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��15�55�3 <br /> DEE[� �F T�.IJ�T <br /> �C��ti�u�d} Pag� 7 <br /> receipts from the ProperLy less a�l cash expend��ures made in conn�ct�Qn with the vperat�on o�#he Properly. <br /> Capfiion Head�ngs. Captian headings in this De�d of Trust are �vr con�enien�e purpases oniy and are not tv be <br /> used�❑interpret ar define the provisions of�his De�d of 7rust. <br /> Merger. There shall be no rnerger of the interest ar estate created by this Deed vf Trust with any other interest or <br /> estate in the Property at any time he�d by or fiar the benefit of Lender in any capacity,without�hs wri�ten cansent <br /> of Lender. <br /> Gvvern�ng Law. This Deed af Trus�will be governed by f�deral law appli�able tv Lender and, ta the ext�nt not <br /> preempted by�d�ral law,the laws nf the 5�a�e❑#Nebraska without regard to its �onfli�ts of law pr�visions. This <br /> Deed vf Trust has been accep��d by Lender in the State af Nebraska. <br /> � ChoiGe of Venue. i�there is a law�uif, Trustar agrees upon Lender's�eques��o subm'rt�n the jur�sdic��an of�he <br /> cvurts a�Hal[Cvu nty,Sfiate of�lebraska. <br /> Joint and Serrera� Lia�ai�iijl. All ohligations af Borraw�r and Trustor under�his Deed of Trust shall be�oint and <br /> se�eral, and afl references�o Trustor shal�mean eac�and ev�ry Trusta�,and al�references�o Barrawer shall m�an <br /> each and every Borrower. This means�hat each Trustar signing k�elvw is responsible far all�bligativns in�his�eed <br /> vf Trus�. <br /> No Wai�er by L�nder. Lender shall nof be deemed to ha�e uvai�ed any rights u�de�this ❑eed ❑f�rust unless such <br /> vvaiver is given in writing and signed by Lend�r. No delay ar ornission❑n the par�of Lender in exerGising any right <br /> shal[operate as a waiv�r a�such righ�ar any other right. R waiver by Lender of a pravision af this ❑eed of Trust <br /> sha�f not prejudice or consti�u�e a waiver af Lender's r�gh� atherwise t� demand strict cvmpliance wi�h tha� <br /> pravisian vr any other pro�ision vf this ❑eed of Trust. No prinr wai�er by Lender, nvr any course of dealing <br /> between Lender and Trustor, shall c�nstitute a wai�e�'vf any of Lender's rights or of any of Trustor's abl�gatians <br /> as to any�u�ure transac�ions. Vllhenever the consent of Lend�r is required under this Deed o�T�-ust,the granting <br /> of such consent by Lender in any instance shall not const�fiute �antinuing consent t❑ subsequent instanGes where <br /> su�h consent is required and in all�ases such can�ent may�e gran#ed ar withheld in the so[e discretion of Lender. <br /> 5e�erabili�y. �f a cour�of compe�ent�urisdi�ki�n finds any provision o��his Deed ofi Trust�Q be il�ega[, in�a�id, ar <br /> unenfar�eab�e as�o an�persQn or circumstance,that finding sha[I n�t make the af�ending provis�an i�legal,invalid, <br /> or unenforceable as to any ather persan or circurnstance. if feasi�le,�he o�Fen�ing prv�ision shall be�ansidered <br /> madified s��hat i� becornes�egal,�alid and enforceable. If the offending provisi�n cannot be s�modified, it sha�� <br /> be considered deleted from �hCS Deed of Trusf. Unless otherwise required by iaw, the illegali�y, in�alidity, or <br /> unenforceabi�ity af any pro�isian of this Deed vf Trust shall no�affect the legafity,�a�idiijr or en�rorceability v�any <br /> ather pro�isiQn af this C7eed c�f Trust. <br /> Successors and Ass�gns. 5ubject t❑ any limstations stated in this Deed ❑�Trus# on transfe�❑f Trustor's interest, <br /> �h�s Deed of Trust sha�1 be bin�ing upon and inure to �he ben�fit a�the parties, the�r suc�essvrs and assigns. f� <br /> ownership of�he Property hecames vested in a pe�son other than Trustar, Lender,without natice ta Trustor, may <br /> deai with Trus��r's successors wi�h reference tv this Deed ofi Trust and�he lndebtedne�s by way of�arbearan��or <br /> extension withvut releas�ng T�-ustor frorn the❑b�igations af this Deed vf Trust or liability under the Indebtedness. <br /> Time is of the Essence. Tirne is❑�the essence in the perFvrman�e af#his Deed of Trust. <br /> 1Nairre Jury. All par�ies tv this Deed of Trust hereby wai►►e th� righ�tv any jury iria! in any action, pro�eeding, ar <br /> counterc�aim hrought by any party against any other party. <br /> Wai�er a� Hc�mestead Exempfion. Trustar hereay releases and wai�es all rights and benefts af�he h�mestead <br /> exemp�ion�awS vf the 5ta�e of Nehraska as�v aFl Indebtedness secure�i by�his D�ed of Trust. <br /> DEFINITlDNS. The�ollowing �apitaliz�d wvrds and terms shall have the fo�iowing meanin�s when used in this Deed o� <br /> Trust. LJnless specifically stated ta fhe Gvntra�y, alf re�erenc�s to dollar amounts sha11 mean amaunts ir� law�rul mon�y <br /> p� th� United 5tates of America. VVords and terms used in #he sin�uiar shall includ� the plu�al, and the plu�al shal! <br /> include the singu�ar, as �he �vntexfi may require. Wards and �erms not atherwise defined in this ❑eed of Trust shall <br /> haWe�he meanings at�ributed to such�erms in�he Uniform Commercial Cade: <br /> Beneficiary. The ward"Benef�ciary"means Ff�s�Na�ional Bank of Qmaha,and its success�rs and assigns. <br /> �vrrower. The word "Borrower" means T.C. En�k Bui�ders, 1nG.and includes al!co-signer5 and ca-R�akers signing <br /> the Note and all their succ�ssors and assigns. <br /> Deed of Trust. The wqrds "De�d of Trust" mean thi� Deed of Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trus�ee, and <br /> includes wi�hout �imitation al! assignment and security int�rest pro�isians re�ating ta the Persanal P�aperty and <br /> Rents. <br /> Defau It. The�nrard "D efa u lt"means the Defau��set�o rth in th is Deed of Trust in the sectian tit�e d"a efa u�t". <br /> En�ironrr�enta� Laws. The wQrds "Enviranrnen'�al Laws" mean any and al! state, federal and �ocal statutes, <br /> regulations and ordinan��s relating tv the protectivn of human health or the en�iranm�nt, including wi�hau� <br /> limifatian the Campreh�nsi�e Environmen#al Response, Gampensation, and Liability Act a� 198�, as amended, 42 <br /> ll.S.C. 5ect�on 9601, et s�q. �"CERGLA"�, the Supe�und Amendments and Reauthvri�ation Act af �9Ss, Pub. L. <br /> No.99-�99 �"SARA"},�he Hazardaus Materials T�-ansporkativn Ac#,49 U.S.C.Sec�ian 18D'1, et seq.,the Res�urce <br /> Gnnservat�on and R�co�ery Act, �2 U.S.C. 5ection s9��, et se�., or other applicable sta�e ar federal laws, rules, <br /> ar regulations adopted pu�suant the�-eto. <br /> Event af Defaulf. The words"E�ent o�aefault"mean any of the events of default se��orth in�his Deed nf T�ust�n <br /> the e��nks of default section of this De�d af Yrust. <br /> Existing Endebtedness. The words "Existing lndebtedness" mean tha indebtedness described in the Existing Liens <br /> pravisian of this Qeed af Trus�. <br /> Guaran�ar. The word "Guaran�or" means any guarantor, surety, ar accommodati�n party af any or al� ❑f the <br /> lndebtedness. <br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means th� guaranty from Guarantor ta Lend�r, in�luding withau� limitation a <br /> guaranty of al!ar part af�he I�ate. <br /> Hazardaus Substan�es. The wards "Haza�dou� 5ubstances" rnean mate�iais �hat, because �f �hei� quantity, <br /> GonGen�ra�iar� vr physical, chemEcal vr infe�tious cha�acteristics, may cause or p�se a present or po�entia� ha�ard <br /> to hur�an heal�h�r�he en�iranment wher� irnproperly used,#reated,stared, dispased o�, generated, manuiactured, <br /> transparted ar vthen�vise handled, Th�w�rds "Ha�ardous 5ubstances"are used in their�ery broades#sense and <br /> include with�ut limitatian any and a[1 haza�-d�us ar toscic �ubs�ances, materiafs �r was�e as de�ned by ar listed <br /> ur�d�r th�Envi�onmental La►nrs. The terrr� `"Hazardaus 5ubstanees"alsv in�ludes,withaut limitation, petroleum and <br /> petroleurn by--pr�duc��or any fraction thereo�and ast�estas. <br /> lmp��y�ments, The wa�-d "lmp�ovemen��" means all �xis$ing and futur� impro�em�nts, buildings, structu�-es, <br /> rr�ahile hor��s a�ixed on the �4�a1 Froperty, �a���iti�s, additions, �eplacem�nts and �ther canst�-uction an th� Real <br /> P r�pe�ty. <br /> lndeb�e�ln�ss. The word '°Indeb��dness" rneans a!I principal, interesf, and ather �moun�s, costs and expenses <br />