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��15�5411 <br /> sen�ence� shall not apply �a the presen�e, us�, �r s���-age an the Proper�y af sma1�quanti�ies of�azardaus <br /> Substances that are genera��y recogni2ed to be appr�priate to narmal r�s�dent�a�uses and�o maintenance of <br /> �h�Praper�y��n�lllding, but no�lirrllted to, hazardaus sub�tar�ces in consumer pradu��s). <br /> Borra�ver shall pramptly give Lender wri��en nflti�e of�a�any inve�t�ga��on, cla�m,, demand, �awsu�t ar�ther <br /> action by any ga�ernmental ar regulatary agency ar private par��r invn��ing the Property and any Ha.2ardous <br /> Su�s��n�e❑r En�ironmen�al Law af which Borrower has actual kna�v�edge, �h�any Environmenta� <br /> Condition, includ�ng but not limited�o, any spilling, leak�ng, discharge, release�r threat of relea�e�f any <br /> Haza�daus 5ubstance, and��}an�condi�ion caused b��he pres�nce, us�or release of a Hazardaus Substance <br /> which advers�ly aff�cts the vaiue of�he F�-oper�y. �f Borrawer learns, or�s notifi�d by an�governmental ar <br /> reguia��ry au�horit�, or any priva�e par�y, that any rerno�a�ar o�her remedza�ion of any Haza�dous Substan�e <br /> affecting the Proper�y is ne��ssary, Barrower shal�pr�rnpt�y�ak�a��nec�ssary remedial actians�n <br /> accordance w�th Enviranmentai Law. �I�thing h�re�n shall creat�any abl�gat�on on L�nder for an <br /> Enviranmental�Ieanup. <br /> Non-llnifnrm Ca►renants. Borr��ver and Lender c���nant and agree as fol�ows: <br /> Z�. Accel�ra�ivn; Remed�es. Lender sha�l give nvtic��o Borrower pr�ar tv acceiera�ion fal�owing <br /> �3arrower's breach of any c��enant or agreement in this Security Ins�rument �bu�not prior�o <br /> acc�Iera�iun und�r Sectian 18 unless App��cab�e Law provide�otherw�se�. The noti�c�shail specif�; ��} <br /> �he defaul�; �b} th�a�tion requ�red t�cure th�defau�t; �c} a date,n�t�ess�han 3D days from�h�date <br /> the not�ce�s g�ven�o Borrvwer, by which�he d�fau��mus�be cure�l; and(�} that fa��ure�o�ure�h� <br /> defau��an ar beFore the da�e specified in�he no�ic�may resul�in acc�iera�ion of the sums secured�y <br /> �his S�curi�y In��rument and sa�e of the Property. The no����shal�further�nform Barrower of the <br /> righ�to reinstate af�er ac�e�era��on and the right to�r�ng a court ac��on�o a5sert the n�n-exis�enc�of a <br /> defaui��r any other defense❑f Borrvwer�o acceleratian and sale, IE the default is not cured on vr <br /> befare�he dat�specified in the natice,Lender a�its ap�ion may require immedia�e payment in fu��of <br /> a��sums secured by thi�Securi�y Ins�rumen�wi�h�ut further demand and may invoke�he power of sa�e <br /> and any o�her re�ned�es permitted by Applicahl�Law.Ler�der shall be�n��t�ed tv col�ec�alI expenses <br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies pravided in�his Sec�ion 22, including, bu�not Iimi�ed to,rea�onable <br /> attorneys' fees and�asts�f tit�e e��dence. <br /> If�he po�v�r oF sa�e i�in�oked,Trus�ee shall r��ord a notice Qf default in each county in which any <br /> part of�he Praperty�s�ocated and shall rnaii cap�es af such natice in the mar�ner prescr�bed by <br /> Applica�le Law to Borrower and to the other p�rsons pres�ribed�y Applicab�e Law. After�he t�me <br /> requir�d by Applicabie I�aw, Trustee sha��give pub��c not�.ce af sale�o the pers�ns and�n�he manner <br /> prQscribed by App��cable Law. Trus�ee, wi�hou� demand an Borrower, sha�l sell the Proper�y a�pub��c <br /> auc��on�o the h�ghes�bidd�r at the�ime and p�ace and under�h��erms designa�ed in�he no�ice of 5a�e <br /> in on�ar rnore parce��and�n any order TrusteQ determ�nes.Trus�ee may p�s��ane 5a�e of all or an� <br /> parce�of�he Praperty by pub��c annauncemen�a��he t�m,e and p�ace of any previau���scheduled�ale. <br /> Lender or i�s designee may purchase�he Property a�any�a�e. <br /> Upon receip�nf paynr�.ent of the price hid, Trust�e shali d�li�er t❑the�urchas�r Trus���'s d�ed <br /> can�eying the Proper�y.The re�i�als�n�he Truste�'�deed sha��be prima fac�e ev�d�nce of�he�ru�h af <br /> the s�a�emen�s made�here�n. Trustee shall apply the pr�ceed�af th�sale in the fnl�awing ord�r: �a� �o <br /> aI�cos�s and expenses of exerc�sing�he power oF sale, and the saie, inc�uding the payment of�he <br /> Trus#e�'s fQes actua�iy in�urred and reasonable at�arneys' fees as permit�ed by App�icable Law; �b� �v <br /> a��suxns secur��by th�s Securi�y Ins�rumen�; and��}any excess ta the person vr persons legaiiy <br /> en�it�ed to�t. <br /> NE�RASKA-Si�gle�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNf��RM INSTF�LIMENT Farm 3D28 llp� <br /> VMP� VMP6RN�]413�2} <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Page 14 vf�7 <br />
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