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Z�15�5355 <br /> ►���I�hll�[ENT �F �EIVT� <br /> ���nf�r�u�d} Page 3 <br /> exis�ence as a gving business ar the death vf any rnember,the�nsalvency af Borrawer a�Grantar,tne appointrnent <br /> of a receiver f�r any part af Borrower's vr Grantar's properky,any ass�gnment for th�benefit of c�-editars,any type <br /> af credit�r workau#, ar the �arnmencement ❑f any proceeding under any bankruptcy ❑r insolv�ncy laws by or <br /> agains�Barrawer ar Gran�or_ <br /> Credit�r ❑r Farfeitur� Prviceedings, �vmmen�emenl oF for��lasure �r forfeiture pr�ce�dings, whether by judicial <br /> proceeding, selfi-heIp, repassessian vr any a#her method, by any creditor tif Barrower or Grantar ar by any <br /> go�ernmental agency against the Rents❑r any praperty ss�uring the [ndebtedness. This inciudes a garnishrnent of <br /> any a�Barrawer's vr Gran�ar's a�counts, inciuding deposit ac�ounts,with Lender_ Howe�er,this E�ent of❑efaul� <br /> shall nof apply if there �s a gaad faith dispute by Barrawer or Grantar as ta �he�alidity ❑r�easvnableness of the <br /> ��airn whiGh is the bas�s of the �reditor ar farFeiture proceeding and if g�r�ower ar Grantor gi�es Lender written <br /> notice af#he creditor o�-farFeitu�-�praceeding and deposits with Lender monies or a surety bond far the creditar vr <br /> forfeiture pra�eeding, in an amvun�determined by Lender, in i#s safe dis�re�ian, as being an adequate reserve vr <br /> bond�Ftir the dispu�e. <br /> Property Damage ar Lvss. The Property is last,s�olen,subs#antially damaged,sold, or horrowed against. <br /> Events Affecfing Guarantor. Any vf�he preceding e�ents�ccurs wi�h respe�t to any guarantar, endorser, surety, <br /> or a��ommodat�on party of any af the Indeb#edness or�ny guarantar, endarser, surety, or acc�rnmadation pa�ty <br /> dies vr hec�mes in�ompeten#, ❑r t�e�okes or dispu�es �he �alidity of, or liability under, any Guaranty o� #he <br /> [ndebtedness. <br /> Adverse Change. A material ad�erse change occurs in Gran�or's fi nancial condition, or Lende� bel ie�es the <br /> p�o�pect of paymen�or performanoe�f the fndebfiedness is impaired. <br /> Insecurity. Lender in govd faith believes ifsei�inse�ure. <br /> RIGHTS AN D REIVIEI�IES�N DEFAULT, Upon the❑ccurrence of any E�ent Q�❑efau��and at any tim�thereafter, L�nder <br /> rnay exercise any❑ne�r mare❑f the following r�gh�s and rernedies, in addit�on ta any other righ�s❑r remed�es prv��ded <br /> by law: <br /> A�ce[erafe indebtedness. Lender shall ha�e the right at its aptian to deciare the entire Indebtedness immediately <br /> du�and payahle, including any prepayment pena�ty�hat Borrower wou�d be required to pay. <br /> Colle�'� Rent�. Lender shall ha�e the right, withvut noti�e t❑ Bvrrower ❑r Grantor, ta take possessian vf the <br /> Pr�perty and co��ect the Rents, including arnoun�s pas� due and unpaid, and app�y the net praceeds, o�er and <br /> abo�� Lender's costs, agains� the Indebtedness. In furtherance of this right, Lende�- shail have a[I th� rights <br /> pro�ided for in the Lender's Right fia Recei�e and Gollect Ren�s Sec�i�n, aba�e. If the Rents are co�lected hy <br /> Lender,�hen Grantor irre�ocabiy designates Lender as Grantor's attorney-in-fact ta end�rse instruments receiv�d in <br /> payment thereaf in the name aF Grantor and#a negotiate the same and�o��ect the praceeds, Payrnen�s by tenants <br /> o� other users to Lender in response tn Lender's demand shall satisfy the ob�igations for wh�ch the payments are <br /> made, whether or nnt any proper graunds �or the demand existed. Lender may exercise �ts rights under this <br /> subparagraph either in person, by agent,or through a recei�er. <br /> �ther Remedies. Lender shal� have a!I other rights and remedies provided in this Assignrnent or the Nake ❑r by <br /> (aw. <br /> El�ction of Rernedies. Ele�tian by Lender ta pursu�any remedy shall not�x�lud�pursuit of any v�her rem�dy,and <br /> an ele��ion to make exp�nditures or to take action to perfarm an obliga�ian af Grant�r under this Assignmen�,after <br /> Grantor's fa�lure to perform,shall not aff�ct Lender's right ta declare a defau(�and exer�ise its remedies. <br /> A�ttvrneys' Fees; Expenses. �f Lender ins�itutes any suit or ac�ian�o enfarce any o�r�h�terms af this Assignmen�, <br /> Lend��shall be entitled to reco�er such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as at�orneys'fees at�rial and <br /> upan any appeal. 11Vhe�h�r ar nn� any cou rk acti an is in�o��ed, and to �he ext�n� nat proh i bited by l aw, ai l <br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs �hat in Lender's op�ni�n are necessary at any time for the protection of its <br /> interest or#he enforcement of i�s righ�s shall became a part of the[r�debtedness payab�e on demand and shall bear <br /> i nterest at fhe Note rate from the date af fhe expenditure unti I repaid. F�cpenses co�ered by th is para�raph include, <br /> without limitat�on, how�ver subject�o any�im�ts under app�icable law, Lender's attorneys'fees and Lender's legal <br /> expenses, v�rhether or nat there is a lawsuit, induding a�torneys'fees and expenses�Fvr bankruptcy praceedings <br /> �inciuding efforts t❑rnodify or�acate any automatic stay or injunc�ion},appeals,and any anticipated post judgment <br /> callection services,the cost of searching records,abtaining tit�e reports �including fare�lasure repo�ts},surveyars' <br /> reports, and appraisal fees, title insurance, and fees far the Trustee, to the e�en� permitted by applicable law. <br /> Grantor a[sa will pay any court casts,in additian to all other sums proWided by iaw. <br /> ELECTRQN[C C�R1ES. Lender rnay copy, �I�c�r�nically or atherwise, and thereafter de5troy, the orig�nals of this <br /> Agreement andl�r Related Dvcuments �n the r�gular course �� Lender's business, AI[ such capies produced from an <br /> elec�ranic form a�-by any a�her reliabie means �i.e., photographic image or fa�simi�e}shail in all respects be considered <br /> equ��alent to an origina[,and Barrower hereby waiv�s any rights vr ob�ections to fhe use of such capies. <br /> MISCELLANEaUS PR�V15EaN5. The following misc�flaneaus pr��isions are a part of this Assignment: <br /> Amendmen�s. This Assignmen�, together with any Rela�ed D�cuments, consti�u�es the entire understanding and <br /> agreemen#of the parkies as to the rnatters set farth in this Assignment. No a��eratiQn of or am�ndrnent�a this <br /> Assignrnent shall be effec�iWe unless given �n w�-�ting and signed by the party ar parties svught�o be charged or <br /> baund by the alteration vr amen�ment. <br /> Cap�ion Headings. Caption headings in this Assignment a�e fvr convenience purpases an[y and are nat ta be us�d <br /> t❑ interpre#❑r def ne the pro�isians❑'F this Assignment. <br /> Gov�rning Law. This Assignment wi[� be go�erned by federal law ap�licable tv Lender and, t� the exfent nvt <br /> preempted by federal law,�he laws o�th�Sta#e of Nebraska without regard to its cvnfCict�n�!aw pra�isivns. This <br /> Assignment has h��n accepted by Lender�n the State of Neb�aska. <br /> Chvi�e of Venue. lf there is a�awsuit, Gran�ar agrees upon Lender`s request�o submi�to the�urisdic��on of the <br /> �ou rts af Hal l Cou nty,Sta�e of Nebraska. <br /> Joint and 5e�eral Liabil�ty. All vbliga�ians of g�rrower and Gran�or under this Assignment shall be join� and <br /> s��eral,and a(I references ta Grantor shall rnean each and e�ery Grantor,and ail refer�nces to gorrower shall mean <br /> each and every gor�'vwer. This means that each Grantvr signing kaelow is �-esponsible for all obligatians in �his <br /> Assignment. Where any vne or more af the parties is a oorpor�ation,partnership, limited liability company vr similar <br /> entity, it is no�necessary for Lender#a inquire into the pawers af any af th�officers,directors, pa�tners, memb�rs, <br /> or other agents ac�ing vr purparting t❑ act❑n the en�ity's behalf, and any obligations made or created in reliance <br /> upon the prafessed�xerc�se af such powers shall be guaranteed under�his Assignment. <br /> Merger. There sha![ be no merger Qf the �n��rest ❑r esta#e created by this assignment wi#h any other interest or <br /> estate in�he Property at any tirne held by or fiar the henefit of Lender in any capacity,withvut the written consent <br /> of Lender. <br /> lnterpretation. ��} ln all cases where there is mvre than one 6arrawer or Grantr�r, �h�n all words used in this <br /> Assignment in�he singular shall be d��med�o ha�e heen used in�he plural where the con�ext and�onstruction so <br /> require. ��} �f mone�han❑ne person signs this Assignment as"Grantar,"the ob�igations of each Grant�r ar�joint <br />