� ��1 5�5496
<br /> CR�SS ��LLATERALI�ATI��I. �t is the e�pressed inten� af Gran��r to cross caila#erali2e aIl of its
<br /> Indebt�dness and ab�igations �o Lex�der, hawso��er arising and �hensoever incurred, e��ep� any ab�iga�ion
<br /> existing or axising against�he principal dwe�l�ng�f any Gran�or.
<br /> WARRANTI�S. Grantar, f�r itse�f, its heirs, personal represen�at�ves, su�cessors, and assigns, repr�sents,
<br /> vvarrants,co�enan�s and agrees�i�Ii Lender,i�s successors and assigris,as fo��ows:
<br /> Perforrnance of �b�igatians. Grant�r pr�mises �o perform aII terms, c�nd��onsy and cavenanfis of�h�s
<br /> Security Instrurnen�and�Related I��cuments in a�cordance vvi�h the terms contained there�n.
<br /> Defen�e and Ti�le to Pr�per.ty.At the time-uf executian and de��ver�af�his�n.s�rument,�ran�or�s lawfu�ly
<br /> seised vf�he es�a�e hereby c�nveyed and has the e��lusi�e righ�t� m�r��age, grant, c�nvey and assign�he
<br /> Prope�-�y.�ran�or co�enants�hat�he Proper�y xs unencumbered and free�f a�I liens,e�cept for encumbrances
<br /> af record accep�able t�Lender. Further, �rant�r cnvenants�hat�rantor w�11 warrant an.d defend general�y
<br /> � the title to the Property aga�.ns� a11y and aIl �laims and d�rnands whatsoever, sub3ec� t� the easements,
<br /> resirict�ons, ar a�her encu.�nbrance� �f re��rd acceptab�e ta Lender, a� may be �isfed in the schedu�e af
<br /> exceptians ��o coverage in an� ai�stract �f tit�e or t�tie insuran�e policy insuring Lender's in�erest in the
<br /> ' Proper�. �
<br /> �ondit�an of Pr�perty. Gran�flr promises at al�times�o preserve and to main�ain the Proper�y and every
<br /> par�thereof in gaad repair,v�r�rk�ng order, and cvndi�ion and w�l�fium t�me to time, make all needful and
<br /> proper repa�rs s��ha��he�alue af�he Proper�shal�nat in any�vay b�impaired.
<br /> Removal of any par�af the Proper�y. Grantor promises n�t to rerno�e an�part af�he Property from its
<br /> pr�sent location,e�cep�:fflr re��acemen�,ma�ntenance and reloca�ion in�he ordinary cflurse of busines�.
<br /> A�terations to the Property. Grantar promises �o abstain. fram �he com.mission of any wa�te �n �r in
<br /> cannection w��h the Prapert�.Fur�her, Gran�or shall ma�e no mater�a�al�erations,addititins or impr�vements
<br /> �f any type wha�saever�o fihe�Proper�, regardless�of whether such a�teratians:, addi�i�ns �r �mpraveme�ts
<br /> ��uld increase the value of the Proper�, nflr per�ni�an�one�� d� so e��ept.�flr fienant impr��rements and
<br /> completion of�tems pursuan��o appraved plans.and specificat�ons, without Lender's px7i�r v�ri�ten�onsen�,
<br /> vvhich c�nsent may be_wi�hhel�.�by Lender in i�s sole discretion. Gran�ar wzli compiy wi�h alI lavvs and
<br /> r�gulat�ons of a11 publ��authorz�ies having,�urisdicti�n��er�he Pr�per�y including,wi�hou�limitation,those
<br /> re�at�ng t� the use, �ccupancy and mai.n�enance thereaf and shall upon request promptly subrn��to Lender
<br /> e�idence of such Compliance. �
<br /> Due on Sal�-Lender's�ons�n�.Grantar sha11 n�t sel�,further encumber or�ther�tr�se dispose vf,except as
<br /> herein pra�ided, an� ar a1� af its �nterest in any par� �f�r al� �f the Prope��wi�h�ut firs� �btaining the
<br /> vvr�tten �ansent of�Lei�.der. Zf any encumbrance, Iien, transfer�or sale ar agreemen� f�r �hese is created,
<br /> Lender rnay decl�are�.nune�iately due and�payab�e,t1�e entire halance of the Indeb�edne�s. �
<br /> Ynsurance. Grantor pr�mises to keep the Frope�-�v.�sured aga�st su�h risks and�n su�h f�rm as may within
<br /> �he so�e dis�re�ion of Lender be a�ceptal�le, causing Lender-t� �be named as loss pa�ee or �f requested by
<br /> Lender, as m�rtgagee.'The insurance co�npany shal� be chosen b� Grantar sixbjec� �a Lender's appro�ral,
<br /> �vhich shall not�he unreas�nably withheld. A11 insu.rance pa�icies mus� pr��i.de that Lender wi�� get a
<br /> minimu.ln�f 14 days n��ice prior�v can�ella�an.A�Lender's di�cretion,�ran�or may be required to praduce
<br /> receipts�f paxd�remiums and rene�val pfl�icies.�f�rantor fails to ob�a�n�he required eo�erage,Lender may
<br /> d�so a�Grantar's e�pense.Gran�or hereb�d�rects each and every in�urer of the Praperty t�make payment of
<br /> lass ta Lender wif.h�he pr�ceeds�4 be appli�d, an�y at Lender's�ption,fo�he repair and replaeemen�of�1ie
<br /> damage or Ioss�r�a be applied�o the Inde�tedness w�th the surp�u�,if any,��be pa�d by Lender�o Grantflr.
<br /> Payment of Taxes and U�her App�ica�le �harg�s. �ran�or pramises to pay and �o d�s�harge �iens,
<br /> en�umbranc�s,�a�es,assessmen�s,lease paymen�s and any afih�r charges relating t��h�Pr�per�vvhen le�ied
<br /> vr assessed against Grant�r or�he Frflperty. .
<br /> Enviranmenfal Laws and Ha2ardous or To�ic Materials. �ran�or and eUery �enant have been, are
<br /> presen�ly and shail c�n��nue to be in s�rict c�mpliance v�ifh any applicable 1Qca�, s�ate and federal
<br /> environmenta�laws and regu�ations.Further;nei�her Grantvr nar any tenant shal�manufac�iare,s�ore,hand�e,
<br /> , discharge or dispose of hazardous or�flxic ma�erials as may be defined by an�s�afe or federal law an the�
<br /> Proper�y, e�cept �o �he exten� the e�istence of sucb ma�er�a�s has been presentl� dis�lased in vvri�ing to
<br /> Lender.Cran�or will immedia�el�n��if�Lender in wri�ing of any assertion ar claim made by an�par�y as ta
<br /> the poss�bl� violati�n �f appl�cable s�ate and federal env�r�nmental �av�s including the Ioca�ion of any
<br /> hazardous ar tnxic materia�s an or a�out#he ProperCy. Gran�or indemnifies and h�lds L�nder harmless fr�m,
<br /> w��haut Iimitatian, any 1}a���ity or expense af whatsoever nature incurred du ectly or�ndirec�ly au�of ar�n
<br /> connec�i�n�rith:�a�any environmen�al�a�s affec�ng all ar any part of�ie Praper�or Grant�r;[b}#he past,
<br /> pr�s�nt �r future existence of an�hazard�us ma�er�a�s in, on, under, about, ur emana�ing fram �r passi.ng
<br /> �hrough the Prop�r�y ar any part �hereaf ar any pr�perty adjacen� �heret�; �c} any past, present or future
<br /> hazardvus activity a�ar in connectian wi�h�he Properfiy�r any par��hereaf; and[d}the n�ncumpliance�y
<br /> Grant�r or Grant�r's failure to�omp�.y fu1ly and�ime�y�ith envi�onmental Iav�rs.
<br /> F�nancia�Informatxan.Gran�or agrees ta supp��Lender such financia�and o�her�nf�rrna�ion concerning its
<br /> affairs and�he s�atus of an�r of�ts assets as Lender, f�om t�me t� tim�, ma}� reasonably request. Grant�r
<br /> further agrees to pe����Lender to ver�fy accounts as weli as �o inspect, copy and t4 e�camine �he baoks,
<br /> re��rds and f��es of Gran��r.
<br /> �2�D�-2�14 Camplit�nGe Syst�ms,Inc.8Q6b-DESS-��13L�.14.1.869
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