<br /> in the Pr��er�y and r��h�s under�h�s Securi�y Ins�rument; and�d��akes such action as Lender ma�
<br /> reas�nably require to assure that Lender's interest in��e Property and rights under this Securi�y Instru�nent,
<br /> and Borrov�er's abliga�ion to pa�the sums secured b�this Secu�ity�ns�rum�nt, shall cont�nue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may r�qu�re that Borrawer pay such re�nstatemen�sums and expense� in one or m�re of�he follaw�ng
<br /> farms, as selected�y Lender: �a}cash; �b}mon��order; ��}�er��fied check, bar�k che�k, tr�asur�r's check or
<br /> cash�er's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institutian whose depos�ts are�nsured by a
<br /> fed�ral agency, instrurnentali�y or�ntity; or�d} E�ectranic Funds Transfer, Upon reinsta�em�nt by Borrovver,
<br /> this Se�Urity�nstrumen�a��d obl�ga�ions s�cured here��shaii remain fu�ly effec�ive as if n� accelera�ion had
<br /> occurred. Howe�e�, this righ�to reinsta�e sha11 nat app�y in the ca�e af acce�eration under Sec�i�n 18,
<br /> ��. Sale vf Note; �hange vf Loan SerWicerr Notice af Grievance. Th����e or a par�ia�znterest in the
<br /> Note�together with th�s Se�ur�ty�nstrument}car�be soid one�r more tirnes withou�priar no�ic�to
<br /> Borrav�er. A�a�e might resul�in a change in the en�it��known as�he "Laa�1 Servicer"}that��ile�cts Period�c
<br /> Payments due under th�No��and this S�curi�y �nstrurnent and performs other martgage loan ser��cing
<br /> ob�igat��ns under the N�te, �hxs Securi��Instrument, and Appx��ab�e Lavv. There also might be one or more
<br /> changes of the Loan�ervicer unrela�ed�o a sale af�he N�te. If ther��s a change�f�he Loan Servic�r,
<br /> Borrower vv�ii be gi�en wri�t�n not��e of the chan�e wh�ch wiil sta��the name and address of�h.e new Loan
<br /> Servicer, the address to v�hich paymen�s shou�d be made and an�ather informa�ian RESPA r�quires in
<br /> connection with a noti�e of�ransfer af��rvicing. �f the No�e is so�d and thereaf�er�he L.oan i5 serviced by a
<br /> Loan Serv�cer other�han the purchaser af�h�Na�e, the mor�gage loan servic�ng ab�igations��Borrower����
<br /> rernain w�th�he Loan SerWicer�r be transferred�� a successor Loan Ser�icer and are nat assumed by�he
<br /> I�ate purchaser un�ess othen�r�se provided by�he N�te pur�haser.
<br /> Neither B�rrovaer nor Lender ma�r commence,�oin, or be jained�o any�udic�al actxfln�as either an
<br /> indiWidual lit�gant Qr�he member af a class}that ar�ses from the ath�r part�'� a�t�ons pu�rsuant t�this
<br /> Security�nstrumen�or that al�eges that the o�her part�has breached any pravision of, or any duty ovved by
<br /> reason of, this Securit��ns�rumen�, unt�� such Borrov�er or L,end�r has na�ified the other party�with such
<br /> n�tice�i�en�n cnmpliance w��h�h�requirem�n�s of S�c�ion 15}af su�h a��eged breach and aff�rded the
<br /> o�her par�y heret�a reasonable period after�he giving af such notice to�ake carr���ive action. �f AppxiGab�e
<br /> Lavv proWides a t�me per�od v�rhich mus�elapsc�efore cer�a�n ac��on can b��aken, �hat t�me period w�ll be
<br /> deemed to be reasonable for purpa�es of�his paragraph. The notice of acce�eration and o�por�unity ta cure
<br /> gi�en ta Barrower pursuan�to Sec�ion 22 and the nati��of a��elerati�n given t�Borrower�ursuant ta
<br /> Sec�ion I8 shall be deemed ta sa�xsfy the notice and oppor�unit��o take�orr�et��re a��ion pra�risions�f this
<br /> Sec�ion�Q.
<br /> �'I. Hazardaus Suhstances. As us�d�n�his Sectian�1: �a} "Ha�ardous Substa�ces"a�e th�se substances
<br /> def�ned�s taxi�or ha7ardous substaPces, pallutants, or was�es by Envir�nrnenta� Law and the follow�ng
<br /> substanc�s: gasol�ne, k�rosene, o��er flarnmable ar toxi�pe�a�o�eum pr�ducts, t�xic pes�icides and her�i�ides,
<br /> vo�ati�e sa�ven�s, materia�s containing asbes�os�r f�rrnaldeh�de, ar�d radiaa�;�ive materia�s; �b}
<br /> "Enviroy�jnental LQ�v"means federal laws and laws of the jur�sdietion where the Proper�y�s l�cated that
<br /> rela�e�o h�a�th, safety�r en�iranrnental prote�t�on; �c} "Ln�irat��r�ental Cleajzu�" inciudes an�respanse
<br /> actzan, rem�diai action, or remova�actiion, as d�fined in En�rironrnen�al Law; and �d} an "Envirof�jrtert�ar
<br /> C'nt�drtior�"mean�a c�ndi�ion that�an�ause, ��ntribute t�, flr othervvise tr�gger an Environm�nta� C�eanu�.
<br /> Borrower s��a��not cause ar pernu�the presence, us�, d�sposal, storage, �r re�ease of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances, or�hreaten t� releas�any �a.�ardous Substances, an�r in�he Praperty. Borrower shai�n��do,
<br /> n�r a���w anyone�lse ta d�, an��hi��g affec����g the Praperty�a�tha�is �n v�o�ation of any En�ir�nmen�al
<br /> Law, �b�which creates an Env�r�nrn�ntal�ondition, ar�c}which, due t��he presence, use, ar release of a
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, crea�es a condi�ion that adversely aff��ts�h��a�ue of�he Property. The preceding two
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM lNSTRUMENT Farm 3�2$�1�1
<br /> VM�(� VMPSSNEf��3�2}
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financia!Ser�fces Page 13 of 17
<br />