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- rn <br /> . . . . . � � � � <br /> � � - . � ' �� �� � �..�.� <br /> R7 � � �� rn� � (7� � <br /> v � . �� � C� Q I"rl IV rn <br /> s � . . - � � �� <br /> �, _ ` , . . . . . , �o � � c� Qo <br /> � � - , .- � _ �� � C �� C3� (� <br /> � � , " �� � � Z — <br /> � � � <br /> a� " . G�� � � D Ca � Cn <br /> � � rn � �� � � <br /> = - rrnn� rn � =c�n � � <br /> _ _, � � <br /> - - � �� �n � � � <br /> � . i . . . - w� r� <br /> — . �a Q .��. ff1 <br /> � - � � . , o o � �y � <br /> . . v I� Uy � <br /> . . . � � <br /> THIS TNSTRUII�ENT PREPARED By: �TE��������T <br /> LJR�T�. <br /> Home Federal Savings&Laan Associa�ivn�f • Home Feder.aI Sav�ngs�Loan Associat�4n vf <br /> Grand�Is�and . � -�rand�sland • <br /> � <br /> 2�1 Sou�h L��ust Street � � - - �21 Sou�h Lacus�Stre�t <br /> GRAND ISLAND,NE�88U1 � �GRAND ISLAND,NE�8�41 � �. <br /> �5pace�1bo�e TIiis i,ine Fvr R�cordii�g Data] ' . � <br /> ,. . <br /> - C��'IMER�ZAL- �EAL ES'�A'TE DEED �F TRTJS.T . � <br /> This C�MMERCIAI,REAL ESTATE DEED QF TRL�ST["Security�ns�rument" zs tnade on- ri . <br /> � �r �y 30, �015 �y <br /> the grantor�s� BZue Harsesh��, �,L�, a Nebras�a L�ln�ted L1abil��y Com�an.y, v�rho�e address is 2644 <br /> Co�tonwood Road, GRAND ISLAN_D,�ebraska 588�1 �"Gran�ar"�. The trustee is�xd R. Baack At�orne <br /> v�hase address zs P. � ' y <br /> D. Box 79�, Grand Is�and, Nebras�a G8SU2 �"Trus�ee"}. The beneficzary is H�me Federa� <br /> Sa��ngs & Loan Associaxion of �rand Is�and whvse address zs �21�Sou�h Lacu�t Stz-ee� Grand Is�and . <br /> �Tebraska 688�1 �"Lender"), �vhxch �s organi�ed and exist�ng w�der �he �aws flf the Uni�ed S�a�es of America. <br /> Grantor in cons�dera�ion af.�oans extended by Lender�up ta a rnaximum pr�ncipal am�un� af Twa Hu�2d r�d <br /> Twenty-four Thflusand and UOIIUD Doliar5 �U.S, $Z�4,04U.U0� �"Maxi�num Pri2�cYpa1 �ndeb�edness" and for <br /> other va�uable c�nsiderati�n; t��e recei t ❑f�hrch �s ackno � �� <br /> p �vledged, xrrevocab�y gran�s, �tinveys and assYgns �� <br /> Trus�ee, �n#rust, wi�h p�vver af sa�e, �he fol�ow�.ng described ra er iocat�d in the <br /> Nebr�.ska: <br /> P P �Y C�unty ❑f HaZI, State o� <br /> Address:3U31 Id a h o A�en u�,GRAND ISLA�D,Nebrasl�a 6SSU3 � � � <br /> Legai Descrip��vn:L�ts 5&�6,Ross kIeigh�s Fvut�h Subd�v�sion,Grand IsIand;HaII�vunt Nebras��a <br /> y? . <br /> Toge�her wxth a�I easemen�s, appur�enan�es abutting s#�eets and al�e s, im rovemen�s �buildin <br /> - Y p , gs, f xtux es, <br /> tenemen�s,heredxtaments, equipmen�,re�xts, u3corne,prnf�s and royaxties, personal goads af whatever descri �ian <br /> and ali o�her ri ts and r��ile es zn�ludZn aI� �ninera�s o�x � p <br /> � � g �, , , gas, vt�a�er �vvhe�lxer g�•flundwa�er, sub�erranean or <br /> other�ise�, �ater righ�s�wh�ther riparza��, apprQpriate or fltl�en��se, and�hether or no�a ur�enan��a�he abv�re- <br /> c�escr�bed real ra er , p � pP <br /> p p �y}, vvel�s �ve�� ermits ditches;�d�tich �-igh�s, reser�a�rs, reserv�xr rzgh�s, reser��ir sxtes, <br /> starage r�ghts, dams and vva�er stock �hat may novv, or at any �zme in the fufiL�re, be 1oca�ed on andlar used in <br /> connect��n wx�h �he above-described. reat proper�y, p�.ymen� awards, amoun�s��recei�ed fro�.n e�n�ne�i� damain <br /> amounts recext�ed_from an�and a�l uasurance paymen�s,and�un�er v�rhich may n��v�r la�er be loca�ed,situa�ed,or <br /> aff xed an and used in c�ru��ct�on�herewith�herelnafter ca��ed the"Prflperty"}. . . . <br /> This is a PURCHASE M�NEY DEED�F Tkti]ST. � ' ' � . <br /> RELATED D�CiTMENT�'. The w�r-ds "Re�ated DoGuments" mean al� romiss�r� n . � <br /> p y ��es, secur�ty ag�eements, <br /> pr��r martgages, priar d�eds of trust, pr�flr deeds �o secure debt, �usiness I�an agreemen�s, cons�ruc��on �oat� <br /> agreements, resv�u�xons, guaran��es, envzrozxxnentai agr�ements, subardinatian agreelnen�s,�assignments of Ieases <br /> and ren�s and any ather d�cum�n�s or agreem�nts execu��d �n conn��tivn.��th this Irideb�edness and Securi <br /> �ris�rument,whether naw�r hereafter�xis�in ,.i.n�iudin an madif�ca�Yon - � <br /> g g y , s,extens�ons,subs�i�u�xflns or renev�a�s af <br /> any af the f�reg�ing. The ReXated Documen�s are hereby made a pa�-� af t��z�s Secur� �znstru�nen� b reference <br /> � y <br /> �here�a,vvi�h the same far�e and effect as�f fully se�f�r�h herein. , �� .- .� . � � <br /> . .� . . . . <br /> , .. <br /> 1NDEBTEDNESS.,This Security Ins�rumsn�secures the pr�nc�pal a�noun�sho�n�abo�e�as ma be evidence <br /> . y . d by a <br /> pram�ssary nate or notes of e�en, px-iar or subseque��t date hex•eto, including fi,�ture ad�ances and ��er� o�her <br /> r.ndehtedness of any and e�iery k�nd now ar ��.ereafter owing fram�B�ue.�I-�o�-seshoe, LLC ta Home Federa� <br /> Savings & Loan Assacia�ion af.Grand Is�and, hav�soever created or arisin , whether� rirna seconda� <br /> . � p , ry, yor <br /> c�ntuagent, tflgetlier �ith any �nterest or �harges provided in �r arising aut uf such indeb�edness, as wel� as �I1e <br /> agreernen�s and covenan�s�f� Se�urity Insfit-ument and a�I Re�a�ed Documen�s�lere�nafter aI�referred�o as�he <br /> "�ndebtednes s"�. . <br /> FUTUl�E ADVANCES.Ta the ex�en�p�x�ni�ted by law,this�S�curity�nsri-ument v�il�seeure fu�u�.•e advan�es as�f <br /> such ad�ances vvere made on,the da�e�f th�.s Security�nstxumen�regardless af the.fac�tha�fro�n tim��a��me there <br /> rnay be na ba�ance due under the n���and regardless�f vvhether Lender is obl�gated to make such fu�ure ad�ances. <br /> - � . ; � - <br /> �2�04-2U 14 Cvmpiiance 5y5tems,Inc.806G-DE55-2Q 13L2.1 Q.I,8G9 - � -� <br /> Commercial ReaE Estate Security Inslrument-DI,�d07 : Pa�e]❑f 5 www.c�rr2pliancesys[ <br /> . . • . <br />