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��15�55�3 <br /> �EE[] �F TRU�T <br /> ���nt��u�d� P��� � <br /> �o paymenf af �i}all sums expended under the fierr�ns of this iDeed of�frust or under�he terms of the I��te <br /> not�h�n repaid, inc�uding but nat limited to accrued interest�nd late char�es, {ii} a�l o#her sums then <br /> secured hereby,and �iii}the remainde�-,if any,to�he person or persans Eegalf�entitled�here�a. <br /> �c� Trustee may in�he manner provided by law postpvne safe af a!i or any po�tion of�he Praperty. <br /> Remedies Not Exclus�ve. Trustee and Lender, and each of them, shall be enti�led ta enforce payment and <br /> perfarrnance�f any indebtedness or obligativns secured by this Deed❑�F Trust and�a �xercise a�l rights and powe�s <br /> under this De�d of Trust, under the Nate, under any a��he Rela�ed Do�uments,ar under any other agreement or <br /> any laws now or hereaf�er�n force; no�withstand"rng,sarne or all vf such indebtedness and abligations secured by <br /> this �eed of Trusr may novtr or hereafter be v#h�rwis�secured, whe�her by rnartgage, dee� v�trust, pledge, �ien, <br /> assignm�nfi vr othervvise. Neith��' the accep�ance af�his Qeed af Trust nor its �n�orcernent, whether by cou� <br /> action ar pursuan#�a the pvwer vfi sale ar other powers cvn�ained in �his Deed �f Trust, shal! pre�udi�e vr in any <br /> manner af�ect Trustee's or Lender's right to realize upon ar enfvrce any other securi�y nQw or hereafter held by <br /> Trustee or Lender,��being agreed�ha�Trustee and Lender,and each vf them, shall be entitled tn enforce this Deed <br /> af Trust and any❑ther security nvw �r hereaftar held by Lender or Trustee in such arder and manner as �hey or <br /> either af thern may in the�r abs�[ute discretivn deterrnine. No remedy conferred upvn pr reserved to Trustee vr <br /> Lender, is intended to be exc[usi�e af any a�her rernedy in this Deed❑�Trust or�y law pro�ided or perrnitted, but <br /> ea�h sha�i be cumulati�e and shall be in addition to e�ery other remedy given in this ❑eed ❑f Trus� or n�w flr <br /> hereafter existing at law❑r in equ�ty or by stafiute. E�ery pawer or rernedy gi�en by�he IUo�e❑r any af�he Rela#ed <br /> Do�uments t� Trustee vr L�nder �r ta which either of them may be atherwise entitfed, may be exercised, <br /> �ancur�en�[y or independently,fram time fiv time and as a€�en as may be deemed expsdien�by Trus�ee or Lender, <br /> and either of them may pursue �nconsistent remedies. Nothing 3n this Deed c�f �rust shall �e construed as <br /> p�vhibiting Lender from seeking a de�ciency judgm�nt against the Trustar tfl the extent such a�t�on is p�rmitted by <br /> iaw. EleGtivn by L�nder�❑ pursue any remedy shall nat exclude pursuit of any o�her remedy, ar�d an �fection to <br /> make expenditures or�❑ take action to perfvrm an vbligativn o�Trustor under fihis Deed af Trust, after Trustar's <br /> fa�lure to perform,shall nat affect Lender's right to declare a default and exercise i#s rernedies. <br /> Reques�for Natice. Trus�vr,an beha��vf Trust�r and Lender, hereby r�quests�hat a cvpy�f any Natic�of❑ef�u�t <br /> and a�opy vf any Notice af Safe under this Deed of Trust be mailed��them at the addresses se�farth in�he f:rs� <br /> paragraph o�this D�ed of Tru$t. <br /> A�tarn�ys' Fe�s Expenses. if Lender institutes any suit ar aGtion to enfvrce any o��he terms af this l]e�d af <br /> Trust, Lender shall be entitled�o reco�e�such sum as the caurt may adjudge reas�nahle as attorneys'fees a��rial <br /> and upon any appeal. VVhe�her or nvt any court ac�ian is in�olved, and to the extent not prohibited by Iaw, all <br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that �n Lender's opinion are neces�ary at any time for the protec�iQn o� its <br /> interest or the enforcement a�its rights shall become a par�of i�he jndehtedness payable�n demand and shal!bear <br /> in�erest at the Note rate from the date af the expenditure until repaid. Expenses co�er�d k�y�h�s parac�raph includ�, <br /> withou�limitation, hvwe�er subjec�to any�imits under applicable law, Lender�s attorneysp fees and L.ende�s legal <br /> �xpenses, whether or not fhere is a lawsuit, including af�ameys'fees and expenses�vr bank�-uptcy proceedings <br /> �inc�uding effor�s to modi�y�r�aca�e any autvmati�stay or injunctian},appeals,and any anticipated pos�judgrnent <br /> cali�ctian senrices,�he cosfi of s�arching recards,obtaining title reparts�including forecfasure reports}, surveyors' <br /> r�por�s, and appraisal �ees, title insuran�e, and fees for the Tnastee, t❑ �he extent permitted by app�icable law. <br /> Trustar alsa will pay any court casts,in add��ion to al�o#her sums prauid�d by law. <br /> Rights vf Trustee. Trustee sha��have all���he rights and duties of Lender as se�f�rth in�his�ection. <br /> P�INERS AND �BLiGAT1�NS DF TRUSTEE. The folfowing pro�isinns �elating to the powers and❑bligatians ❑f Trustee <br /> are part of th�s❑eed of Trust: <br /> Powers af Trustee. ln addition�o all powers of Trus�ee arising as a matter of ia�nr, T�ustee shall hav�the p�wer to <br /> �ake the fo�{owing actians with respect ta the Proper�y upon th�written r�qu�st o�Lender and Trus�or: �a}jv�n in <br /> preparing and fil�ng a map or pla� of the ReaE Proper�y, including the de��cation of streets or ather r�gh�s ta �he <br /> pubfic; �b}join in granting any easemen� ar creating any restriction on the F�eaf Property; and (c} jo�n in any <br /> subard�nat�an or ather agreemen#af�ec�ing this De�d of Trust❑r the inter�st of Lender under this ❑eed�f Trus�. <br /> Trus�ee. Trus�ee shall mee�a!l qualifications required for Trus�ee under applicabl� law. !n addition ta the rights <br /> and �-emedies set farth ah�v�, with respect tv a�l or any part of fhe Property,�he Trustee shall ha�e fhe right to <br /> fvre�lose hy notice and sa�e, and Lender shall have the �ight to f�rec�ose by judicial �n�eclosure, ir� eith�r�ase in <br /> accordance wi�h and�o the full extent provided by appficable law. <br /> Successor Trus�ee. Lender,a�Lender's optian,may fram�ime to tirne app��nt a sucoesso��rustee ta any�rus�ee <br /> appvin�ed under this Deed of Trust by an instrurnenfi executed and acknawledged by Lender and recarded in �he <br /> of�ice af�he recorder o� Ha�� Gaun�y �aunty, �ta�e�f �Vebraska. Th� instrurnent shall contain, in addition ta all <br /> o�her mat�ers requi�ed by state�aw,the names of the❑r�gina� Lender,T�usfee,and Trustar,the boak and page�or <br /> Gnrnputer system �ef�rence}where this Deed a� Trust is re�orded, and the name and address vf�he suc�essvr <br /> trus�ee,and�h�instrurnent sha��he execu�ed and acknowledged by al!#he beneficiaries under this Deed of Trus�ar <br /> their successars in inter�st. The successor trustee, without conveyance o�the Property,shall succeed t� a�l the <br /> title, pow�r,an�duties canferred upan�he Trus�ee in this Deed of Trust and by app�icable law. This procedure for <br /> su�stitution��Trustee shall gQvern tv the exc�usion v�al�other pro�isivns f�r substi�u�ion. <br /> N�TtCES. Any no�i��required to be gi�en under this Deed 4�Trust, in�luding withaut limita�ivn any nvti�e of defau�t <br /> and �ny noti�e of sale shall be gi�en in v,rriting, and shalE be sffective when actually de�i�ered,when actually recei�ed <br /> by te�e�acsimf�e�un[ess vther►n�ise required by law},wh�n depasited wi�h a national�y recognized a��rnight caurier,or, if <br /> mailed,when depas��ed in the Llnited 5tates mail, as frst class,certified❑r regist�red mail postage prepaid,�iire�ted ta <br /> the addresses shawn near�he b�ginn�n�❑f this Deed❑f Trusf. �11 �vpies vf notices vf foreclvsur�frvrn the hvlder af <br /> any lien which has priority a�er this ❑e�d of Trust shalf be sent to Lender's address, as shflwn near the beginning of <br /> this �3eed af T�-ust. Any party may change ii�s address�or notices under�his Deed vf Trust by giWing formai written <br /> notice ta the vther parkies, spe�ifying �hat the purpvse af th� no�ice is �v �hange �he pa�ty's address_ For notic� <br /> purposes, Trustor agrees to keep Lender�nformed at alE�im�s❑f Trus�or's current address. lJnjess�therwise pro�ided <br /> o��'equired by law, if�here is m�re than one Trustor,any notice given by Lender tv any Trust�r is deemed t❑ be no�ice <br /> gi�en tQ all Trusfiors. <br /> ELECTRON�C CDP1E5. Lender may capy, elec�rvnicalEy or other�vi�e, and thereaf�er dest�-oy, the ❑riginals ❑f this <br /> Agreem�nt andlor Re3ated �acumen�s in the regular �ourse o� Lender's business. All such cop�es prvduced �ram an <br /> electronic farm or by any other reliable means �i.e., phatag�aphic image vr�acs�mi�e}shall in alI respects be�onside�ed <br /> equi�alen�t❑an ariginaf, and Barrower hereby waives any rights or objec��vns to the use�f such �opies. <br /> M[SCELLANEaUS PR�V1Si�N5. The�ollowing miscellanevus pro�isions are a park of this Desd of Trust: <br /> Amendmen�s. This Deed❑f Trust,��gether with any Rela�ed Docurnents, �anstitutes the entfre understandin�and <br /> �gr�ement�f the part�es as�a the rryatte�s set fo�th �n�his Deed of Trust. IUo al�era�ivn vf or amer►drnent to this <br /> Deed n�Yrust shall be effe�ti�e un�ess g���n in wrifing and sign�d by#he party or parties �ought to be�harged or <br /> bound by the alteration vr amendr�en�. <br /> A�nn�aal E�epflrts. 1f th� Praperty is used for purposes othe� �han Trustor's r�s�denc�, T�ustor� sha�� furnish to <br /> Lender, up[�r� requ�s�, a ce�kified st�ternent of net c�perating inc:�r�e re�ei�e� �rorn th� P�op�� dur�n� T�ustnr's <br /> previaus fiscai y�r in such�orm and d��aii as L�nde�-sha11 r�quire. "�!e# aperating inoame'° sha�� mean al! �ash <br />