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��1 5�5 5�8 <br /> RELAT�D DUCUMENTS. The v�rords "R�lated Docurnents" mean ail pr�miss�ry notes, secur�ty agr�ements, <br /> prior mor�gages, priQr deeds. of trus�, .pr�vr deeds to secure debt, business I�an agreemen�s, canslructian lflan <br /> agreement�, resolu�ions, guaran�ies, en�r�nmen�ai agreemen�s, subordina���n agre�men�s, assignmen�s of leases <br /> and ren�s and any othear d�cumen�s vr.agreemen�s ��ecuted in c�nnection �vith �his Indeb�edness and Security <br /> Instrumen�,whether no�v�r hereafter e�isting,including any m�dificati�ns,e�tensions,substituti�n,s or renevtra�s af <br /> any of fhe fareg�ing. The Rela�ed•D�cuments are hereby made a part �f�his Se�urity �ns�r�urnent by reference <br /> there��,wi�h the same farce and efFe��as if fully set for�h herein. <br /> INDEBTEDNESS.This�ec�uity Ins�rument se�ur�s�he principal amount shawn a���e as ma�be evidenced by a <br /> promiss�ry note or n�tes af even, prior �r subs�qu�nt da�e here�a, includ�ng fu�ure advances and e�er� o�her <br /> u�deb�edness of any and.ev�r��d n�� �r hereaf�er ovv�ng frvm 38D1 NE�R.ASKA HIGH'�VAY �, LLC t� <br /> Home Federal Savings &Laan Associatian of�rand Island, howsaever created or aris�ng,whe�h�r primar�, <br /> secondary or cantingent,��gether wi�h an�in�eres�or charges prvvided in vr arising,ou�of such ixa.deb�edness, as <br /> vsre�l as �he agreemen�s and cvvenants �f�his 5e�ur�ty Instrument and aIl Related.Dacuments �hereinaf�er a11 <br /> referred ta as�he"Zndebtedness"}. <br /> FUTURE AD'VANCES.To fhe ex�en�permitted l�y�av�,�h�s Security Instrument w�l�secure future advances as if <br /> such ad�ances w�re made on the date of�h�s 5e�urity Ins�-umen�regard�ess of the facti tha�fram time�o time there <br /> may�e na ba�an�e due under�he not�and rega.rdless of whether Lender is obl�ga�ed��rnake such future ad�ances. <br /> - CR�SS ��LLATER.ALI�ATI�N.�7t is the ���ent of Gran��r t� cra�s ca�lateraliz� a�l af its <br /> �ndebtedness and o�liga�ons to Lender, h�wsae�er arising and whensoever incurred, excep� an� obliga�ivn <br /> existing or arising,against�h�princ�pal d�vel�ing of any Gran�or. <br /> ��NSTRUCTI�N LUAN AGREEMENT.This Security�nsixument�s made in c�njunction vvith a Construction <br /> Loan Agreement dated �he sam� dat� as �hYs Security Inst�umen� and �s subje�t ��.alI of�he pr��ris�ons af the <br /> �flns�ru��i�ri L�an Agreem.ent as if th�se provisions were fully se�forth in this security�ns�rumen�and made a par� <br /> of it. - . � <br /> '�V'ARRANTIES. �rantor, far itself, i�s heirs, pers�nal represen�atives, successors, and assigns, represents, <br /> �arrants,covenants and agrees�ith Lender,its successors and assigms,as f�ll�ws: • <br /> Perf�rm�nce vf UbligatiQns. Grantor promises ta perform a�l terms, condi�ians, and co�enan�s �f this <br /> Security Inst�urnent and Relafieci D�cuments in accordance w�th the terms�ontained�herein. <br /> llefen��and Title to Pr.operty.A��he�ixne al execu��on and deli�rely�f#his instrumen�,Grantor is�a�fully <br /> seised�f the �s�a�e her.el�y conve.yed an:d has�he e�clusYve right�o mortgage, gran�, con�e�and assigm�he <br /> P�-operry,�rantor c�venan�s that�he Proper�y�s unencumbered and free af aII li.ens,e�cept f�r en�um�rances <br /> �f record ac�eptab�e�a Lender. Fur-tiher, �ran�or c�venants tha�Grantor vvi.I1 v�rarrant and d�fend�enera�ly <br /> t��e �it�e tfl the Pr�pei-�y aga�.nst.any�and aIl �lairns and demands vsrha�sae�er, sul�j�ct �a �he easemen�s, <br /> restr�ct�vns, or o�her encumbrances of record acceptab�e to Lender, as ma� be lis�ed in the s�hedu�e of <br /> e�ceptions tn �ov�rage in any ahsiract flf�i�le or ti��e �nsuran�e p�licy i.nsu.rin� Lender's in�erest in the <br /> Pr�perty. <br /> �vndi�i�n af Proper�. Grantor promYses at aI��imes f� preser,ve and t� ma7n�ain�he Prvperty and every <br /> par�t�hereof�n good repair,v�orking order, and��ndition and�1�from time to�ime,make a�1 needful and <br /> proper re�a�rs so-�hat the value of�he Property sha�l not i.n.any way be unpaired. <br /> Removal of any Par� �f the Praperty. Grantar promises na��o rem�ve an�par�af fihe Pr�perfiy fr�m its <br /> present l�cat�on,��cep�.for replacement,ma��enance and relocati�n�n�he�rdinary course of�usiness. <br /> Al�erations to the Frap�rty. Granf�r promises to absta�n from the commiss��n �f an� �ras�e on ar in <br /> cQnnectian���h�he Property.Fur�her,Gxantor s1ia�1 mai�e na material al�erations,additians or�mpr�vements <br /> af any t�pe �vhatsoe�rer to�he PrQperty, regardless of v�rhe�her such altera�ions; addi��ons or unpro�ements <br /> wou�d�ncrease the val�e af�he Pr�perty, nor perrnit anyone to d� so e�cep�f�r�enan� impr�vements and <br /> completion of i�ems pursuan�to appro��d p�ans and spec���ati�ns, vvithou�Lender's prior�rYtten consen�, <br /> �hich cons�nt may be v�.�hheld by Lend�r in its sv�e d.�scretion. Grant�r w�1� comp�y al� �a�rs and <br /> regula��ons of all puhlic auth�rit�es having jurisdiction over the Pr�perty inc�uding,v���hou�lim.�.�a��an,those <br /> relating to�he use, occupancy and main�enance thereof and shall upon reques�prampt�� submit to Lender <br /> evidence af such c�mpl�an�e. � <br /> Due on Sale-Lend�rTs�onsent.Grant�r shall na�se�1,fiu-�hher encumber�r�therv�ise daspose af,e�cep#as <br /> hereYn pro�ided, any �r aIi af its interes� Yn avy part of�r aI� �f the Praper�y w��h�ut firs� �b�ai.ning the <br /> vvri�ten c�nsen� af Lender. �f any en�umbran�e, �ien, transfer �r. sale or agr�ement f�r these is crea�ed, <br /> Lender may dec�are�mmediately due and payable,�he en��re�alan�e of the�ndeb�edness. <br /> Insuran�e. Gran�or promises�o keep the Property insured agains�such risks and in such form as may wi�hin <br /> the s�le discretian �f Lender be acc���a�le, causing Lender t� be named as �oss payee �r if requested by <br /> Lender, as mor�gagee. The insurance campany shail be �h�sen by Gran�ar subjec� to Lender's ap�roval, <br /> Vvhi�h sha�l nvt be unreasflnably �rithheYd. AII insurance policies must pr�v�de that Lender will get a <br /> min'vnum af 10 da�s noti�e prior:�o cancella�ion.At Lender's discretion,Gran�vr may be required t�produc� <br /> receip�s�f paid premiums and renewal palicies.�f Gran�ar fai�s�o�b�ai.n th�required coverage,Lender may <br /> d�s�a��ran�or's e�pense. Grant�r hereb�d�rec�s each and every insurer�f the Pr�perty�fl make payment flf <br /> loss�o Lender wi�h f.h�pr�ceeds��be appl��d, only�at Lender's option,to the repa�r and replacement of the <br /> damage or lass�r�o be applied��fihe Indeb�edness with the surplus,�f any,tv be paxd b�Lender t�Gran��r. <br /> �2004-2D14 Comgiiance Systems,Inc.SabS-23E5-2413L2.1�.1.869 <br /> Cammer�ial Cvr�st�ctian Security Instniment-DL4U07 Pa�e 2 of G w��r►v.campliancesysteu� <br />