appl��:able Lav��ermits Lender to make sllch a charge. I.Jn�ess an agre�men�is made in writ�ng or <br /> Appl�cable Law�requires inter�s�to�e pa�d on the F'unds, Lender shall no�be requ�red tfl pay B�rr�wer any <br /> int��rest❑r�arn�ngs�n the Funds. Borrower and I,end�r can agre��n�rr�txng, howev�r, �hat in�erest sha�1 be <br /> paid on the Funds. Lender sha11 gi�e to Borrower, withou�charge, an annua� accounting of the Funds as <br /> required�y RESPA. <br /> If there is a�urp�us of Funds held �n escrow, as defined under R�SPA, L�nder shall account to Borrower for <br /> the excess funds in a�cordance v�i�h RESPA. �f there is a shor�a��of Funds held in escraw, as defin�d under <br /> RESPA, Lender sha�1 natify Bo�-rower a�required b�RESPA, and Borrower shal�pay�o Lender the am.aunt <br /> nec��sary�o m�ak�up the shor�age in accordance w��h RESPA, but �n no rnor�than �2 monthly payrnents. If <br /> t�a�r��s a deficiency of Funds he�d in escro�, as d�f�ned u�lder RESPA, Lender sha��nQtify Barrovv�r as <br /> NEBRASKA-S�ngle Family-�anni�Ma�l�reddie Ma�IJNIFORM 1NSTRUM�NT Form 3�28 11Q1 <br /> VMP(� VMP6�NE=(13D2) <br /> Wo�ters K�uwer�inancial Ser�ices Page 5 af 17 <br />