<br /> �45�IG[VMENT �F REIVT�
<br /> ��ont�nu��} Page z
<br /> �wnership. Grankvr is entitl�d �n r��eive the Rents free and clear of ajl rights, �oans, liens, encumbrances, and
<br /> ciairns except as disclosed ta and accepted by Lender in writing.
<br /> Right�o Assign. �rantor has#he full righ#, pav+�er and authority ta enter inta this Ass�gnment and ta assign and
<br /> con�ey the Rents�o Lender.
<br /> Nv Privr Assignmen�. Gran�ar has no� pre�iously assi�ned or �an�eyed the Rents ta any ath�r person by any
<br /> instrument naw in�orce.
<br /> Nv Fur�her Transfer. Grantar will na�se[I,assign,en�umb�r, ar atherw�s� dispase of any o�Grantor`s rights in�he
<br /> Ren�s except as pro�ided in this Assignrn�n�.
<br /> LENDER'S R1GHT TD RECEIVE AND ��LLECT RENTS. Lender shall ha�e the righ� at any�ime, and even thvugh no
<br /> defaui#shall ha�e occurred under th�s Assignment, to collect and recei�e the Ren�s. For th�s purpose, Lender is hereby
<br /> gi�en and granted the�olla�rving righ�s, powers and auth�rity:
<br /> Notice t❑ Tenan�s. Lender may send no#i�es �v any and alf tenanfs af '�he Prope�ty ad�ising them of this
<br /> Assignment and directing aIl Rents to he paid directly to Lender or Lender's agent.
<br /> Enter the Prnperty. Lender may enter upon and tak� possession afi th�Proper�y; demand, c�i�ect and rec�i�e from
<br /> �he tenants or from any other persans 1iak�le therefar, all of the Ren�s; institute and carry on alf lega! pro�eedings
<br /> necessa�-y for the protection af the Prvperty, including such proceedings as may be necessary ta re�o�er
<br /> poss�Ssion of the Property;Goiiect the Rents and rem��e any tenant❑r tenants ar other persor�s from�he Praperty.
<br /> Maintain the Property. Lender may enter upon�he Property ta maintain the Prvperfy and keep the same in repair;
<br /> to pay the costs ther�of and of all senrices o�aIl emp�oyees, including their equiprnent,and af all continuing cos�s
<br /> and expenses❑f maintaining#he Property in praper repa�r and condition, and a�s❑to pay all taxes,assessments and
<br /> water utilities,and the premiums on�ire and o�her insurance�ff�Cted by L�nder vn�he Prope�fy.
<br /> Gomp[�ance with Laws. L�nder may da any and all things to execute and c�mply wi�h the laws af the State of
<br /> Nebraska and ais❑ ail other �aws, rules, orders, ordinances and requirements of a!I �ther go�rernmental agencies
<br /> affecting the Property.
<br /> Lease the Prnperty. Lender may rent ar lease the whole or any parf af the Prop�rty for such term ❑r terms and on
<br /> such cvnditions as Lender may deem appropria�e.
<br /> EmpEay Agents. Lender may engage such agent or agents as Lender may deem apprapriate, eifher in Lender's
<br /> nam�or in Grantor's name,ta rent and manage the Praperty,inc�uding the collection and application of Rents.
<br /> �ther Acfs. Lender may do ail such ather things and acts wi�h respec� to �he Proper�y as Lender may deem
<br /> apprapria�e and rnay act exc�usively and sol�ly in the place and stead ofi Grant�r and to have al�of�he pawers nt
<br /> Grantar for the purposes s�ated abvv�.
<br /> No R�qu�rement to Act. Lender sha![ not be �equired �o do any of the f�r�ga�ng acts or things, and the fact�hat
<br /> Lender shall ha�e p�rformed one or more of the foregoing acts or th�ngs shall naf require Lender�❑ da any other
<br /> specific ac�ar thing.
<br /> APPLlCAT[ON DF RENTS. All costs and expenses incurred by Lender in cvnneG�ian with �he Praperty shall be �or
<br /> Gran�or's account and Lender may pay such costs and expenses fr�m the Rents. Lender, in its sole discr��ion, shall
<br /> d��ermine the application of any and all Rents recei�ed by it; haweWer, any such Rents recei�ed by Lender which are
<br /> not applied to such costs and expenses shall be applied�v the lndeb#edness_ All expenditures rnade by Lender under
<br /> �h is Assignrnent an�i nvt rei mbursed from the Rents shaf f b�com� a par� of the f ndebfedness se�ured by this
<br /> Assignmen�,and sha��be payabf�on demand,with interest at the Nv�e rate fram date�f expenditure until paid.
<br /> FULL P�RFDRl�ANCE. �f Grantor pays all o��he �ndebtedness when due and atherwise perfvrms a!I �he obligafions
<br /> imposed upan Gr�ntor under�his Assignment,the Note,and fhe Re�ated Documents,Lender shaEl execu�e and deli�er ta
<br /> Grantor a suitahEe satisfaction of thi�Assignment and suitable statemen#s af termination a�any financing sta�ement vn
<br /> file e�idencing Lenders secur��y�nterest in the Rents and�he P�operty. Any termination fee required by law�hafi be
<br /> paid by�rantvr, if permitted by applicable Iaw.
<br /> LENDER`S E�CPENI]�TURES. If any a�tion or proceeding is commenced�hat would materially affect Lende�'s interest in
<br /> �h�Praper-fy ar i�Grantar fails to c�mply with any prvvis�on af�his Assignmen�or any Related Docurnen�s,inciuding but
<br /> na#limited to Grantvr's faiiure t�dis�harge or pay when due any amounts Grantor is required to disd-iarge or pay under
<br /> this Assignmen� ❑r any Re�ated Documents, Lender on Grantor's hehaif may �bu� shall not be obligated ta}take any
<br /> activn that Lender deems appropria�e, includinc� but not lirni�ed �o discharging or paying a�l taxes, liens, se�urity
<br /> interests,encumbrances and��her claims,a�any#im�le�ied or p�aced an the Rents vr the Praper-ty and paying al[costs
<br /> for insuring, maintainin� and preserving the Property. Ai� such expenditures incurred or paid by Lender for such
<br /> purposes�rvil�#hen bear interest at th�ra�e charg�d under the h[ote fram the date incurred ar�aid by Lender to the date
<br /> ❑f repayment by Gran��r. All such expenses will become a part of�he lndehtedness and, at L�nde�'s option, will [A}
<br /> be payable on demand; �6} be added�o the balanoe of�he Na#e and be apportianed amang and be payable wifh any
<br /> instalimenf payments �o became due during either {'I} the term of any applicable �nsurance pof i�y; or �2} the
<br /> remaining term of the Nate; ar �C} be treated as a baflaon payment which will be due and payable a� �he I�ote's
<br /> maturity. The Assignment also wil!secure payment❑f�hese amounts. Such right sha�l be in addition to al�other�ight�
<br /> and rernedies to which Lender may be entitled upon Default.
<br /> ❑EFAL]LT. Each❑f�he follawing, at Lender's op�ion,shall cons�itute an EWent❑f Default under�his Assignrnen�:
<br /> Payment❑efault. Borrower fails ta make any payment when due under�he fndebtedness.
<br /> ��her Defautts. Barrower vr�rantor fails to camply with or to perforrn any other terrn, ❑bligation, cv�enan�ar
<br /> candition cantained in this Assignment vr in any af the Refa�ed Do�umen�s or�v �vmply with or to perfarm any
<br /> terrn,abligativn,c��enant or c�nditi�n�an�ained in any o�her agreemen�between Lender and Borrower or�ran�or_
<br /> ❑efaulf on Dther Payments. FaiIure of Granfor within the time required by this Assignment t� make any payment
<br /> for taxes ar in$urance,or any other payment necessary#a prevent filing of❑r to effect discharge of any lien.
<br /> Default in Favvr a� �hird Par�ies. Borrower or Grantor defaul�s under any laan, ex�ens�on ❑f �redi�r SECU�'1�}� '
<br /> agreement, purchase❑r sa�es agreement,❑r any other agreement, in fa�or vf any other creditor or persan that rnay
<br /> rnateriafly af�e��any c�f Borrov►rer's or Grant�r's properry or abiIity to pertarm their respecti�e vbligations under this
<br /> Assignment or any vf�he Related❑o�uments.
<br /> False Statemen�s. Any warran�y, representation vr statement made vr furnished#o �.ender by Barrower or Grantor
<br /> or an B�rr�wer`s vr Grantar's behalf under�his Assignrnen�o��he Related Documents is false or misf�ading in any
<br /> ma�erial respect, ei�h�r naw ar a� the time made Qr furnish�d ar becomes �a1se or rnisleading at �ny time
<br /> thereaf�er.
<br /> D�fe�ti�e Collaterali�ation. This Assignment❑r any of�he Related Documents ceases to be in fuli for��and effec�
<br /> �in�lud�ng fail�re o�any callateral document to create a�alid and perFec�ed security int�rest ar iien}at any�ime and
<br /> �or any reason.
<br /> Dea�h vr Insvi�en�y. The diss�luti�n of Gra�tar's �regardless ❑f whether elec�ion to continue is mad�}, any
<br /> member withdrav�rs �rom the iimited liability company, or an}� other termination of Borrower's or Grantor's
<br />