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_ . �� rn <br /> � � � � � <br /> R7 � � � . rn� � � � <br /> o = � �� � c� Q m I�] rn <br /> cr � �o � � C p Q o <br /> � � ��, � C �� C3� � <br /> v � �� Zl '� �I'�T1 � � <br /> °° = . �� D � D Ca � Cn <br /> _ . . .. I-�i-rn� rn �� � � <br /> � � � rn� � � �� � � <br /> - - . . �� � � �� � <br /> �� r <br /> - . .. . � . v a � �.�. rn <br /> �m � � � <br /> . . � . v� � Uy <br /> � � <br /> _ � <br /> THIS mTSTRUMENT PREPARED B�Y: AFTER RE��RDiN�RETURN T • <br /> �. <br /> Home Federa�Savings&Loan Assv��at�an af Hame Federa�Sa�vings&L�an Ass�cia�ivn❑f � <br /> �rand IsIand �rand Is�and � � � ��� . <br /> 221 South Lacust S�ree� 2�1 South-Lo�uS�Street � � , <br /> GRAN�]ISLAI�ID,NE 688�1 . �RAND ISLAND,�.NE 688�1 . <br /> �Sp�.ce Above T��is Line Far Re�ording I�a�a} ' :��: <br /> C�NS�'RU�TI�N SE�URITY�.A��REEN�ENT ���� � <br /> FUTURE ADVAN�ES AN�-�jJTU�pBLI�AT��NS ARE SE�URED BY THIS REAL.ESTATE DEED <br /> �F TRUST . . , � . . . <br /> This C�MMERCIAL,�p1�STRU�TI�N REAL ESTATE DEED�F TR ." f� � <br /> UST� Secu�r�.y_Instrumen� } rs znade on <br /> Augus� 3, 2�15 by the gran�ar�s� 38U1 1��BRASI�A, HI�HVVAY 2; LLC, a�Nebras�a L�mi�ed Liabi�i <br /> Cornpany,wh�se address zs 2019�3ASS R�AD, �RAND ISLAI�D IVebraska FiS � <br /> , 8U3 �"Crantor"}. The t�ustee �s <br /> Arend R. Baack, At�orney �hose address is P.�. Bvx 79�, Grand Isla�id, Nebraska G�SDZ "Trus�ee" . The <br /> beneficiary is I�orne Federai Sav�n s & �aan AssocEat� � � � <br /> . g �n �f �rand I��and whose a�dress �s 2�1 Souti�i <br /> L�Cust Street, Grand Is�and,Nebraska 68gU1 �'�Lender"},which is organized and existz.n under�he Iavvs of�he <br /> United Stat�s of Ameri�a. Grant�r �n cox�s�dera�ion of Ioans e�tended b Lenc� • g <br /> y er,up to a ma�imum princ�pal <br /> amaun��f Twa Hundred E�ghty��ight Thausand and U�1144 Do��ars�LT.S.$2$8,�4�,Qp) "MaxYmum Princi a� <br /> Indebte dn ess") � � <br /> , and for vther va�uab�e cons�deration, �he Y-��erpt of whi�h is ackna�iedged, xrrevoca�ly an�s <br /> conveys and ass�gns �o Tru�tee, in trus�, w�.th po`,t,er af sale, �he fvl�owin described �• � � <br /> g p�opert� �ocated 1n th� <br /> ��un ty nf Ha�I,S�ate�f Nebraska: . . - <br /> Address:38�1 I�TEBRASKA�HI�HWAY 2,G�tA,ND 1SLAND Nebraska 688 3 ' <br /> , U <br /> Lega1 Des�rzption:A�ract of land compr�sxng a par�of�he Nor�hwest Quart�r�[NW11��of Sec��on �ne 1 <br /> Tovvnship E�e�en (11} Nor�h, Rai�ge Ten �14 '�est af the 6th '�.M. ' ' ( �3 <br /> ) �n the City of �rand Is�a��d, Hail <br /> County,I�l�ebraska,and more par��cularIy described as fo�lows: � - - <br /> Beginning at the n�rthwes�corner of Lo�Two[2],L.J.�R.A.'I'oner Pro�aer�ies Subdi�vsian in�he�it af <br /> Grand Isiand, Hal� Caunty, Nebraska, said �v�nt a�s� be�ng an�the soutil�er� :r� h� of wa� � <br /> y g y ��ne of State <br /> Hzghway Na.Z;�hence S 4D°�9'45"�,a�ang and upan the west�'rne of sa�d Lot-Two � ,a d�s�ance of Five <br /> Hundr�d Twen�y E� h�and Sevent Seven H � � � <br /> � y undredths�SZ$.77�fe�t to a po�n�wlx�ch �s Eigh�y[BU.UQ}feet <br /> nor�h of the sou�hwes� corner of saYd Lat�'wa ��]; �l�en�e lY g�° DQ' pp"��7V, a,dis�ance of k'our Hundred <br /> Seven and Eieven Hundre��hs (��7.11)�fee� t4 a poxn� on west��ine�of �he S�utheast uar�er �f said <br /> Northw�st Quar�er(SE114�I'�V114 � thence S UO°35' " � � � <br /> )� 43 E,a�vng an� upon sa�d west l�ne of the Southeas� <br /> Quar�er of th� Northwest �uar�er �SE�_I�N'L�114), a distance'4f Five and �n� IIu��dred��� 5,g1 fee�• <br /> then�e S 89°59'58"V�,�a d�istance of Two kIundred N�ne ' ' � � � <br /> �y S�x a��d Nrne�y Thr�e Hundredths��96.93�feet; <br /> then�e N UU° 29' 45" 'W, �aralle� with �he west Zine of said Lot Tw����), a d�stance of Se�en Huxxdre <br /> d <br /> Twenty�ne and S�v�n�y_T�yv❑Hundredths t721.7Z3 fee�to a point.on.,said�sou�her�y hi hwa ri h�of wa <br /> Iine; thence S 73° 21{ 13'r E, a�ang and upo���sa�d s4utheri h� hYv-a :.r� �t o � y � y <br /> Y g y. g. f way ��ne, a d�s�ance �f�ne <br /> Hundred Fifty T��a and Fifty �'�ur �Iundred�hs (15�.54� �eet; thenc.e,S _75°. 3�' 42" E, a�on r� �n said <br /> 5ou�her�y highway rzgh��f way line, a dis�an�e of Five Hundre.d�Se�en� �Seven and ' g p <br /> y Ergh� Tenths �577.5) <br /> feet�a�he p��nt of beginning. . . - � . . <br /> Together w�th aI1 easemen�s,� appu.rtenances avu�tulg, street� and. al�eys,��imprv�ements, �ui�din s f xtur�s <br /> t e n e rn e n t s,h e r�d�t amen�s e ul men� rents income � � " g ' ' <br /> = q p � ., ,praf�ts and rnyal��es,persanal goods af wha�e�er description <br /> and al1_ other rights and privi�eges xncluduag.a11 mu�.era�s, �i�, �as, u�ater �wh��her grvund�ater, sub�erranean ar <br /> atherw�se},watier rights�whe���er rzparian, apprapr�ate or otherwise,and whether ar not appurtenan��o�he abave- <br /> described reaI property�, w�lls, v�e�l peY-mxts, dit�hes, ditch rxgh�s, reservoirs, reserva�r ri h�s, reservo�ir si�es <br /> s�nrage righ�s, dams and v�a��r stock fhat ma� n�w, �r a� an �ime a�n. the�fu � � ? <br /> y, . �ur�, be �ocated �n andl�r used �n <br /> connect�on �ith �he above-described. rea� praper�y, payrnent awards, a�noun�:s re�e�ved frvm emit�.en� domain <br /> amaut�ts received fram an�and al�insurance payments,and tiznber whi�h may now or Iater be�ocated,si�ua�ed,�or <br /> aff"�xed fln and used Yn connec�ion�here�r�th�hereina�er ca���d�he"Praperty"�. _ .� � � ' � . <br /> This xs a PUR�HASE M�NEy D�ED�F TRUS�. '� . .. <br /> , ., <br /> �20D4-2�Z4 Campiiance Systems,Inc_Sa56-23EG-20]3L2.]�,I,869 ' <br /> Cvmmer�ia!Constr�ction Security Instrument-DL4007 Page!Qf d - _. . • � <br /> . . w«r►�.� <br /> � � • - � - ' � � . <br /> - , _ . <br />