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��15�55�� <br /> �►SSIG��ENT �F REIVTS <br /> ���t1t[�1�ed� Pa�� 3 <br /> colle�# the Rents, including amounts pas� due and unpaid, and apply�he ne� proceeds, over and aba�� Lender's <br /> cvsts, against#he'lndeb�edness. ln fur�herance o�th:s righ#, Lender sha�[ ha�e all the rights pro�ided for in �he <br /> Lend�r`s Right�Q Rece���and Co[lec� F�en�s 5ec�ic�n, abave. I��he Rents ar� collected �y L�nder, the� Gran�or <br /> irr�ev��ahly designates L�nder as Gran�or`s a�karney-in-fact�� �ndarse instruments�-ece�ved in paymenf there�f in <br /> the narne of Grantor and ta negotiate the same and collec�#he proceeds. �'ayrr��n�s by tenants❑r othe�tasers�� <br /> Lender in response fo Lender°s dernand shall satis�the vbligat6ans�ar which ihe payments a�-e rnade,t►vhether ar <br /> nat any prvper��rounds for the demand �xis�ed. Lender may exercise i�s �-igh�s under�hi� subparagr�ph ei�her in <br /> persan,by agent,or thraugh a re�ai�er. <br /> Other Remedi�s. Lender shall ha�e al! other rights and rernedies provided in this Assignment o�the Not� or b}� <br /> �aw. <br /> Eleetian of Remedies. Election by Lender to pursue any remedy shall nat ex�fude pursu��af any other�-ernedy,and <br /> an ele��ion ta rnake exp�nditures or t❑take acfion#o per�orrn a�ahligation af Grantor under thi�Assignm�nt,aft�r <br /> Gran�or"s failure t❑perfarm,shall no�a�fec�Lender's righ���de��are a defauft and exercise its r�rnedies. <br /> Attorneys' Fe�s;Exp�nses. lf Lender ins�itutes any sui��r actian fo enf�rce any o��he terms of this Assignment, <br /> Lender sh�l� be entitl�d ta rec���r such�um as fhe�ourfi may adjudg�reasonable as attorneys'f�es ai�tria� and <br /> upon any appeal. Whether vr nat any Gourt actian is �n�o[�ed, and tv the extenf nat prohibited by law, all <br /> reas�nable expenses Lender incurs fha� in Lander's opinian are necessary a� any firn� fo�-fh� prot��tian of its <br /> in�erest v�-the enfarcement o�its rights shaft become a par�of the]ndebtedness payabie on demand and shall bear <br /> interes�at�he Nate ra�e fram the date of th��xpenditure untif r�paid. Expenses covered by this paragraph includ�, <br /> without [imitation, hvwe�er subject to any iimits under applicab�e Caw, Lender's attorneys`fees and Lender's legal <br /> expenses, whether ar not there is a lawsuit, includin� attorneys' �ees and expenses for bankruptcy proceedings <br /> �I f1C1 Ud[Cl�Ef'Fpl"�5 tC�!'1'lad if�l pl"V�C��2 2n]I aLltQl"1'l2�[C Sta]I Q1"I nJ UC1C�l4n}, appeals,and any antici pated pas��udgment <br /> collect�on services,�he cost o�searChing reoords,❑btaining title repor�s �including foreclosure reports�, surveyo�s' <br /> repor�s, and appraisal fees, title insurance, and fees for the Trustee, ta the extent permitted by applicable �aw. <br /> Grantor also wifl pay any caurt costs,in addition to afl o�her sums pro�zd�d Poy law. <br /> ELECTRDNIC COPIES. Lender may copy, elec�ronically a�' o�herv�rise, an� therea�er destray, �he originals a� this <br /> Agreement andlor Related ❑ocuments in the regular course of Lender's business. All such copies produced �rom an <br /> ele�tror�iG �orm v�by any vther reliable means {i.e., pho�ographic ima�e a�facsim�le}shali in all r�spec�s be consider�d <br /> equiva�en�t� an original,and Bvrrower hereby wai�es any�ighfs or o�jectians fio the use v�such copies. <br /> IVIlSCELLANEDLIS PRQVISI�NS. The follvwing miscellane�us pro�isions are a part of�his Assignment: <br /> Amendments. This Assignmen�, t�gether wi�h any Re[ated Documents, c�nstitutes the entire und�rstanding and <br /> agreement vf the parlies as ta kh� ma�ters set forth in th�s Assignrnent. fVo alteratian ��❑r amendmen�t� thss <br /> Assignment shall be ef�ec�E�e unles� gi�en in writ€ng and signed by the party or partEes sough��p b� ch�rged vr <br /> bound by�he al�eratian ar amendment. <br /> Gap�ion �leadings. Gaptipn headings�n�his Assignmen�are far con�enience purposes an�y and are no�to be us�d <br /> ta interpret or define the pra�isions af this Assignmen�, <br /> Gorrerning Law. This ►4ssignrnent will he governed by �ederal law applicable tn Lender and, t� the extent not <br /> preempted by federal law,the laws of�he State of Nebraska without regard�o i�.s conflicts of law prv�isians, Thi� <br /> Assignmen�has been aGcepte�by Lender�n�h�5�a�e a�Nebraska. <br /> Chvi�e of Venu�. f�there 3s a lawsuit, Grantor agrees upon Lender's request to submit tQ#he ju�isdiction of�he <br /> cour�s of Hall County,5ta�e af hlebraska. <br /> hJlerger. There shall b� no merger�f the interest or estate crea�ed by�his assignment wifh any other in�eres�or <br /> estat�in the Prvperty at any tim�held by o��or the b�nefit af�ender in an�r capa�ity, without th�written consent <br /> of Lende�. <br /> lnterp�-�tation. �1} in alf cases where there is mor�fhan ❑ne Borrowe�-❑r Grantar, then al� wo�ds used in this <br /> Assignment in�he s�ngular shal[be deemed to ha�e been used in�he plurai where the�ontex�and constru�tian s� <br /> require, ��} If mvr�e�han one person signs this Assignrnent as"Grantor,"�he obliga�ions af each Gran�or are�oint <br /> and severaf. Th�s rneans tha� if Lender hrings a lawsuit, Lender may sue any one ar m�re af the Grantars_ lf <br /> Barrovver and Grantvr are nat�the same persan, Lender need no�sue Barrvwer first, and tha�Barrawer need nat be <br /> jained 'tn any lawsuit. �3} The names gi�en �v paragraphs vr sect�ans in#his Assignment are far �onvenience <br /> purpases only.They are nat to be us�d to interpret ar defne the pro�isivns of this Assignmen�. <br /> No 1Nai�er by Lender. Lender shall nat be d��rned ta ha�e wai�ed any rights under this Assignment unless such <br /> waiver is given �n writing and signed by L�nder. No delay or omission vn the part of Lender in exer��siny any right <br /> shal� vpera�e as a wai�er of such right vr any❑ther r�ght. A waiver by �ender o�'a prnvisio�7 af ihis Assignrr��nt <br /> sha�i nQt p�e�udice Qr constitute a wai�sr ❑f Lende�-'s �-ight atherwise to demand st�-ict comp�ianc� wi�� tha� <br /> pro�ision �r any other pravisian of this Assignmen�. Na priQr waiuer by Lender, nor any cvurse of dealing betweera <br /> Lender and Gran�or,shaf[canstitute a wai�er ofi an�af Lender's rights�r of any of�rantor's obligatians as�o any <br /> futur� transacti�ns. Whene�er the Gons�nt �f Lend�r as required under �his Assignment, �he granting vf �u�h <br /> Gvnsen� by Lender in any instanc� sha�l not consti�u�e cantinuing consen# �❑ subsequen� instances where su�h <br /> �ansen�is required and in a[1�ases such�onsent may he granted o�-withh�ld in the sale discrefion�f Lender. <br /> Na�ic�s. Any notic� required ta be giv�n under�his Ass��nmen� sha�f be given in wri�ing, and shall �e e�fective <br /> �rvhen actual�y defiWered, when actually rec���ed by �e�e�acsirnile �unless �therwise require� b� �aw�, when <br /> depvsi�ed w�th a na�fanally recvgnized o�ernrght courie�',ar, it mailed,when deposited in the United 5tates mail,as <br /> firs�class,certified ar regist�red mail pastage prepaid, directed�o'�he addresses shnwn near�he beginning v�this <br /> Assignmen�. Any pariy may change its address fa�-no�ices under this Assignment by gi�ing formal wriit�n natFce <br /> �a the ath�r parties, spec�fying fhaf the purpose af i�he notice is to ehange the par�y`5 address. Fvr notice <br /> purpases, Grantor agrees �o keep Lender in�o�-med a� afl times of Grantor's current address. Unless otherwise <br /> pravided or required by law, ifi there is more than one �ran�ar, any nvtice given by Lender ta any G�antar is <br /> deemed to be nati�e gi�er�ta al��rantars. <br /> Powers of Atta�ney. The�arious agencies and powers of atforney con�eyed an Lender under thi�A�signment a�e <br /> granted f�r purposes af security and may no�b�re��ked by Gran�o�untr�such time as th�same are�enoun�ed b� <br /> L�nder. <br /> 5errerab�li�y. ��a caurt of campetent jurisdic�ian f nds any pra�isi�n of this Assignrnent to be illegal, �n�alid, or <br /> unenforceabfe as fo any circumstance, that finding shall n�t s-nake th� affending pro�ision illegal, �nrraiid, or <br /> unenfarceab[e as fia any a�her circumstance. 1f feasible,tha o�fending pm�isivn shall be�ansidered modified sa <br /> fha� it be�omes legal, valid and enforceable. lf the offending pravision cann�t be so rnodified, it shall be <br /> consider�d del�ted fram �hrs Assignmen�t. L]niess c�th�rwise required by law, th� iliegality, inva�idi�y, or <br /> unenfQrceabi�ity af any pr�uision �f�his�gnment sha11 nn� a�fe��the le�aiity, �ali�ity vr en�or-cea�zli�y o�any <br /> ��h��prouisian of thi�Assignment. <br /> Suc�essar��nd Assigr��n �ubjec�ta any limitations s�ated in this Assignrnen�an trans#er�f�r�ntor`s�n�eres�,�his <br /> Ass�gnment shall be binding upon and inure tQ th� benefit of �he parties, �heir succ�ssars and assigns. I� <br /> �wnership o��he Propert}r becvmes��sted in a persan��her than �ran#or, Lende�-,without no��ce tv Gran�ar, may <br /> deal with Gran�or's successars with re�erenc�to this Assignment and the �ndeb�edness by way�f fo�hearance�r <br />