<br /> AS�I�hI II�I ENT �F RENTS
<br /> ���r1t1 n uLd� Page �
<br /> Ne��-aska and also all ather laws, rules, orders, ardinanc�s and requir�m�nts v� al� other go�ernmental agencies
<br /> affe�ting�he P�vperty.
<br /> Lease fhe Property. Lender may r�nt or]ease#he who�e ar any pa�t�f the Property far such�erm ar terms and on
<br /> such condit�ans as Lender rr�ay deem appropriate.
<br /> Emplvy Agents. Lender rr�ay engage such agen$�r agents as Lender rnay deem appropr�ate, e�th�r �n Lender's
<br /> name or in Grantor's nam�,tv rent and manage the Praperty,including the collec�ion and applica�'rvn vf Rents.
<br /> �ther ►4cfs. Lende�- may da all such other things and acts with respect tv fhe F'r�pe�ty as Lender rr�ay deem
<br /> appropriat�and may act exclusi�ely and solely in the place and s�ead af Grantar and ta have all a��he powers ❑f
<br /> Grantvr far th�purpvses stated aha�e.
<br /> No Requirement�o Ac�. Lender shall na�be required to do any af�he foregoing acts vr things, and the �act�hat
<br /> Lender shall have per�orm�d ane or more of the foregaing a�ts or things shall nvt require Lender ta dv any other
<br /> spe�if€c act ar thing.
<br /> APPLlCATI�N OF RENTS. All G�5t5 and e�penses incurre� by Lender in connect�an with the Prop�rky shall be far
<br /> Gran�v�'s accvunt and Lender rnay pay such c�s�s and expenses frvm fihe f�ent,s. Lender, in its svle discre�ion, shali
<br /> determine the app[ication of any and al� Rents received by i�; hvwe�er, any such Rents re�eived by Lender which are
<br /> no�applied to sueh cvsts and expenses shall be applied fa the lnd�btedness. All expenditures made b� Lender under
<br /> thl5 Assignment and na� �eimbursed from the Rents sha[� �ecome a part o� th� Indeb�edness secured �y �his
<br /> Assignmen�,and sha�!be payable on demand,with interes�at the�Iote rat�frvm date vf expenditu�e untii paid.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. �f Grantor pays a[I of the �ndebte�iness when due and otherwise per�orms all the abligations
<br /> imposed upvn�ran�ar under this Assignment,�he�ote,and the Re�ated Dacumen�s, Lender shall execute and deliver to
<br /> �ran�or a sui�ab[e sa�isfac�ion af this Assignmen�and suitable sfa��ments of�erminafian af any financing statemen�an
<br /> fie e�idencing Lender's secur�ty interest in the Rents and the Praperty. Any te�mination fe� required by�aw shall be
<br /> paid by�ran�or,if permitted by applicable 1aw.
<br /> LENDER`S �KPENDIT�RES. i�any ac�ion or proce�ding�s commenced that would materially a�fecf Lendet's in�erest in
<br /> �he Property or if�rantor fai�s to comply wi�h any pro�ision af fhis Assignment vr any Rela�ed Dacuments,inc�uding but
<br /> nat limited tc�Gran�or's failure��discharge or pay wh�n due any amounts Grantar is requir�d to di�charge or pa�und�r
<br /> this Assignment or any Related Do�uments, Lender on Grantor's �ehalf may (but shall not be��aligated to�take any
<br /> action that Lender deems appropria�e, including but nvt l�mi��d to discharging �r paying all taxes, liens, security
<br /> interes�s,encumbranoes and other c�aims,a�any��me levied a�placed on the Rents ar the Pr�perky and paying al�casts
<br /> �ror insuring, maintaining and preserving the Property. A11 such e�cpendi�ures in�urred ar paid by Lender fnr such
<br /> purposes will then bear inter�st af the ra�e charged under the Note frnm the da�e in�urTed or paid�y�_ender�n the date
<br /> af repayrnen�by Grantar. Afl such e�cpenses wzll bec�me a pa�t of the [ndebtedness and, at Lender�s vption,�uvi�l �A)
<br /> be payab�e on demand; {B} be a��ied ta�he baianoe a��he�ivfie and be�pportioned among and��payabl�vv�th any
<br /> ins�allment payments �a bec�rne due during either �1} �he term of any app[i�able ensurance palicy; ar �2} the
<br /> remaining term vf the htate; or �G� be treated as a bal�aan payment rrvhich wil� b� du� and pay�bfe at the No�e's
<br /> matur�ty_ �h�Assignrnent��sa will sec�r�payment of th�se amaun�s. Suc�righ�shall be irr add��ivn��all oth�r r�gh�s
<br /> and rerr�clies to whiGh L.ende�-may he entitled upon Defauit.
<br /> DEFALlLT. Each of the�ollvwing,at Lender's optian,sha11�onstitute an E�ent af ae'�ault under�his Assignmen�:
<br /> Payrnent De�aul'�. Gran�or fails i�a make any paymenfi when due under the indebfiedness.
<br /> Other De�aults. Grantor fai[s to camply with ar t❑ pertorm any ❑ther term, ❑bliga�ion, �ovenant ar cvndition
<br /> �ontained in this Assignmenf or in any �f the Related ❑aGuments ar to �amply with o� to perFvrrn any terrn,
<br /> ob[iga�ion,cavenan�or�ondition can�ained in an}�other agreement between Lender and Grantvr.
<br /> Default on Q�her Payments. Fa��ure of Grantor within the time required hy this Assignmen�to make any payment
<br /> for�axes or insurance,or any ather paymen��e�essary�a pre�ent Efi[ing of❑r�o effec�discharge of any lien.
<br /> Def�ult ira Fa�ar of Third Parties. Any guaran#or vr Grantvr de�aufts under any loan, extensfan o�credit, security
<br /> agreem�n�, purchase ar sales agreement,or any❑�he�agreement, in fa�or o�F any other credi�or❑r person tha�may
<br /> materialfy afFe�t any af any guarantar's ar Grantar's proper�y❑r ability t❑per�orm their respect�ve obligations under
<br /> this Assignment or any vf�he Re�a�ed C�o�uments.
<br /> Fal�e Staternen�s. Any warranty, repr�sentation or statemen� made or �urnished to Lend�r by Grantor or on
<br /> Grantor's behalf under this Assignment❑r the Related Dvcumenfs is �alse or misleading in any mat��ial respect,
<br /> �ither now or a�the time made❑r furni�hed or becomes false vr rnisleading at any�ime thereafter.
<br /> ❑e�ecti�e Gvllat�rali�atian. This Rssi�nment ar any of the Related Dacumen�s ceases to �e in fiul��orce and effecfi
<br /> (including�ailure��any caliateral document ta create a valid and pertected security interest or lien}at any time and
<br /> fvr any rea�vn.
<br /> [nsol�ency. The dissvlutian ar terminatian o��ran�vr's exist�nce as a going business, �he insa�vency a��rantor,
<br /> �he appointment o�a re�eiver�or any part of Gran#or's proper�y, any assignment for the henef�of creditors, any
<br /> type of Greditar workout, or the cvmmencement of any praceeding under any bankrupt�y or insalvency laws by or
<br /> against Grantvr.
<br /> � Credi��r m�- Forfei#ure Proceedings. Commen�ement of�orecfasure ar�or-�eiture pro�eedings, whe#her by�udiGia�
<br /> proGeeding,self-h�lp, rep�ss�ssion or any other rn�thod,by any creditar of Grantor-ar by any ga�ernrnentaf agency
<br /> against the R�nt� or any properiy �ecuring the Indebte�ness. This includes a garnishment of�ny vf Grant�r's
<br /> a�caunis, Encluding deposi�acc�unts, wi�h Lender. Hawe�er, th�s E�ent �f D�fault shall nat �pply if �h�re �s a
<br /> gvvd faith dispute by Grant�r as t�the�alidi�y ar reasanab�eness o�#he c�airn which is the basis�f the credifor�r
<br /> €arfei�ure proceeding and if Gran�ar gi�es Lender written notic�o�the credit�r vr�orfei�ure proc�eding and depasits
<br /> wi�h Len�er monies ar a surety bond for the creditor vr�orFeiture pro�eeding,in an amvun�det�ml[ned by Lender,
<br /> in 6ts sole discretion,as be�ng�n adequate resenre❑r�ond�o��he dispute_
<br /> Proper#y�amage or Loss, The Prope€ty is lost,stol�n,substantially damaged,sald, or k�arravired againsf.
<br /> E�ents Affecfing Guaran�or. Any o�r�he preceding events accurs with respect tv any Guarantor vf any o�the
<br /> Indeb�edness or any Guarantvr dies or becomes incompe�en#, vr re�okes or disputes the �alidi�y v�, or liabi�i�y
<br /> unde�, any Guaranty of the�ndebtedness.
<br /> �dverse �hange. A material ad�erse change occurs in Granta�'s financial candi�ian, or Lencie�- be[ie�es the
<br /> praspect�f payr�-�er���r per�vrmanc�of th��ndeb�ednes�is i mp�i red.
<br /> �ns���ri#y. Lende�in go�d fa�th beii�v��itsel�insecure.
<br /> �CGHTS a4ND i�EMEDlES aN DEFAULT. L]pon the oc�urrence af any E�enfi vf De�ault and at any�ime fihereafter, Lende�
<br /> rnay exercis�any c�ne vr mvre o��he f�llowing rights and rernedies,En addition�o any vther rights or remedies prv�ided
<br /> by�aw:
<br /> Accete�ate Inde6tedness. L�nder shall ha�e the right at its ap��an t❑ de�lare the en#fre Inde�tedness imm�diat�iy
<br /> due and payable, in�luding any prepaym�nt p�nal�y that Grantar v►rau[d be re�uired ta pay.
<br /> �olIect Rents. L�nder shall ha�e th� righ�, wi�h�ut notice to �ran�ar, to take possession of the 1°roperty and
<br />